Estradiol, Menopause, Tamoxifen, Breast Cancer (Top voted first)


I had lost my Uterus at 42 and kept my Ovaries with the idea that I would ease into Menopause. This was not a good plan. My Ovaries figured out that they were the only players on the board and within 12 months, I went into Menopause. After a year of horrible hot flashes and feeling terrible, an OB-GYN doc that I met at a conference told me told about Estradiol cream. He suggested that I go on it but would be able to adjust for the severity of symptoms. Mostly it was true. I did not use a full dose on most days and it did stop the symptoms. But what it also did or may have done was cause two pre-cancerous diseases in my Breasts: LCIS and Atypical Ductal Hyperplaisia. Suddenly I was on Tamoxifen and off the Estradiol literally on the same day. I cannot say for sure that the Estradiol was the cause, but if I could do it again, I would not have used it. Rather, I would have gone down the path of holistic treatments. At least I would try them first.

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I'm dad to hear this happened to you. I had early menopause and developed osteoporosis. Only the hormones slowed bone loss.
I come from a family with manymembers developing cancers. So, I fear that I may one day be told what you have been told.
It's like being between a hard place and a rock. Damned if you do and damned, if you don't.
I wish you the best in your treatment and recovery. I do believe find a really caring and good doc, is critical. To your health!

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Re: Cln (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Cln. I too wish you good health and happiness.

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Re: Cln (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am presently weaning off Mimvy (oral) and Estradiol.
I use the cream once a week down from 2-3 x's a week.
I have been on them for 5 years so I HAVE to go off them now.
I have dense breast tissue so I need mammogram and ultrasound now.
I have noticed the 1 night I use the estradiol cream, I get the worst NIGHT SWEATS, just that night even though I am down to 1 X a week.
If I do not use the cream at all, It BURNS.
Menopause sucks.

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While it is impossible to say with any certainty that it may, or may not have caused your precancerous issues, hormone replacement therapies, such as Estradiol, have been known to increase one's cancer risk.

Regarding the osteoporosis, did they have you try anything else to slow, or arrest your bone loss? There are other medications that can help, such as Boniva.

Rootsgal, the ultrasound usually isn't done, unless they see something suspicious in your mammogram, if there isn't anything that seems off, it usually isn't necessary. I had to have one done, due to breast cysts, and I can assure you it is quick, and painless.

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