Erivedge Forums
Recently active Erivedge forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Erivedge and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I started taking erivedge 4 months ago for metastatic (from arm to armpit). My first ct scan showed a significant decrease in size. 2 months later it was the same size. How could it work so well and then stop? ## Unfortunately, that is the nature of cancer and its treatments, there is never any guarantee that an improvement is going to be permanent, or continuous, according the AMA. A friend of mine recently experienced something very similar with his cancer and treatment. He was doing quite well for awhile, with his tumors becoming smaller, then suddenly the started to grow, again. It might become necessary for you to try other treatment options. What did your doctor say about it?
Is Erivedge classified as chemotherapy? If I lose my hair will it be permanent, even if I stop the medication? ## Hello, Sheilah! How are you? Yes, it is classified as a cancer medication that is used to treat basal cell carcinoma that has spread to other parts of the body. And yes, side effects generally reverse, once the course of treatment is completed. Other possible side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, weight loss, joint pain and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## What can I do about the DEBILITATING muscle cramps????? Some days I can't ewven move without triggering these terrible cramps! ## Drink a lot of water. It has worked for me. ## Drink a lot of water to help with leg cramps. It has worked for me. I originally took...
My son has been taking Erivedge for 4 months. His facial hair, eyebrows re thinning. His hairline is receeding. I have heard some people take this medicine for 6 months and off 6 months. I am afraid if he stays on it full time -- he will loose all of his body hair and I am afraid of what this will do him. I have heard people on Chemotherapy take 5,000mcg Biotin. Has anyone tried this to help counteract the affects of hair loss. Would taking this medicine for 3 months on and 3 months off help to couteract the affects of hair loss while keeping the cancer at bay? ## Hair loss can be a very common side effect of Erivedge, but what you really have to consider is which is worse, the temporary hair loss, or letting the cancer be out of control? Learn more Erivedge details here. As to cycling ...
My MOHS surgeon, my oncologist, my neck surgeon at University Miami School of Medicine Hospital all suggest Erivedge, but are not patients themselves and have limited experience. 78, 40 years of Basal cancers, denial, new nose. Now have bleeder spots on the nose and won't have more surgery. Are Erivedge side effects life style changing? I would like to talk to other patients. {edited for privacy} ## Hello, Jim! How are you? I've not taken it, but I can provide you with information on the side effects, as provided by the FDA. It is most commonly used to treat BCC and its typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, joint pain, muscle spasms, weight loss and decreased sense of taste. Can anyone that's taken it chime in? ...
I have an ever increasing number of BCC's, treated by surgery and PDT. The last one under the eyelid. I have an increasing fear that one will go un noticed and cause death or mutilation. I am being offered a course of Erivedge which appears to have really bad side effects,which, with Gorlin's Syndrome means a lifetime of treatment. I also have Parkinson's, which means a pretty low llifestyle without the addition of Erivedge Any advice? ## Hello, Ferneyberger! How are you doing? I am very sorry about the problem that you're having. The side effects for Erivedge aren't really any different than those for other similar treatment drugs and the most common ones experienced were actually fairly milked and included nausea, diarrhea, muscle spasms, fatigue and hair loss. Whi...
I am almost 3 months into a 12 month plan of Erivedge. I have been really nauseated the last few days. Throwing up and diarrhea. I have had only muscle cramps up until this point. Trying to figure out if its a stomach virus or the medication. Would it take this long for nausea to set in? ## Yes, usually nausea as a side effect of a medication would hit very quickly and not take several months to manifest. Learn more Erivedge details here. Have you checked in with your doctor? Odd things can happen with some medications and how they affect different people, so it's best to have things checked out to be sure.
I am starting a 10 month program for BCC, and I have a physically demanding job, with a lot of traveling involved. Will I still be able to work and travel while taking this medication? ## This contains the active ingredient Vismodegib and it is very new to the market, having only been approved at the end of January of this year. Thus, this type of information isn't available, yet. Learn more Vismodegib details here. This often happens when drugs are new to be approved, because no one has used them under real world conditions, such as working in such a manner. Have you discussed it with your doctor? How severe is your BCC? ## Started with the medication 7th July, and untill now I feel some small differences in my body-balance, but not that much that blocks it me in my daily work. The...