Erectile Dysfunction Caused By Medication


I use the following on a regular basis:
Co-irbewin, half tablet of the 300 mg tablet daily
4 to 6 tabs Lenapain daily (containing codeine)
Xarelto 20 mg daily.
2x 30 mg Legalon daily
20 mg Topzole daily

Can you advise on ED which is getting worse and even Dynafil 100 mg does not help any more? Are any of the above drugs likely to be the cause ?

3 Replies

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Hello, Johan! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem you're experiencing.

My best guess would be the Co-Irbewin, most blood pressure/cardiac medications like this are well known for causing ED, as reported by the U.S. FDA, it's due to the way the act on circulation to help the heart or lower blood pressure. Other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and increased urination.

It might be best to ask your doctor about trying an alternative medication.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Johan, I think the best step is to see your doctor first and let him run a diagnosis in order to give you your alternative prescription other than the ones you are using now. It is also wise to do some research first, look at the reviews online of such medicines before actually taking them so you will be informed of the properties, effectiveness, side effects, etc.

I hope you'll be able to find the best med for you. Good luck!

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Hello Johan, hope you are doing well. I to have a problem with Ed, I'm 46, and before now I had never failed to (preform). Over the last 6-7 months it has progressed to not being able to maintain an erection good enough to do the actual act (penetration). It didn't start all at once, it came on gradually, first noticed a lack of drive, hard to explain, on that, kinda having no interest. Then had trouble, finishing, a few times, lost firmness and had to give him a pep talk to finish. Then few weeks later, boom, it gives the appearance of being erect, but isn't, I think the slang term is (a chubby). Then the next Tim it was ok. But from then on, it's been like this only a few times have I gotten to actually penetrate, but never to the end. I can climax though that parts not effected. I'm a diabetic, type 2 and am on several medications.

Metformin 2 times a day
Tradjenta 1x a day
Glipizide 2 x a day
Lisinopril 1 x a day
Mobic 1 x a day
Amlodipine 1 x a day
Prozac 1 x a day
Pravastatin 1 x a day
And finally Suboxone 1 x a day

Right I know perfect storm for Ed. I've tried Viagra, with some results and Cialis, same thing, they help, but thing is it takes so much foreplay to get rigid enough to penetrate. A lot of times I'm done before I can begin, if you understand what I'm saying. Question being, does anyone know which medicine is hurting me in that situation, or is it a combination of all? I do know that most all of them have Ed as a side effect and that my type 2 is notorious for this too. Help me please, I'm at the end of my rope. What alternatives do I have? I return to my primary care physician soon and need some ideas to suggest or ask about. I have heard of many other Ed medicines from pills and lotions/creams to actually giving myself a shot in my little buddy, ouch. Anybody have any suggestions or ideas, could I have low testosterone? I'm having it checked for at my next appointment. Please help.

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