Epclusa Side Effects
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Hello. I am 16 months post epclusa and feel worse than when I started. I was a server for over 40 years. Full of energy. Then hep c happened. I had epclysa for 12 weeks. Now I am in bed most of the tune from no energy. My ears are ringing. I feel deflated. Anyone else feel like this? My hep c nurse waived off my complaints.

156 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: Kathleen (# 137) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen hope you are OK, iv just got out of hospital with covid they gave me antiviral called paxlovid I think it is banned in U.S ,I havnt heard from you for a while hope your ok

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Medicine helped me feel better sorry your going through this call your doctor and switch over

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Re: Adelaide (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Adelaid,just read your message , I hope you have luck finding a remote job ,what part of the world are you from ,I'm in nth nsw Australia summer is ending its been brutal .I finished epclusa about 5 yrs ago ,my Dr won't listen to anything negative about epclusa ,iv so many problems since doing treatment ,infections nause neuropatic problems can't sleep couple yrs ago diagnosed with asthma copd ( lung problems) I put it down to epclusa ,but no one believes me so looks like I'm just stuck with it I honestly felt better pre treatment ,seems a lot of people are now suffering.anyway hope you improve and find a job.cheers

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Re: Kathleen (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

Hope 2004 is improvement for you .take care hep c mate from down under .don't like the way Trump I's looking omg.

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Re: Lou (# 151) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Lou, Been 18 months post Epclusa for me. I feel like I could die some days. I've had well over $ 50,000 of tests done. Neurologist assured me I don't have MS, my legs and hips hurt so bad and I have imbalance/vertigo. I now take Pregabalin 75mg. Twice a day. Been on it for 2 months. Has helped a lot, time to increase dosage I think. What's done is done, I will survive this and return to my former self, or lay down and die. Gilead has to face what's coming their way. And to think, these self serving monsters, that have hid behind the name Gilead, a biblical town, have profited immensely from using all of us, and the $100,000 dollar cost for drugs and tests insurance paid for. All so they could look like big heroes, saving the planet from the scourge of Hep. C, Aids, Covid 19, and more. What we need is someone or one's to save the planet from Gilead. Wait till 2024 is over. Stay safe people, don't take the Epclusa, and call the FDA, and your dispensing pharmacy to file your complaints. Make sure the doctors know how you're feeling. Drug induced neuropathy, and more. Sad, but justice always prevails. Take care.

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Hey Kathleen, how are you? I've been trying to contact you. I hope you are OK. Cheers summers nearly over. I had a covid booster 2 weeks ago and it really made my asthma breathing and coughing a lot worse. Wish I could feel normal again lol. Not much chance of that. Thanks Epclusa.

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Re: Lou (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

So sorry for you from Australia, I now have asthma copd infections, lies have gone on for far too long something should be printed by gilliard or liver drs stating how many people have now passed on from there harmless wonder cure most people I know who did treatment are now passed on very sad.

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Re: Sunshyne (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

It's been 5 yrs since I did treatment I have so many problems copd asthma neuro problems nausea infections ,don't know how much time I have but someone should be made to stand up and take responsibility just about every body I know who did treatment has passed on ,why isn't there a list showing how many have died since treatment ,seems Evan drs are brainwashed.

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Re: Friendz4 (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for reply if you think of how I can get any info please let me know I consider it really important ,I sill see articles saying how it's a wonder cure with very few side effects if that is the case let people know how harmless it is.thanks

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Re: Friendz4 (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Friendz, I enjoyed reading your post. I'm in Australia, doing Epclusa treatment. The virus seems to be gone; I did have a VL in the millions, now it's okay. I've had nothing but problems since the treatment: infections, edema in feet, stomach, legs. I'm trying to find out if there is a list of how many people have passed away post-treatment. I've looked everywhere, but it seems to be very secretive. I think it should be made public so people can discuss what may happen. I have called Gilead, talked to doctors, liver clinics, but it all seems to be hushed up! I know that just about everyone I know who has done the treatment - the virus may be gone, but a high percentage are no longer alive. Maybe if there is any info on this, I could be contacted. I think we all have a right to know these details, even if we are a minority group. I am now in my 70s and would really appreciate any info asap. Thank you.

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Re: Kathleen (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Kathleen ,hope you are OK, bit worried that I have not heard from you ,maybe you are not getting my messages ,can you let me know if you are receiving them been hearing on news that it looks like Trump is getting back into power ,how can that be?? I don't understand.

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Re: Lou (# 144) Expand Referenced Message


I am health care worker and finished up Epclusa in 3/2023. I have had better days. I have mega inflammation in my body, bouts of nausea, sleeping problems, brain fog, memory issues, and but I do not have Hep C any longer. I never did anything to cause this. My genotype was 1b and have fibrosis. I believe it was F3. The infectious disease specialists said that I cannot ever drink alcohol again. Borderline Cirrhosis. I'm just trying to find me a remote job to make ends meet. Anyone want to chat? It is difficult talking about it and especially to people who have never had this.

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Re: Kathleen (# 135) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen ,hope you get this ,how as Xmas for you ,it was a non.event for me ,I hate seeing those poor people getting bombed no food or electricity then I heard on tv news that Trump.will probably get back in omg ,can people be that stupid to vote for him ? Am I missing something ,hope you are enjoying cooler weather it's so hot here it's getting harder for me every day lack of sleep coughing. I wonder how much can you take of this life ,what happened to good news?? Please let me know how you are if you get this ,your ol mate.

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Re: Kathleen (# 137) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Kathleen, how are you? I've been trying to reach you. I hope you are okay. Could you let me know if you are getting my messages? Thanks. It's getting hot over here. I can't handle it.

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Re: Kathleen (# 137) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen, I vaguely remember having Prednisone 25mg when I was in the hospital last year for asthma. My doctor is on holiday again. I think it was good for breathing and nausea. Does that sound right to you? Happy Christmas, okay?

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Re: Kathleen (# 137) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen I have a feeling your not getting all my messages anyway once again I kicked my r foot on cupboard trying to move it ,they had me on antibiotics which made me feel terrible so Dr said it doesn't look infected don't take any more antibiotics ,that was a week ago but dropped cup coffee on my foot last night OUCH so now it's no looking so good bit swollen but that could be from hot coffee my Dr on holiday ,I have another script so I might have to start them maybe they make me cough more plus nausea,anyway more important is bow are you ? Do you have any plans for Christmas? I don't, I hate what's going on in the world it's terrible ,all the best to you Kathleen be thinking of you and hope you are not feeling too bad ,best wishes from Australia.

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Re: Kathleen (# 137) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kathleen hope you are OK.iv finally been allowed to move back into house after damage from floods 2 yrs ago,the stairs seem steeper after 2 yrs ,don't know how long will be able to manage stairs.sleep is very rare these days my breathing isn't improving hard to lay down at night usually get maybe 2 or 3 hrs if lucky hope you are OK mate starting to get hot over here. ??

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Re: Friendz4 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Great read ,I can relate totally I'm in Australia where are you ,take care

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Re: Friendz4 (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

How r you going now days?I am still getting problems yrs after treatment also copd asthma nerve problems and body jerks .can't get any help here in Australia hope you are OK.

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Re: Lou (# 136) Expand Referenced Message

Hi got your next text. I take prednisone which is a steroid and another medication called hydroxychloroquine. It is the one that are horrible president Trump was telling the country to take to cure covid. It's not it helps with arthritis and you might talk to your doctors about those cuz neither one of those medications keep me awake at night it's the occlusa since I have clue so that I can't sleep at night. Anyway I think you need to take something and ask him if these are good for you. Because they're good for me the only thing with prednisone is it is a steroid and it does give you belly fat so that's something you have to think about too anyway let me know if you talk to your doctor and talk to about these new medications it's almost 2:00 in the morning here Thursday morning so I'm going to bed I pray and I worry about you and I have since I've known you and when you disappear I get worried that you're really sick again so don't be a stranger talk soon bye

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