Encorate Chrono (Page 2)
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Iam suffering from seizure from ten days and doctor advice me to take encorate chrono 300 sodium valproate and valtroic acid controlles release tablet for two years.Is there any problem or side effects.Iam afraid because doctor told me to take this tablet for two years.Can I take this tablet for two years.Please answer me.I will be thankful to you.

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Hi, Kalidass,my gf also suffers shock fr her head for a few seconds and become normal agian.her symtons is like yours too.now she takes encorate 300 daily.hit me bak if u hav a chance

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Please take another medice, for stroke related to be cunsultated by doctor, Oxedol XR 300, ( the table wont be digest after 12 hrs - will be come out in motion time)

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Encorate Chrono is available outside the United States, in countries like Sri Lanka and India. It is reported to contain the active ingredient Sodium Valproate, and is used primarily for the treatment of the manic episodes of bipolar disorder. In rare cases, it is also used as a treatment for major depressive disorder, and increasingly taken long-term for prevention of both manic and depressive phases of bipolar disorder, especially the rapid-cycling variant.

For more information about this drug please see the page for Valproic Acid Details. Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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my wife 62 was having cervical dystonia for almost 9 years.she is falling 3/4 times a day.she is having balance related problems.she is taking paicitane 2 g 1/2 tablets 3 times and encorate chrono 300 2 times and rivotril 5 mg 2 times.she is having balance related problems.her right hand forearm movement is cramped.she is finding difficulty to comprehend vertical distances while getting up and coming down.her condition of falling is more for last 1 and 1/2 years.what is best for improving her conditions

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iam suffering from a mild type of shock 4m my head. in this case i lose my total body control 4 nearly 2 seconds and again i become normal. doctor suggested me 2 take take ENCORATE CHRONO 300. i also continued as he said tilll 5 years. and now again iam getting the same reaction . help to overcome this problem.

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This medication is unavailable in the U.S. and I am sorry to say that other countries do not regulate their prescription drugs as strictly as the FDA does. That said, finding information on them is very difficult, since there are no databases which list them all, like there are for U.S. prescription drugs.

The only thing I can suggest is that you try asking your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

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