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Recently active Eliquis forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Eliquis and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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DVT's in calf, had one 10 yrs ago, just found a other 2 or 3(had Charley horse that wouldn't go away, so went to ER). Had Lovenox shots in hospital, sent home with Eliquis starter pack ..had headache & dizziness 1st day, now diminished, but have breast sensitivity, indigestion & a little itchiness. Follow up with doc scheduled in a week. Have not seen breast sensitivity or indigestion (belching) listed as a side effect, wondering if anyone else having same effects. Not happy about all the side effects I have read people are experiencing....mental spaciness & confusion concern me, i have felt a bit spacey....Did lovenox/warfarin route 10 yrs ago, was happy to hear Eliquis doesn't require weekly blood draws, but now wondering if lovenox/warfarin would have been bet...

5 REPLIES Updated

I have been experiencing joint and muscle aches. Also a loss of memory and totally can't smell. Also things don't taste as good. I am on neurontin as well. That maybe together with eliquis is causing this lethargic and dizzy feeling. I had a really bad cough. I went into AFIBULATION and that is the reason for all these meds. ## Hi I Have Been Taking Eliquis For About A Week Now. What Will Happen If I Can't Take It ## Those can be normal side effects of Eliquis, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. Michelle, you should take it, as long as your doctor directs you to do so. If you don't like the way it affects you, you could speak to them about possibly trying a different medication. However, skipping doses ...

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Just got out of the hospital for PE after 36 hours on a heparin drip, and with my first dose of eliquis nearly immediately had a migraine. Took tylenol and sumatripatin (i'm prone to migraines) but no relief until i finally fell. asleep. woke up, took my next dose of eliquis (10 mg), immediate return of headache plus bonus! heart started racing, too. Can I expect these side effects to diminish? After a week, i'm supposed to reduce the dose to 5 mg/2 day ## Hello HeadacheCity, Sorry to hear that you are having troubles with your medication. According to the Eliquis website it states right on the medication package that you should immediate contact your doctor if you start having migraines or dizziness shortly after taking the medication. It is likely you are having a negative rea...

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the tablet was 5 milligrams will she be okay ## Dog might have eaten 5 mg pill of eliquis ## I would recommend calling a veterinary office right away if you haven't done so already. This will help determine how serious of a situation it is and help you put things into perspective a little easier. I see that you mentioned how your dog "might have / may have" eaten it, but you don't really know for certain, is that correct? What makes you think the dog "may have" eaten it? Did you do a pill count to check for any tablets that are missing or are you just assuming the possibility that your dog ate something it shouldn't have eaten? More importantly, how is your dog feeling right now? ## My 12year old 13 lbs. May have eaten a 2.5mg eliquis Rat terrier. Should I be...

9 REPLIES Updated

My husband was on Eliquis for over two years. I watched him go from a outgoing person to someone who just wanted to sit and watch TV. One Thursday night he couldn't get up and could not move his right leg. By the time I called 911 and he reached the hospital, he was paralyzed on his right side. His mouth was drouping and he could not speak. He suffered an intercranial hemorrhage which could not be reversed. Why would the FDA approve a medicine which there is no way to reverse the bleed once it starts. He passed away that Sunday. I was in shock. It has been almost a year since his death. I told the Dr. I thought Eliquis killed him and his replay was, well lets put it this way, it helps more people than it kills . Not what I wanted to hear. ## I am very sorry about what happened. My d...

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Hello, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. My m was on blood thinner eliquis for several years and doing fine, one day she told the doctor that there may be blood in stool. The dr immediately said stop taking eliquis now! Three days later she went in for a scope of her upper abdominal and such to check for and bleeding and She came though with flying colors mom was sent home with photos of what they didn't find and paper work with instructions on how to finish the day but there was never any instructions to restart the eliquis! 12 days later I lost my mom to a massive stroke. She was a 65 year old living in and 83 year old body and was completely capable of eeveryday duties and could take care of her self. Does my story relate to anyone else out there? ## Yes...my...

14 REPLIES Updated

My dad has been in Eliquis for past 3 months to treat a-fib. He also has CHF and weight gain (20 lbs) with swelling. Also nosebleeds. Thinking Eliquis is caysibgyall if this. Will pursue going back to Coumadin ## Hello, Moe! How is your dad doing? Yes, the Eliquis could be the cause and his doctor should be informed, there are other medications he can try, as well as switching back to the Coumadin. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Coumadin as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. Is he on a diuretic? ## I've been on Xerelto, for about a month. I've got swollen legs and feet, have occasional headaches, very distended stomach and weight gain. I'm tired all the time. As I've read many posts from others experie...

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Since taking Eliquis my weigh keeps going up. If I take a waterpill once a week, I lose 3-4 pounds overnight. I think there is a lower dosage like 2.5. It must be available at that strength. My food intake or activity are the same. I always maintained the same weight. ## Yes, weight gain is a typical side effect of Eliquis, many people have reported experiencing it. As reported by the FDA, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. And yes, it is available in both 2.5mgs and 5mgs. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have gained 25 pounds and recently stopped eating any carbs and back working out 1 hour a day. not even a budge on the scale. I also have a swollen belly not sure if this is a side effect or not. ## I have been...

7 REPLIES Updated

I was prescribed Eliquis because of AFIB. I work 12 hour shifts, mostly sitting at a computer, and have to urinate often. I'm also gaining weight and my ankles are swelling. But the worst part is I can't get a good nights sleep because I wake up 2-3 times to urinate. I feel exhausted. Is this caused by the AFIB or the Eliquis? ## That can happen as side effect of many medications, according to FDA reports, however, there is also a chance that you have a urinary tract infection, which is another known side effect. The other issues are also reported as being known to occur with this medication. You might need to try a different one. Have you informed your doctor? ## My cardiologist ordered the U/A and it came back clear. The frequent urination has slowed down some. Maybe it's ...

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I took Eliquis for 6 days, during those six days the side effects were unbearable to the point I thought I surely would die....I talked to my Dr. told her I was going off the medication she wanted me to keep on it or switch to Zeroltto..I could not bare the thought of another blood thinning medication, I went off, she said I could stop all at once. It has been 5 days since I went off Eliquis, I am fatigued from the moment I put my feet on the floor and start moving, just walking from the house to the car tires me out to the point where all my muscles burn and hurt and I am scared I won't make to the car, sitting and lying down I am ok.....how long will this go on, I have not been to work since being on Eliquis to this day, it has been 11 days...I need to function normally, I live al...

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I have started Eliquis for the second time (gave up on first try after 4 days). I'm now on day 4 and continuing to feel the same strange symptoms: dizzy, spacey (mind-wise) and last night was wide awake because of them. I want to know if this gets better any time soon or should I bail and try another blood thinner? ## Chaz, I have been on Eliquis for six months . I was originally on warfarin but my electro physiologist wanted me on Eliquis because I am having the radio frequency heart ablation Dec. 3 . I am a little spacey at times but I thought it was due to my age. I am 65. Dr. Gave me a discount card for Eliquis which runs out at the end of December. If I cannot get another discount card, then this drug will cost out of pocket $400 even with my Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. M...

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I have been on this medicaion now for a month and have increasing aount of pain all ver my body and sleep disturbance where as I have never had a problem with pains or sleeping t all. My walking has been affected also because of the pains in my hips. Anyone else have this problems? ## Hello, Dorayme! How are you doing? I'm very sorry that you're in pain. Yes, those are typical side effects of this medication, you may also experience dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. However, if your symptoms are very severe, you should consult your doctor as you may need to switch to a different medication. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi sorry to hear of your symptom.i was on apixaban Oct 15 came off to see if my stiffness would go it did Went back...

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Four months ago, I was found to have pulmonary embolisms in all segmental and subsegmental lobes of my right lung and my upper left lung. There was no known cause; all ultrasounds were negative as was all blood work associated with PE. My EKG was normal. My blood pressure is 120/70. I have been taking Eliquis since. I would like to quit taking Eliquis since no one can figure out what caused these and there seems to be nothing else wrong with me. So how do I taper off this drug? ## Hello, Georgia! How are you? I'm not sure if you understand the gravity of this situation, pulmonary embolisms can be deadly, if left untreated and, once someone has experienced one or more of them, they can be very prone to experiencing more. Thus, it is best to continue the medications, as long as your d...

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I hurt my right foot over 2 weeks ago and my toes and foot turned black and blue. It was someone stepping on my instep. Last week I banged my left foot and that also turned black and blue. Is this from eliquis? ## Hello, Carol! How are you doing? Yes, the FDA does list easy bruising as being a very common side effects of this medication, along with nausea, dizziness, and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## No that's what I needed to know. Foot looks pretty bad from just a small bump. Imagine if I had dropped a frozen oven stuffer roaster on my foot like a friend of mine did a while back. Cant imagine. ## I am on Eliquis and my arms are purple from brushing. Every time I hit myself I bruise. Is there any cream that I can put on the bruises?

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I have been taking Eliquis for 1 1/2 Months and I think I am allergic to it. Everything was okay until this week. My stomach looks like I have been sunburned and is swollen I also have gained weight, and losing more memory. My urine is also real dark. this is just not normal. Do I need to go back to Warfin? Do you think Eliquis is working for me? ## Hi Lucille, Sorry to hear about your situation. If you've developed a rash and inflammation, I agree with you that those are probable signs of an allergic reaction. However, according to medlineplus.gov, "red, brown, or pink urine" listed as a potentially serious side effect as well as a possible overdose symptom that should be brought to your doctor's attention immediately. On the other hand, dark urine could also be attribu...

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I am 67 and have afib. I am put on eliquis, but ever since I have been on eliquis I am having very bad lower back, hip, shoulder, ankle etc. pain!! I will be having an ablation in the very near future. When my heart returns to normal I will stop eliquis. I will be taking Tattokinase. It is a natural enzyme that gets the job done without the side effects. Please reserch about the benefits of nattokinase on the internet and get educated about it; it would take me too long to explain things about it here. And tell your doctor about it, demand that he would look into getting informed about it instead of pushing dangerous pharmaceuticals on you!! Nattokinase is a very effective blood thinner, it is natural with NO side effects. Since no body makes big money from it, it is discouraged by big ...

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Good morning, My 81 year old mother-in-law had hip replacement the day after Christmas. Her doctor changed her heart med to Eliquis in the hospital. Since then she has experienced nausea nearly every day, some days worse than others depending on how much she eats..which on some days is not much because of the nausea! Also, after 8 weeks in rehab she was sent to the ER for AFib, now my father-in-law is petrified that every time she feels sick she has A-Fib. So frustrating..they are living in the ER. Have felt that it was the Eliquis since they changed it, since she had no history of nausea before the drug change. Have made my feelings known to the nurses, but they say every heart drug could cause nausea. ## Eliquis is not a heart medication, it is an anticoagulant that is used to help pr...

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After knee replacement I had one blood clot and was prescribed Warfarin. No problems except nuisance of regular INR. Changed to Eliquis 2.5 mg twice daily. After a week or so I noticed excessive bleeding from small scratches, blood spots on handkerchief, dark brown urine and then PANIC -JET BLACK faeces. Dr said stop eliquis! I stopped and after 3 weeks, no more bleeding. Any ideas on whether I need this stuff? I am 86 and otherwise pretty healthy. I have had 2 short episodes of AF in my lifetime and Eliquis prescribed for this to prevent stroke, but I think E could cause a stroke with a bleed in the brain ## It is always best to follow your doctor's instructions and not everyone needs to take such medications for the rest of their lives, according to NIH reports. Many times they ar...

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how long does it take for eliquis to get in your system once you start taking it? ## Hi Kelvinator, According to The University of Washington Medical Center, Eliquis (Apixaban) reportedly starts working in your body to reduce blood clots within just a few hours after ingesting your first dose. So it doesn't seem to take very long at all in that regard. The way it is said to work is by blocking the action of a substance in the body that helps clots form. But if you were to stop taking it, Eliquis's effect will supposedly wear off within about 24 hours after your last dose. I hope this helps answer your question! ## My mother was on Elequis for 2 years before l researched the drug after terrible side affects. She stopped the drug 2 years ago but still has the terrible swollen legs...

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I recently started taking eliquis and I always pass blood clots during my menstruation. Should I be worried? ## This medication has been known to cause such issues in women that take it, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, headache, heavier periods and easy bruising. However, if your periods do get very heavy, or the clots become large or more frequent, then you should have this checked out by your doctor. Can any other ladies that have been on it chime in? ## I'm having the same issue- had to stop BC mid pack because they found 2 clots in my lungs. I started on Eliquis last week and have had a super heavy period with clotting. I can't figure out if it's because of the mid pack stop, or the eliquis. Waiting for my doctor to call me back- it's very unn...

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