Eliquis And Weight: I Need The Truth (Page 5)
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Today I am speaking with my hemotologist about switching from Xarelto to Eliquis. Xarelto has caused me, a runner with a very slim diet, to gain almost 14 pounds in 4 weeks. 7 of those pounds in the last two weeks.

I need to know of any serious weight gain issues with Eliquis. Doctors always swear that the side effects listed are the only ones but I was never told by my doctor nor the literature that Xarelto causes abnormal weight gain either. Google had to tell me that after yesterday's terrible weigh-in. I'm looking for absolute candor. I am 34 and female and I'd be taking it for PE.


102 Replies (6 Pages)

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Hi I am having a problem with hair loss minor at this time but daily. A little concern started taking eliquis a couple of months ago . Have you heard this is a side effect. Still better than a stroke, but is there anything I can do to help

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I totally agree have been on several diets and stay the same with 8 pounds weight gain tried everything also insomnia,then have to take a quick nap during the day

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I cannot lose 1 pound since I started on Eliquis. I am very tired most of the day. I took a water pill for 2 days and still no weight loss.

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I have develops right back pain and a sharp stabbing pain around you front. Have a liver ultra sound and gallbladder all was well. Could eliguos cause this.

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My name is Rhonda and I had a PE In August and was put on Eliqus and have been gaining weight and cannot get it off even counting calories, waking and watching my diet, I too think it's the Eliqus and once gaining it's hard to not gain while on Eliqus.

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I have been on Eliqus 7 months now after having a Pe and I've gained at least 2 to 3 lbs per month while on Eliqus, my doctor says it's because I'm not as active as I was prior to the Pe, I think it's because of the Eliqus...

Concerned and overweight

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Update. I do not have a DVT in my left leg. The swelling and soreness is actually due to exercise. I'm continuing to lose weight, which is my goal.

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Joe, I've being having the same problem for a few years now. I cannot lose weight and I watch my diet and workout 5 times a week. Ive been taking this medication for about 2 years and have gradually add weight for no reason...but cant take it off...no matter what I do.

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I've been on Eliquis for about 8 weeks and have lost 12 lbs in that period of time, even wit a cruise thrown in. I've been trying to lose, so I don't think it has has an adverse effect on my efforts. I had some indigestion the 1st week and then no other side effects. I have more energy, which could be attributed to many things including weight loss, PE has cleared up, exercise and started using a CPAP for sleep apnea.
My only problem is I think I have developed another DVT in my leg. Will know more tomorrow. I take 5mg twice daily.

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I totally agree. I switched to eliquis today for the same reasons. I gained a lot of weight on xarelto, felt fatigued and had chest pains. My gums started to also bleed.

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I'm having similar problems to Bruce. I started with Eliquis in November because of a blood clot in a lung (which caused an inflammation). I stayed off the training for 2 months to let the inflammation heal (until the middle of January). During this time nothing happened to my weight, which is to be expected, since I probably ate a bit less than when I hit the gym 5 times a week. I stayed at a solid 97Kg (213-214lbs).

I usually have no problem maintaining my weight at a diet of 3000-3500 Calories. This did not change with Eliquis.
However, at the end of January i started my yearly cut (I've done quite a few of these before). I dropped to 2800 Calories for a week, the weight didn't budge. My thought was; "Strange... Oh well, guess I'll drop it down a bit". I dropped to 2600 Calories for a week, the weight didn't budge. I started to get suspicious, but thought I might just have retained water. I dropped to 2400 Calories for a week, the weight didn't budge. I now realized something is not as it should. Eliquis? I dropped to 2200 Calories for a week, the weight didn't budge. I see some more contours and stuff in the mirror, but the weight is the same. I am now on my second week of 2200 Calories and still weigh the same. Normally I might be at 2400-2500 after 4 weeks. This result feels so improbable and unlike how my body has reacted to cutting before.

With the above adjustments I should have lost up to around 3Kg (6.5lbs). I don't feel bloated, fatigue, loss of appetite or anything like that. There has been no weight gain for me. But the weight loss seems impossible. I'm 30 years old and feel that this is weird. Is there any way for Eliquis to make me retain as much weight in water as I lose in fat? I have a doctors appointment in May again. Maybe I'll get some clarification then.

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I have been on Eliquis 7 weeks and have gained 7 pounds!!!!
I see your post is old but if you see this I am wondering about your experience if you switched to it...

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Hi. I am working out 90 minutes a day 5 days a week. I have always watched my diet and concentrated on the right foods for triathlon etc. I am always between 179-183. 183 I would consider the point when I put on the brakes and refocus on diet. Usually the end of summer coming off 2 months of beach and bbq. Now since on Eliquis, I have shot up 10 pounds. I have reduced my calories, continued working out. I rarely drop below 190. It is frustrating. Dr said it slows the metabolism.

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I'm on Eliquis 5 mgs twice a day. In the last few days I have switched myself to 2.5 mgs twice a day. I'm extremely fatigued. I was on Eliquis for 3 months because of a provoked dvt in my leg last July and then I came off of it in October per my PCP. I have no energy; my PCP doesn't believe me. I know it is the Eliquis. What else can I take? I'm having to drag myself through the day. Even if I sleep 12 or 13 hours I'm still tired and would continue sleeping if my husband doesn't make me get up. Feeling discouraged and depressed.

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Should I be concerned about loss of appetite while taking Eliquis

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My husband has begun taking Eliquis he has lost 16 lbs in 3 months and also urinates a lot he has an appointment with his doctor in a week. He does not like the overall way he feels.

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I'm on 5mg eliquis and I'm not able to eat much at all I've lost about 35 poumds. Is there anything I can take to keep weight on???

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Xarelto made me very very sick and I switched to Eliquis with no side effects and in fact I lost weight being on it unless it was the fact that I felt so much better and was more active..Either way I feel much better

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You're very welcome! Please post back and keep me updated!

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That's all I wanted to know. As an update, I took OTC diuretics and in 3 days I was back at my normal weight but since I don't want to have to do that for the course of this treatment and since Xarelto has also caused serious palpitations and chest pains, I'm still going to switch to Eliquis.


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