Elase Ointment (Top voted first)


debridement ointment

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I have a large wound on my left ankle. It started out as pressure ulcer and I was using hydrocortizone for the itching. I did not know that the cortizone would make my skin there very tender and at one point when I was washing a large patch of skin came off, so now I have a small patch of a wound. I am using Staphaseptic for the wound and a natural cream for the itching. It is healing slowly and there is some dead skin that needs to be removed. Is there an over the counter debraidment ointment to help get rid of the dead skin??
Thank, Bob

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I am 75 yrs old. I have Sakram troma. I have had 3 surgaries so far because of recurrence. It is malagnant. My doctor prescribs Elase oinment for the new wound as big as can be filled with a goose egg. I live in Iran, but my sister a US Citizen lives in Florida. She will pay for medicine. Please help.

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@Bob Keill,

From what I can gather, there is something known as Urea cream which is a debriding agent that helps remove dead skin cells. There are several brand names of Urea cream, I'll list a few down below:


Some Urea creams are sold OTC, so I would just go into your local walgreens or CVS (or something of the like) and see what they have in stock.

I hope this helps to answer your question! Please post back if you need further assistance.

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have a friend that has bad bed sores said they would heal if I could find her some Elase Ointment. Can I find this otc or do we need to see a doctor for it and where can I find it?

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May I know if ELASE is available in the Philippines?

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