Elase Forums
Recently active Elase forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Elase and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.PLEASE TELL ME WHO MAKES ELASE AND WHERE TO FIND ELASE OINTMENT ## Elase is a debridement ointment used to treat deep skin wounds or ulcers. From what I can find, it is manufactured by Zuelig Pharma, a division of Pfizer in Malaysia and that's also where it is available, as it not sold in the U.S. Learn more Elase details here. Have you visited a U.S. doctor? They would be able to help you discover what options are available here. ## Where can i get this elase ointment? ## Hi dear My father in low has been suffering from bed sore for 20 years and he use the Elase ointment . He lives in Iran and how can he prepare this ointment? ## Please tell me how I can find Elase ointment in toronto? Thanks. ## Hi, did you find out where to buy this elase ointment? ## I'm looking for Elase or...
debridement ointment ## I have a large wound on my left ankle. It started out as pressure ulcer and I was using hydrocortizone for the itching. I did not know that the cortizone would make my skin there very tender and at one point when I was washing a large patch of skin came off, so now I have a small patch of a wound. I am using Staphaseptic for the wound and a natural cream for the itching. It is healing slowly and there is some dead skin that needs to be removed. Is there an over the counter debraidment ointment to help get rid of the dead skin?? Thank, Bob ## I am 75 yrs old. I have Sakram troma. I have had 3 surgaries so far because of recurrence. It is malagnant. My doctor prescribs Elase oinment for the new wound as big as can be filled with a goose egg. I live in Iran, but my ...
have bed sores need drug to apply to areas with the sores ## Have you consulted a doctor? this site does not manufacture, nor sell any products, this is an information only website. Proper treatment for the bed sores is going to depend on how severe they are and if they are infected. ## Where to find Elase ointment for wound care