Efudex 40 Application Instructions (Top voted first)


How and when should I apply Efudex to my face?

5 Replies

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I am using Efudex to treat my lips. My doctor told me to apply it to the perimeter of my lips and not directly on my lips. How is Efudex going to treat my lips if it is applied to the perimeter and not directly on my lips? Please help. I am supposed to start this treatment in three days, and I want to make sure I am applying the cream properly.

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This is a drug used to treat certain types of cancer. How often and how much to apply, depends on exactly where on your face (lips, nose, chin, etc) and what stage your lesions are in. Only you and your doctor can determine this.

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I am totally horrified to read efudix is being applied to the lips! It turned my forehead green and crusty and none of us should use this without first checking if we are allergic to its contents. I was told to put it all over my forehead for pre-cancerous skin and the reaction was truly horrific. I went to pharmacist about it and he said to stop it immediately. I dont think medics realize how we suffer and that this chemotherapy cream can do more harm than good. I used it about 8 years ago and today still have visible scarring and crusty peeling below my eyebrow! I also had azote. I strongly recommend younger people to wear sun hats! All these creams are no good and SPF's prevent the absorption of the essential Vitamin D!

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Mayday35, I am very sorry about what you experienced. There is no way for anyone to know how any given medication might affect anyone that tries it. While the FDA can lists the most common side effects, such as skin irritation, rash, redness, and flakiness, there is no way to predict the rest.

How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?

As to the application, and the times to apply it, you should follow the prescribing instructions.

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Has anyone used Efudex on the lower lip who could tell me what the timeline was like?

My dermatologist said that it would be hard/unnecessary for me to use the cream longer than 7-10 days, but my reaction only really started on day 7-8. I'm on day 9 now and have weeping and yellow-y crust on my lower lip.

I have to plan out my work travel, so I'm wondering - how much longer should I keep using the cream, and how long will it take to heal? Thank you X a million for any input.

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