Effexor And Depression/sleepiness
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I am currently on 75mg of effexor, it's been about 2 weeks. I was on 37.5 mg before that for about 2 weeks also for anxiety and depression. My doctor prescribed me for having "vaso vagul attacks". When I become really nervous I get a weird feeling in my stomach, begin sweating and fainting. I wasn't experiencing any side effects at first, just recently I've started to become so anxious and depressed. I literally cannot get myself out of bed and I feel constant hopelessness. I also have trouble sleeping at night, I lie in bed for hours as my mind races before I finally fall asleep. I've also been feeling physically ill the last couple of days also- fever, stomach aches, extreme fatigue and dizziness. Has anyone else experienced this? Or can anyone reassure me that these feelings will get better and it'll start to work properly soon?

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Hey Meg, I totally know how you feel. I was on Effexor for 7 years. At the worst I was on 3 75mg pills a day. I tried going off them twice and went through crazy withdrawal, night sweats and brain zaps. Make sure you read about the withdrawal symptoms. It's a scary drug, the longer you are on it.

I finally am off them and using different exercises to keep me from depression and anxiety. I used to feel like depression and anxiety could not be controlled. The good news is I've found it's like anger. You can do techniques to control anger. Why not anxiety and depression. Hope that gives you some hope!

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Hi Verwon! Thank you for taking the time to respond. I actually took a major relapse in the last couple of days. Things were starting to feel a better and then I started feeling feverish and extremely low energy to the point where I couldn't even make it out of bed. I was feeling a little better yesterday and I was out at a nail salon trying to treat myself to something relaxing, I ended up having another 'panic episode' out of nowhere and I fainted at the salon. So embarrassing :(, I broke one of my fingers when I fell too! Not good. I'm back to the beginning it feels like. Feeling depressed and hopelessness at the moment. Maybe I'm not on the right medicine?

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Hello, Meg! How are you? Has there been any improvement, yet?

Antidepressants can cause these types of symptoms in some people that take them. I've experienced similar ones, when I started Prozac for perimenopause symptoms and any time we've increased the dosage. I've found that they usually hit their peak around day 21 of taking the new dosage and then things tend to improve.

Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes.

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