Effects Of Long Term Amitriptyline Use On The Heart (Page 4) (Top voted first)


After 20 years of taking amitriptyline for headaches I would like to find people who have had any heart related side effects after long term amitriptyline use.

107 Replies (6 Pages)

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These side affects from Amitryptaline are not anymore age related than waking up in the morning, it's just bad stuff. They prescribe this drug for totally unrelated issues.... Sorry, but It's not health care but rather health 'maintenance' that is the reality of medicine today. It's the new age of the world order.....nothing personal. To those who believe it's all good, try stopping the drug and see what happens.

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Turns out this drug expands the bladder and when you suddenly stop as I did the bladder stays expanded sometimes causing muscle spasms that make you think you always have to pee even when it's only drops. I am old but this is not age related but more about side effects of suddenly stopping rather than slowly tapering down, which is actually recommended with some of these types of medications especially Prozac types as well.

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When you stopped taking it how long before you began again?

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Yes im in a high dose of amitriptline 150mgs at night for chronic pain for 6years ive been in a coma because my heart was going to fast whilst walking down my street and ive also ended up in HDU because i passed out because 1hr after taking it half of my right lung collapsed, i know i suffer from bad taccacardia and irregular heart rate, its restricts my life alot but i cant sleep without it because of my chronic pain its also made me high a few times but i think that's because me heart has been between 155-180bpm when im high and don't remember a thing :/ im only 24 was put on it when i was 18 im going to be on it for life and even in my sleep me HR is between 115-125bpm the docs say that's why im constantly tired :( just scared that it's this that's going to attack my heart and kill me it already has nearly done it and my pain makes it worse :(

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I've been on Amitriptyline, 40 mg, for thirteen years now. It was used to treat my migraines, and has done so rather successfully, but now we're trying to take me off of it due to major health problems it could be causing. Fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, light sensitivity, abdominal pain, etc. But I always end up worse with terrible migraines. Every doctor wants me off of it, as they're also concerned with how helpful it is actually being since its been thirteen years and I started taking it when I was six. I haven't experienced any heart issues, at least none that were concerning enough to get medical attention. It does beat faster, but it's hard to say if it is caused by the medicine since it only appeared recently and I can't remember what it was like when I was younger.

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alex, did your dr do lab work on you about every 6 months, maybe more often in connection to the Amitriptyline (elavil) ?

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no he didn't carol,. no heart tests or observation work. should he have done ?

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alex parr , I was referring to blood work. It is common for drs to do routine lab work when you take Amitriptyline. But, a dr is not doing anything wrong if they don't do it. It is a precaution.

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I have been taking ammo's for over 20 years for depression. I know it is used in small doses to control pain. But i would go back to my doctor and ask to try another treatment. I get cluster headaches and take IMAGRAN its a pre-filled injection, but boy does it work quick.

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It's good to hear someone else having no problems with elavil. I have never had side effects with it. Apparently I am fortunate. I won't go off of it because of the help with sleep. With FM you need all the sleep you can get. Also in all of the 28 years with FM I have never experienced depression either. I feel bad for all of the people who have had such horrible experiences with it. If any of you take narcotic pain Meds many of the symptoms described would be a side effect of those drugs. Dry mouth, constipation, heart palpations and some others are all symptoms of narcotic drugs.

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I forgot to mention that I was taking Elavil for Nerve trauma to the bladder that occurred after a routine outpatient surgery. I didn't have the nerve trauma prior to the surgery and it materialized after a year of medical treatment that my specialist had me doing. Which was wrong on his part. The other side effect I had while taking the medication was low blood pressure (fatigue only when at the higher doses). The blood pressure corrected once I was off the drug for awhile. The other things I mentioned in my previous post were side effects only felt during withdrawal from Elavil. (anxiety, vertigo, headaches).

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I have been taking amitryptline for years,,,,Why get off it? It cured my depression....I wouldn't want that back soooo I take Amitriptaline every day and enjoy life. No side effects to report just a joy of life. Joyce

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Kim, 100 mg-175 mg a night is a wide range. Are you sure that your dr said he wanted you to take 4-7 25 mg amitriptyline (elavil) at night ? If you take 175 mg some night sand 100 mgs other nights, the 75 mg difference will more than likely affect your ability to be alert the next day.

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Never had any blood work done for taking ammo's in my life. They look at you blood if your on Lithium. I have stopped taking them in previous times of my life had no side effects except not being able to sleep. Anyway if you suffer with depression this tri-cyclic works. Main use anti-depressant but it it paart hypnotic, sedative, anti-depressant that actually works, less side effect than the new ones. I take 2 different types on anti-......and I do my outreach work and have a more emphathic approach beccause living on the streets I can understand why they want oblivion and the like ammo's and now pre-gab. They are there sadly. I have a lot of experience with drugs and turned it round and help others tackle those issues in they want to. The reason I am saying this is because we all have a place to live and a bedroon to stay in bed if bad, Imagine not having a home and depression.

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I took Elavil for 10yrs at 100mgs per day I had no problems 28th this drug however my Dr. wanted me to take a break from it. He changed me to 6mg Silenor and I have had no problems and don't wake up 28th cotton mouth. However I never had a problem with Elavil

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I took Elavil for 10yrs at 100mgs per day I had no problems with this drug however my Dr. wanted me to take a break from it. He changed me to 6mg Silenor and I have had no problems and don't wake up with cotton mouth. However I never had a problem with Elavil

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Is amitriptoline addictive after 2 weeks I need off this drug will I get withdrawal after 2 weeks

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Val, it is not addicted like an opiate is. But, if you are taking it for pain or to help you sleep, chances are your pain will increase an you will have problems sleeping.

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Yes I'm currently experiencing a heart rate at sleep of 132 per minutes, massive head paid and major swelling in my knee and ankles. I'm reducing currently but that not an over night process.

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Hi, I was wondering if any long time users of Endep have Idiopathic Pulmonary fibrosis? I have been diagnosed with this dreaded disease and I have Never Smoked. The only thing I can think of is that I have been taking Endep for approx. 20 years.

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