UpdatedWhat is this medicine given for?
11 Replies
Econorm contains Saccharomyces Boulardil, it is used to treat IBS.
Do you have any other questions?
Econorm is used for what indications
As I stated in my post, it is used to treat IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
It is also, sometimes, used to treat other intestinal issues of a similar nature.
1. what is the relation between H Pylori and IBS
2. will tab econorm teart completly the patient with IBS
3. what is the side effects of tab econorm
4. for how long tab econorm should be used
dear sir/mam, yesterday i have purchase econorm sachet 10nos from medical shop for my 6 months baby have loose motion so doctor told to start the treatment today. morning one dose over but evening i am open the sachet and mix with water its very foul smell so i have discard the medicine and take one more sachet again mix with after worm the hot water again severe foul smell but today evening i am prepared the first medicine i will give few drops for my baby it causes any bad thing for my baby i am very much confused about this thing my doctor also doesn't attend my call so please clarify my doubt. thank you
i want to know side effect of Econorm Sachets (contains Saccharomyces Boulardil), used to treat IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
My baby is 8 months old and he is suffering from loose motion n vomiting since 5 days. He is vacinated with Motinorm, Gramogyl, Zincolife but he is not getting good. What should I do? Please tell me.
My kid is 30 months old and having loose motions more than 6 times can i use ECONORM 250 MG...will be there any side effects with it?
My mother who is 96 years old has frequent bouts of loose motion. She takes 250 mg of Econorm twice a day for 10 days then stops for 15 days. I would like to know how long one can take this medicine to stop loose motion?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Mujhe ibs problem 2 years se hai bohut tablet liye but koi improvment nhi ayr ab mai krh karo suggest mee
I am taking Ganaton Total and Econorm as prescribed for my Acid Reflux condition. Lately, my bowel movements have transformed to white loose motion in a gradual manner from the usual, along with slight cramps in the stomach. Is there anything to worry about?
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