Early Side Effects With Viibryd (Page 2)
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I started taking Viibryd three days ago, and have started to see negative side effects. I'm currently taking 10 mg. I get extreme hot flashes, and sweat more excessively. I also noticed I have been experiencing migranes, and tingly sensations throughout my body. My doctor said that this is normal for the first few weeks, but I'm starting to wonder if this has happened to anybody else. Should I just ride it through the next couple of weeks, or should I get off of Viibryd now?

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Oh my gosh, Im so glad I came on here. Im laying in bed trying to go to sleep and Im getting very VERY anxious and paranoid and Ive gotten 2anything "brain zaps" that freak me out! I also have taken a few norco pills since 5pmy for a MCL strain, do you know if these do NOT and are not good together? I feelblike I want to take 1/2 a xanax but I hate all the different medication that would be.

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I have experienced what you might consider minor anxiety attacks at night, too. Usually if I'm late in taking my pill, which I take with dinner, or if I've had a particularly stressful day. I tend to get little "brain zaps as I (attempt to) doze off, accompanied by weird dreams that aren't "nightmares," especially after waking fully, but definitely have me anxious while in that lucid state (which I never get past until the meds kick in). Luckily this only lasts about 30 minutes after taking the meds.

Apparently the brain zaps and weird dreams, and disjointed feeling are withdrawal symptoms, brought on by forgetting to take the meds on time or an increase in whatever chemical my brain produces when stressed.

Aside from these difficult evenings, I haven't had any ongoing adverse effects.

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Viibryd, as I have previously noted, is a NASTY drug. I don't believe there is all that much known about it, which makes it even worse. I will tell you thought that it helps me tremendously with hot flashes, but I do experience very small and slight anxiety attacks while trying to go to sleep. I'm no doctor, but my recommendation would be to press your doctor for another drug. I hate this stuff...

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I've been on Viibryd for about six weeks. Initially I did have side effects - hot flashes & sweats, stomach & bowel issues, headaches. Nothing unbearable, but definitely noticed. They did clear up after just a couple of weeks.

I'm only on 10mg, as that seems to be enough to help my mood (initially we tried Pristiq, which was a bad, bad chemical for me!).

Although my doctor assures me Viibryd is not affecting my blood pressure, I believe I noticed an increase when they had me on a higher dosage. The lower dosage and a new BP med happened at the same time, so the improvement could be either or both. Just something to keep an eye on.

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Have either of you seen any improvement?

In most cases, when you start a new medication, you will experience side effects for the first 4 to 6 weeks, while it reaches its full efficacy in the body, that is when they should hit their peak in severity and then they should start to taper off, as your body gets used to the drug.

Learn more Viibryd details here.

Have either of you checked with your doctors?

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I have been on Viibryd for for 5 days. The first day I experienced nausea and loose bowels, but that has passed. Now I am getting hot flashes. Also, the heat and sun bother me more. When I woke up this morning, my hand was numb. I'm also on Leumectal. I'm going to keep going on the Viibryd and hope these beginning symptoms go away. Anybody still getting hot flashes after using Viibryd for a long time?

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