Ear Ache , Burning Around The Jaw Line N Gum Crucial Headach
UpdatedI'm am 23 years old and never have I ever been in this much pain before its starts from my middle eardrum spreading a burning sensation around my right jaw and inside my gum line. Then it quickly makes it way to the right side of my temple with an unbearable headache. It last up to 2-12 hours sometimes all day more then 7 days a week. When I finally fall asleep I get woke up from the awful pain every night at 3-4 am at the same time crying for help. The first step I made was going to the ER and there they procribed me DIAZEPAM 5mg tablet and after trying that (1) tablet it felt as if I had tookin nothing at all.later I pop 3 sorry to say but the pain in my head was unbearable, and still I felt nothing . I went back to the ER 2 days prior to my last visit and returned the meds stating it never work all though I took more then normal it was as if I was taking a water pill or something Pointless effects! So I was then prescribed BUTALBITAL, ACETAMINOPHEN , CAFFINE . Being I wasted money i didn't have on the last drug, I haven't yet got these filled , scared that it may not help my sisuation at all and again waste of money.!! Please help me I have no kids, I work and go to school nothing is stressing me about my life at the moment but this head condition . Should I try the prescription ? Is it worth it? Whit if it doesn't work? I cry more then I am happy because of the pain! And I have a lot to be happy about ... I just caint show it.
3 Replies
So I finally get that last drug filled and to my surprise I was right. Doesn't work!!!! Ughhh I am hurting and the pain is really unbearable. I come to find out like before the pain is much worst as it gets later in the night and early in the morning. I live in Gainesville Fl, the weather here is SOO bipolar!!! So I don't know if that has something to do with it. Sometimes my head doesn't hurt at all just my right ear!!! So much pain till it hits a nerve and then there goes my head on the right temple hurting as if I have been stab constantly in the same spot over and over!!! I'm exhausted I paste back in forth .. Never can I keep still in this condition!!! Help me!!!!
Hello, Armstrong! How are you feeling? I'm very sorry about the pain you're experiencing.
Do you have a PCP that you see regularly?
You need to see a regular doctor who can schedule tests to discover what's causing the problem. Once you reach that point, you'll have a better idea of what needs to be done to help you.
There are various conditions that the NIH lists which could possibly cause this type of headache pain, including a form of epilepsy, migraines, ear infections or dental infections.
Hello, Armstrong: Go find a neurologist or an internal medicine doc that has experience treating migraines - you might need an ENT, as well. This sounds exactly like my syndrome, and if I'm right, you have at least 2 separate things going on here: a) migraine, and b) sinus/ear problem. I'm a 60yo woman and I've had migraines since I was a kid. But, this is the one headache that makes me want to tear my head off. I've been on Sumatriptan (Imitrex) since it was first introduced in the 90s - DHE-45 and Sansert before that. Imitrex is a vasoconstrictor and it works like a charm. HOWEVER, this stabbing ear, jaw, gum thing needs more than Imitrex. I also have allergies and problems with my right eustachian tube closing up which creates a vacuum, then pressure, pain, etc. I can hear my ear popping when it's about to break. A decongestant helps when this happens, but the best relief I get is by also using a "Bed Buddy" which is a heating pad you throw in the microwave for 2.5 minutes and rest that side of my face on it. I sympathize with the 3-4am headaches - they're the worst!! I've learned to live with them and try to wake up to take my Imitrex immediately instead of waiting when it's too late and I have to get up and go to work and have no time to do the whole Imitrex+heating pad+decongestant+Fioricet thing and then have to get in the car and drive to work - at this point, I'm grounded for at least 4 hours while the drugs wear off. The formula above has worked for me, but it takes discipline. I admit, I often try to sleep through it because I'm not fully awake and think it will go away - after almost 50yrs of this nonsense, you'd think I'd get a clue, right? Problem is, when you have a migraine, your brain is scrambled to begin with, so it's hard to remember something simple like taking your meds when you are disoriented and in blistering pain. Good luck. Get a good doc. I hope you're able to manage this, and SOON!
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