Eliquis: Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Have been taking Eliquis 5 mg 2x day for almost 3 months. Seem to be having Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas, Facial Swelling and lots of weight gain and water retention. Also brain fog and memory problems. (It's hard to tell how much of this is from Eliquis and how much from CHF associated with A-Fib. Also taking Beta Blocker and Digoxin.)

Eliquis has been out long enough for the pharmaceutical company (BMS) to put out a REVISED list of side-effects, to reflect real-life patients' experiences. Wonder if they have done so, or when they'll do so?

Am probably going to switch to Xarelto and stop the Eliquis, in hopes that the Xarelto will cause fewer problems.

84 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: David (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My Brother has been on Eliquis for at least 9 months and has had nothing but problems with extreme Bloating nausea vomiting unable to eat or keep anything down no energy pretty much a hermit cannot go or do anything feels like S**t all the time. He Looks horrible has developed breast pain in left and now right breast and you can feel something in the under the skin in the left breast area...He did not have any of this Before taking Eliquis..This medication is HORRIBLE.....

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On my request dosage was lowered to 2 instead of higher. But heartburn, bloat(severe) constant discomfort in stomach weight gain evident. Heartburn so bad while exercising I limit exercise. I fight constipation somewhat by diet. Not happy with the med but the doctor is adamant.

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I am on Eliquis and you need to be taking Zantac twice a day to help with cramping and also with stomach bleeding. although I have only been taking it for 8 days I feel the effect however my clot is almost gone < to the eye< and blood is starting to flow back into the extremity.

Zantac twice a day, hope this helps

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Saw this and had to reply it is indeed not in your mind.
Now been on this ELIQUIS for 15months and wish I had never started.
Taking Omeprazole 10 mgs a.m. and Zantac 300mgs p.m. which I was taking anyway before starting this terrible drug.
After 3months I started having Tinnitus but this is not the ordinary tinnitus that I used to have the is induced by this ELIQUIS and the noise you hear goes on well over my radio also when I speak on the phone to anyone once I come off my face is so red seems to k nock up the blood pressure something I never had a problem with.
Now for the WIND I am passing it morning noon and night and it is terrible what a noise never had it before along with awful burning piles so there seems to be an issue with it and if anyone has I.B.S. it really does make the condition a lot worse.
Thing about this ELIQUIS is yes I don't dispute its a life saver but its not the only drug available to us and remember you cant take ASPRIN OR N.S.A.I.D.S so if you have arthritis or Neuromuscular pain there is very little open to you.
I am considering talking it over with my doctor as my back pain is so bad will have to weigh the pros with the cons.

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My Doctor took me off of Xarelto and put me on Eliquis. I had no side effects while in Xarelto. I have gained a lot of wait and I am wondering if Xarelto caused that. I started Eliquis yesterday and feel horrible. I am very dizzy and have fatigue very badly. I am also suffering from nausea, amdominal pain and gas. I was prescribed 2.5 milligrams twice a day. I felt great when I woke up this morning now I feel horrible. I can't even leave my house or drive my car. I am on it for residual affects of a DVT. I am going to discontinue this medication and call my Doctor in the morning.

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I am currently googling Eliquis as I am no a business trip and can not even begin to explain what I have been going through the last 24 hours -- extreme stomach pain, some nausea, back hurting, but no fever. I am wondering if I am having a bleed.

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I am on Eliquis twice a day. And just recently I have had unbelievable stomach pain thought I was having an appendicitis. The pain has now settled on my right side hurts when I lay down and try to stand up.i have general abdominal discomfort and hope to get off med soon !

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Re: BETH (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Yes mame. My stomach bloats have depression and anxiety. And i dont want to eat. Been on for 3 weeks. Been horrible

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Squibb definitely needs an updated list of side effects of Eliquis. I would think the FDA would require an update. I think we Eliquis users should contact the FDA and demand it. The current printout is not accurate.

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Well, am going to take my chances, as I've been on Xarelto in the past and while it did cause some unpleasant side-effects, being on Eliquis has been very rough. Am hoping the Xarelto will be easier overall. Can always go back on Eliquis or try something else, if Xarelto proves intolerable. (Didn't find anything specific about the meds you mentioned and their relationship to Xarelto and found nothing in the links in your message, relevant to original post, so not sure what you were driving at.)

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i take the same medications and i have commenced with the stomach discomfort, heart burn, some dizzyness and loss of energy for my daily 2 mile walk.

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I have been on Eliquis almost a year and have no side effects. I take 160mg of sotalol and the combination hasn't caused any problems. 77 year old man 5 feet ten, weigh 215. Have afib episodes twice a month that usually are gone by 36 hours. Increase sotalol by 50% when episodes occur. Very minor ankle swelling.

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I just had a cardiac ablation for A-fib on June 21, 2016 and was put on Eliquis 5 mg 2x's daily. I have had nothing but gas, bloating and re-flux since I had this procedure done, I didn't even think about the possibility of it being caused due to the Eliquis. The doctor upped my dosage of Omeprazole from 20 mg to 40 mg but I don't really have heart burn just gas and everything comes up my throat after I eat or drink...makes you not want to eat anything... can't wait to get off some of these meds.

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I also take elequis 2.5mg 2x day. I've been on it for a few months. I had tinnitus from the aspirin I was taking so when I began elequis it sure did not help. I have afib and as far as I know elequis is the safest of the blood thinners. Hope you feel better soon. Side effects are the worst.

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Oh my yes. Stomach pain, bloating and it feels
like there are sores inside my stomach and abdomen. One episode of rectal bleeding. I have stopped taking and still have pain.

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I believe the reason many of you, including me, are having gas and bloating issues while on Eliquis is the fact that the medicine contains lactose. I am lactose intolerant and it is now so bad, I stopped it today and went to aspirin. Once I recover, I will try it again but with lactase supplements which will help digest the lactose material. Now it is fermenting in my gut causing servers discomfort

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No don't do it Xarelto is worse! I hate them both!!

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in 2012 i started on Xarelto and the other one,starts with a C both had the right side of my nose bleed,just about every day it felt like dried up blood in my nose so my dr put me on Eliquis,so far i have had no problem with Eliquis ,no bleeding and do dried up blood in my nose.now i have been really noticing how much my stomach is bloating and im wonderfing if its from the Eliquis.after reading about other people haveing the bloatng stomach im pretty sure that is why mine is getting so much bigger.next time i have a doctor appointment im going to ask if that is why im bloating .i look like im pregnant.pretty sure that isnt the problem since im 70

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I have AFIB also so Eliquis is on my menu. My stomach has gotten so bad at one minute I think I have an aortic embolism, appendicitis, cancer or all three!!! Going for ultrasound tomorrow but after reading these posts - I think I have what you are experiencing! Glad I found this site - now - what can we do to feel better?

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Exactly the same symptoms for me.excessive gas and stomach discomfort. Slight diarrohea.

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