Eliquis: Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Have been taking Eliquis 5 mg 2x day for almost 3 months. Seem to be having Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas, Facial Swelling and lots of weight gain and water retention. Also brain fog and memory problems. (It's hard to tell how much of this is from Eliquis and how much from CHF associated with A-Fib. Also taking Beta Blocker and Digoxin.)

Eliquis has been out long enough for the pharmaceutical company (BMS) to put out a REVISED list of side-effects, to reflect real-life patients' experiences. Wonder if they have done so, or when they'll do so?

Am probably going to switch to Xarelto and stop the Eliquis, in hopes that the Xarelto will cause fewer problems.

82 Replies (5 Pages)

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I hated Zorelto and i do hate eliquis. The same. Eliquis is more of astomach issue than zorelto. On the eliquis legs feel heavy . Tingly sensation something running up the foot feeling is slightly less, has anyone switched from zorelto to. Eliquis and will insurance cover if you go back to zorelto. Eliquis i am waiting for somekind of approval!

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I am taking 5 mg tablets of eliquis twice daily. Can these tablets be cut in half to take the 2.5 dosage? I've read where the can be crushed,so I'm assuming they can be halved.

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I have been on Eliquis 5mg two episodes a day and sotalol 40mg twice a day for a week. I have blown up like a balloon. My gut is bloated and tight as a drum. Definitely farting more. Seem to be retaining fluid all over. Face swollen, legs, belly, can't get rings on. Total disaster. Feeling miserable...I am 50 and have had a couple of episodes of AF. Other meds also disagreeable.

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I've been on Eliquis for 3 weeks now and I'm very very sick. I get gas but a lot of burning and bloating. The doctor prescribed Pepcid. Originally I was on Xarelto and broke out in a rash and also had stomach upset. So I was switched because they were afraid of allergies. One step forward two steps back. I don't even know how they approve these medicines from the FDA with so many side effects, but we're between a rock and a hard place and we need to avoid clots, so this is what goes on.

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Re: Afibber (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I was on Xarelto for few days, and started bruising a lot and also spit up blood. My friend warned me about Xarelto and said she had a lot of bleeding and issues on it. So they switched me to Eliquis and although I have a stomach ache not sure if it's from Eliquis or not. Hope it works for you.

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Re: Harley (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I tried the Zantac one twice a day, and it worked for me. I was so nauseated with bloating and dizziness. My oncologist had me try Pepcid. It didn't work. I saw your post, and I am so glad I did. I hope this helps someone else.

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I've had occasional arrhythmia since I turned 40. Occasional A-fib. Basic meds for that = once daily Micardis and bispropanol. Active, male, age 75. Fall '16, I started with what the GP said was asthma. In December '17: it was bronchitis. April '17 hard to function, severe shortness of breath and hours long bouts of irregular heartbeat. Finally, figuring I'm at death's door I pushed for more tests. MRI w/ intravenous indicated Multiple PEs. Started Eliquis 2 X 5mg per day. Took about 1 1/2 months before breathing properly returned. Arrhythmia stopped (except if I eat anything with soy flour.) I was 179lbs (5'10) in April '17. Three weeks after starting Eliquis the lower abdominal cramps started along with the flatulence...terrible. And finally The Taste, a metallic sour taste which nothing gets rid of. The taste is steady to the point where it overcomes or distorts the tastes of everything. Between the gas, cramps, and taste I have lost interest in eating. Even plain water "tastes" terrible; and my sense of smell has become heightened especially of anything burning... Being male I can only imagine morning sickness but I sure seem to have all the symptoms (LOL). The gas I can cope with, but The Taste, well I really find eating so unenjoyable that I eat only when necessary and only food as bland as possible. Five months on Eliquis and I am now 165lbs. From what I've been told by three MD's Eliquis is currently the best solution. Pity, for I used to really enjoy food. I guess The Taste is proof that I'm still here, breathing properly, and as long as I avoid soy, no more irregular heart beat. Mds say in Oct 17 I will be able to reduce to 2.5 tabs twice a day. Perhaps The Taste will stop or at least not be so overpowering...oh oh (pfffft... burp) there I go again. Question: Why doesn't Eliquis mention this in the blurb which accompanies the meds?

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I have been on Rivaroxaban for a month and I have a dry cough it drives me nuts.
Bloating is the other side effects .i was diagnosed with clots on my lungs .im now on 20 mg once a day from yesterday which I was on 15mg twice a day.
I'm seeing my GP on Tuesday as I can't go on with this cough and feeling down.
Does anyone else on this medication get this cough.
I saw a Haematologist last week and she said the clots doesn't cause the cough .
All my ultrasounds in hospital came Back OK.

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Yes, eliquis does upset the stomach. Can an anti acid be taken with the eliquis

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Eliquis is making me sick with an upset stomach, nausea and a general yucky feeling. How long after I stop will I feel better? I've been taking it for nine months and plan on stopping for a colonoscopy and endoscope. I will not go back on. What alternatives to Eliquis are out there?

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Re: Carolyn (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Update: I am off the Eliquis and all meds for arrhythmias. I am finding that controlling reflux prevents the arrhythmias generally speaking. No more fluid retention once off the Eliquis. I feel like I need further investigation for abdominal issues like ulcer, hernia etc., but the docs aren't listening to me!

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Re: rodger (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

update, after almost 8 months on Eliquis, first 5mg twice per day, Second 2.5mg. twice per day. I still have some Hemmoroid bleeding and stomach discomfort. My blood doctor tested me again for the clot in my leg. the test showed it was still some clot remaining in my right leg. He said even though the risk of occurrance remains, and is only 5%, The risk out ways the benefit of discontinuing the drug. He recommend staying on the 2.5 mg. 2 x day. until further notice, or if I have heavy bleeding. The bottom line is do I want a stroke or heart attack if I stop the Drug.

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Eliquis gave me extreme gas and bloating. Second time trying it. Gave up. Also, the expense was way out of my reach...sorry didn’t work. Back on Coumadin

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Re: Afibber (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

How did you make out on the Eliquis? I am having the exact same symptoms as you are and I have been on Eliquis for one year.

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Does Eliquis cause stomach irritation and bloating>

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Re: Kathi (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Same symptoms
Can you tell me your last update for using it
It is impossible for me to stop it due to shortness of factor v
For me it a life time drug cannot live without and it is hard with
I have changed from xarelto 20 but the symptoms was much harder
Waiting for help to make it easier

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I have been on Eliquis for 2 yrs and 5 months and have had stomach upset and nausea the whole time but for the last 5 months it has been worse it starts after i take it and lasts most of the day and then i have to take it again and the pain starts all over i normally wake in the morning with a stomach ache and fell nauseous, i cut my morning dose in 1/2 for a week and the symptoms are much less or even gone during the day but take the whole pill at night and start all over .

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You might look at the Beta Blockers for all those problems, particularly the swelling and bloating. They are known for that.

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Down regulation with Beta Blocker could contribute. Personal observation.

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I want to start losing weight but I'm scared because I would like to start taking a supplement that won't make me feel sick and stuff what do you recommend?

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