Eliquis: Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas (Page 2)


Have been taking Eliquis 5 mg 2x day for almost 3 months. Seem to be having Stomach Pain, Abdominal Swelling, Bloating, Gas, Facial Swelling and lots of weight gain and water retention. Also brain fog and memory problems. (It's hard to tell how much of this is from Eliquis and how much from CHF associated with A-Fib. Also taking Beta Blocker and Digoxin.)

Eliquis has been out long enough for the pharmaceutical company (BMS) to put out a REVISED list of side-effects, to reflect real-life patients' experiences. Wonder if they have done so, or when they'll do so?

Am probably going to switch to Xarelto and stop the Eliquis, in hopes that the Xarelto will cause fewer problems.

84 Replies (5 Pages)

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What are the problems with your finger?

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I wish there were better options. I have heard that there is weight gain as well as stomach and digestive problems which is bad for me because I have COPD and if I gain weight I have more problems breathing. It's like dominoes. One medicine causes another problem which needs medicine which causes another problem and so on and so on.

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I just had a cardiac ablation for A-fib on June 21, 2016 and was put on Eliquis 5 mg 2x's daily. I have had nothing but gas, bloating and re-flux since I had this procedure done, I didn't even think about the possibility of it being caused due to the Eliquis. The doctor upped my dosage of Omeprazole from 20 mg to 40 mg but I don't really have heart burn just gas and everything comes up my throat after I eat or drink...makes you not want to eat anything... can't wait to get off some of these meds.

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Saw this and had to reply it is indeed not in your mind.
Now been on this ELIQUIS for 15months and wish I had never started.
Taking Omeprazole 10 mgs a.m. and Zantac 300mgs p.m. which I was taking anyway before starting this terrible drug.
After 3months I started having Tinnitus but this is not the ordinary tinnitus that I used to have the is induced by this ELIQUIS and the noise you hear goes on well over my radio also when I speak on the phone to anyone once I come off my face is so red seems to k nock up the blood pressure something I never had a problem with.
Now for the WIND I am passing it morning noon and night and it is terrible what a noise never had it before along with awful burning piles so there seems to be an issue with it and if anyone has I.B.S. it really does make the condition a lot worse.
Thing about this ELIQUIS is yes I don't dispute its a life saver but its not the only drug available to us and remember you cant take ASPRIN OR N.S.A.I.D.S so if you have arthritis or Neuromuscular pain there is very little open to you.
I am considering talking it over with my doctor as my back pain is so bad will have to weigh the pros with the cons.

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My Doctor took me off of Xarelto and put me on Eliquis. I had no side effects while in Xarelto. I have gained a lot of wait and I am wondering if Xarelto caused that. I started Eliquis yesterday and feel horrible. I am very dizzy and have fatigue very badly. I am also suffering from nausea, amdominal pain and gas. I was prescribed 2.5 milligrams twice a day. I felt great when I woke up this morning now I feel horrible. I can't even leave my house or drive my car. I am on it for residual affects of a DVT. I am going to discontinue this medication and call my Doctor in the morning.

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hi im currently having chemotherapy for breast cancer im on FEC as im triple negative after my first chemo i contracted a blood clot in my arm , so i was put into surgery for a portacath as it was hard to find a vein in my hand , a week later i developed a clot in my neck even though i was tking injections so my portacath was taken out im now on 5mg of eliquis had my chemo on monday and my lower arm is in pain again swelling a little and red do you think i could have another clot even though im on aliquis

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I also take elequis 2.5mg 2x day. I've been on it for a few months. I had tinnitus from the aspirin I was taking so when I began elequis it sure did not help. I have afib and as far as I know elequis is the safest of the blood thinners. Hope you feel better soon. Side effects are the worst.

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I want to start losing weight but I'm scared because I would like to start taking a supplement that won't make me feel sick and stuff what do you recommend?

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I changed to Eliquis from Rivaoxoban after multiple pulmonary emboli because of extreme joint pain. Within days of starting Eliquis have been experiencing long term acute abdominal discomfort and pain on waking, every morning!! Feeling of inflammation that I can only say must be like gastritis. Wondering if anyone else is finding similar?

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I do have stomach polyps and a bit of reflux also I.B.S along with spinal complaints and when it was found that I have A/F I was put on this terrible medication 5mgs x2 daily. Round about 1-2 hours of taking it this tablet is like a diuretic and you pee for a couple of hours which is bad enough in the morning but when taken in the late evening [as you must leave 10 hours in between] you perhaps just get into a sleep when next thing you know you are out the bed away at the toilet. Recently as I said in my last post I visited the doc told him that I felt really bad must say he was concerned at within 2 days I had practically every type of blood work done. Results came back and I actually felt a fraud they were all normal BUT now I am either going to be reduced on this ELIQUIS or be changed as it appears that I have serious side effects to the drug. Firstly I have blood coming from my gums and as I attend dentist regularly it had nothing to do with anything dental. Blood work showed no sign of any infection throughout the body. Blood pressure fine but dizzy sick nausea joint pain stomach pain so theory is its this DRUG WITHOUT DOUBT. Why is this company not looking into the problems? Have you seen the size of the leaflet within the box? A few of them and you could paste the walls. Oh I should point out the TINNITUS would drive you insane and trust me it IS this drug.

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I am currently googling Eliquis as I am no a business trip and can not even begin to explain what I have been going through the last 24 hours -- extreme stomach pain, some nausea, back hurting, but no fever. I am wondering if I am having a bleed.

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Bad gas and GI discomfort
Red blood occasion
I take different meds hard to know which is culprit

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Oh my yes. Stomach pain, bloating and it feels
like there are sores inside my stomach and abdomen. One episode of rectal bleeding. I have stopped taking and still have pain.

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I believe the reason many of you, including me, are having gas and bloating issues while on Eliquis is the fact that the medicine contains lactose. I am lactose intolerant and it is now so bad, I stopped it today and went to aspirin. Once I recover, I will try it again but with lactase supplements which will help digest the lactose material. Now it is fermenting in my gut causing servers discomfort

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Yes I have done lots of research into why this drug is causing such discomfort and I take Omeprazole it contains Lactose and also Eliquis contains Lactose and I have 300mgs of Zantac at night and guess what it has lactose I don't drink milk or take yougurts thank God but I do take lots of fruit and all this together causes bad problems.
I suffer from I.B.S and used to have a few bouts of tummy problems BUT since going on this terrible drug over a period of time I have it almost every day and I am really fed up. Had to stop eating bananas as they really interact with Eliquis and that's fact NOT fiction. Come off them for a week and see the vast improvement!
You do understand you cant just stop taking an Anticoagulant without first consulting your doctor it can cause all sorts of trouble for you and I would advise you to see your regular doctor.
There must have been a reason for you being put on this drug or other similar for me it was a condition called Atrial Fibrillation play about with it and you could end up having a stroke!
My other advice is contact on line the YELLOW CARD SYSTEM to report adverse side effects and you will help not just yourself but many thousands of others I have registered with them and each time I suffer a new symptom I sign in and put it down.

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I was just put on Eliquis because of (no I know minimal) stomach problems with xarelto . I feel like my ulcers are back with the gnawing hunger, now I can add constipation and lethargy to the list. Do you think I should go back to Xarelto or ask for another medication?

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No don't do it Xarelto is worse! I hate them both!!

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in 2012 i started on Xarelto and the other one,starts with a C both had the right side of my nose bleed,just about every day it felt like dried up blood in my nose so my dr put me on Eliquis,so far i have had no problem with Eliquis ,no bleeding and do dried up blood in my nose.now i have been really noticing how much my stomach is bloating and im wonderfing if its from the Eliquis.after reading about other people haveing the bloatng stomach im pretty sure that is why mine is getting so much bigger.next time i have a doctor appointment im going to ask if that is why im bloating .i look like im pregnant.pretty sure that isnt the problem since im 70

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I have AFIB also so Eliquis is on my menu. My stomach has gotten so bad at one minute I think I have an aortic embolism, appendicitis, cancer or all three!!! Going for ultrasound tomorrow but after reading these posts - I think I have what you are experiencing! Glad I found this site - now - what can we do to feel better?

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Does elquis cause an increase in blood pressure mine is so high and im nervouse was never high till i started taking this medicine

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