Duspatalin. Can Duspatalin Remove Tummy Bloating?
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I am 15 years old . My tummy is bloated since 5 weeks ago. Can duspatalin tablet (mebeverine 135mg tablet) remove bloating tummy ?
What are the possible causes of tummy bloating? Need urgent help

7 Replies

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Re: siba (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Duspatalin works only after two-four weeks of intake .Better to finish up your dose

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Re: ti (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Try to test for lactose intolerance and h pylori bacteria

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take duspatalin regularly & it can cure your bloating.
1capsule morning before meal & 1 capsule evening before meal.

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I have stomach pain which gastritis and my doctor
prescribe me duspatalin.

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please i need these informations

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Actually , i consulted 2 doctors for my bloating tummy.

1) First doctor who is GI doctor says that my bloating is likely caused by IBS; so he gave me
Duspatalin and Forlax. I took the medicine for 5 days ;but it was not cured

2) Then, i went to see a second doctor who is a consultant physian for second opinion. This second doctor says that my bloating tummy is likely caused by gastric and he gave me Omeprazole, Motilium, and White Syrup for gastric. So , I stop the duspatalin &Forlex and started taking Omeprazole, Motilium, and White Syrup for gastric ( for 7 days). Now, 7 days had past, but the bloating is still there and it is still not cure .

so,I am confused as the first doctor's opinion contradict the second doctor's opinion. I am still a teenager of 15 years old. I am just wondering whether or not i should continue the duspatalin that my first doctor gave me because i still have the duspatalin tablets for 10 days. ( The first doctor gave me 15 days of Duspatalin tablets; but i finished only 5 days of duspatalin)
Please help.

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Duspatalin is used to treat intestinal colic, biliary colic, and irritable bowel syndrome(IBS).

I would go and speak with your doctor about your bloating, self medicating is never a good idea. You never know how your body will react towards certain medications.

Please post back if you have any more questions.

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