Drinking On Lexapro (Page 2)
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I was just wondering if anyone has drank with this med and were there any side effects? I've been on lexapro 10 mg for a month and am feeling great but I am petrified to even attempt to drink alcohol, but would like to try. So if anyone could help that would be great.

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But is it harmful if you do? That is the question.

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the reason that I was drinking so much at home was the anxiety of being there was almost unbearable.....raising a granddaughter and no outlet for my energies....quit a lot of involvement of things that caused me extreme anxiety so learning to manage my feelings....have always been aware of how medications effect me mentally and have never taken any pain killers except over the counter.....also know that certain medications do not do their job if patient does not try to remove the issues in his life that created them....so my goal is to reduce my anxiety and and wine consumption....and not to depend on either......

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Read my post above. I thought it made me better being on Lexpro but it turned into a nightmare. Heightened drunkeness, dreams, super increased belly fat, bad migranes. I am off one week & feel so much better. :)

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I have just quit cold turkey off lexpro with the OK of my physician. On it about 8 or 9 months. Drinking on it is a nightmare. I got intoxicated to a heightened level. My body fat increased alot. I had dreams. And my moods began to revert to ugliness. I have been off a week. Feel AWESOME & normal again. My advice fight depression homeopathically your far better off. My belly fat seems to be going down in just a short time. My spouse had noticed how much my belly fat increased being on this drug. I am very active 56 year old have a cleaning service & work out 4-6 days a week & just kept getting fatter. GET OFF IT IF YOU CAN

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I definitely notice disturbance in equilibrium with just 1 drink while using low dose Lexapro

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I also pee myself when I drink now that I am on Lexapro. I black our or pass out within 3-4 drinks no matter what I do or how I try to pace myself. The first drink feels great, then afterwards, it just hits you like a ton of bricks and you can't control yourself. My bodily functions such as speaking seem to go first. I notice myself slurring my words way before I feel drunk. It is odd.. I don't like it.. Alcohol has just been such a big part of my social life and it is hard to stop it cold turkey. Of course, peeing on my SO is not exactly fun and has been the main reason I have stopped/slowed down social drinking now.

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Don't take alcohol at all till you are stable on the medicine, usually 60 days. In short alcohol depresses the effectiveness of any antidepressant, and also increases the side effects. If you take your medicine at night, after drinking, it will be much worse. If you normally take your medicine in the morning it may not be as bad. If you must drink, start with one drink and see how it affects you. For me it is terrible, I take my medicine before bed as it makes me sleepy, also I wake up feeling better. Talking alcohol in the evening drags me down for two days. But having a couple of beers on a hot afternoon is ok as it is many hours before my next dose.

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Blacking out after consuming alcohol is an indication you suffer from a true allergic reaction to ethanol ALCOHOL. Despite the presence of lexapro. Most will say it's a precursor to alcoholism but if you blackout after a consumption of a alcoholic beverage pre dating your lexapro administration I'd speak to a skilled professional. The complications to you, your loved ones and the community at large can be catastrophic. I lost my best friend, his wife and 3 children to a fire when a friend had a psychotic episode following 1 mixed alcoholic beverage, Dx: ethanol allergy

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I've been on Lexapri for only 3 months. If I drink in moderation I'm ok but if I drink too many days in a row I experience nausea & vomiting.

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This issue has been common for me also. I will black out after a few drinks and act completely out of my normal character. Yelling, picking fights, crying uncontrollably with no reason. I have needed (more than once) for someone to remind me of my previous nights behavior. I understand that people black out when drinking frequently, but again, this is not my typical behavior even after drinking a significant amount without Lexapro.

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I have been drinking regularly and taking 20mg of Lexapro for 12 months. Normally I am fine drinking. But 30-40% of the time I black out after a moderate amount of alcohol, say 4-5 glasses of wine over some hours. It is incredibly scary. From this post, this doesnt seem abnormal. If anyone else has this issue please share. I understand that "dont drink" is an option but sometimes you don't do that and it would be helpful to know if others have the same issue.

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Just don't do it. I am a bartender so it has been nearly impossible (unfortunately this is our lifestyle) to completely avoid drinking. My condition is significantly worse while drinking alcohol. I am irritable, tired, and not myself. It has had a very negative effect on my relationship, which in turn, has made me more depressed than I was before. It simply is not worth it. Everyone is different, so maybe it will not affect you this way. This is just my experience.

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I take lexapro and drink I have found I am cold hearted and have absolutely no feelings cruel almost anyone else experiencing this

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I am on escitalopram and have been for 2 weeks. I have drank at least 3 times already only a couple beers at a time but feel no side effect other than a headache. The headaches have come regularly since I have started taking this med anyway. As far as feeling any different it's not really changed my outlook thus far but I'm only on 10mg so idk if that has anything to do with it.

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Maybe try another medicine? There are many others you can try.

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Maybe this drug is not for you. Maybe try a different one.

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Honestly everybody is different! Try it with someone you trust and just see how it effects you! I've been on it about a month & started drinking right after getting on it. Before I use to be able to consume a bottle & a half of vodka, now I can drink 1/2 a bottle & not remember anything that happened.

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Wake up ,from a recovered alcoholic to all ,if you can't do without a drink that's the. Problem sneaky Pete has his hand on you he almost killed me TakeThe med don't drink,

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I am wondering if taking Lexapro has made you gain weight?

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My sister takes 20 mg of escitalopram and when she drinks beer I notice she has excessive blinking anyone ever notice that?

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