Dr In Phoenix Arizona To Prescribe Xanax, Klonopin, And Percocet (Page 2)
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I just moved to Phoenix, AZ and am looking for a new doc with compassion who can prescribe Xanax / Klonopin for anxiety and Percocet for back pain. Any help appreciated.


24 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Shemp (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

What doctor???? I need to see a provider ASAP, my insurance changed and now I'm screwed

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Xanax is really not a sleeping drug or for insomnia. While the dosage seems acceptable, taking two drugs that are very much identical can cause problems when its time to discontinue. Just be aware of this problem with Benzos

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My dr prescribes me 67 8mg suboxone, 1mg klonopin 3x daily and 1mg Xanax for insomnia.

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Xanax contains Alprazolam and Klonopin contains Clonazepam, they are both Benzodiazepines, which treat the same conditions, so it is unlikely you will find a doctor that will prescribe both.

In addition, many doctors will not want to handle pain treatment and the treatment for other conditions, such as anxiety, because they are not properly trained in handling both conditions. Have you had any luck yet?

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