Dorvasal (Page 2)
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I am looking for some information about this drug.

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I am trying to find a Doctor like Dr. Carona. If Dr. De Luna is available and taking patients I would really like some contact information on him. Can you please email me info. {edited for privacy}. thank you

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Dr. DeLuna in Piedras Negres, I used to go to Dr. Corona, but he is no longer in practice because of retirement.

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I would like to know about the Rheumatologist you are now seeing. I can not find any information on Jesus Carona.

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I have been taking Dorvasol for almost twenty years. If you have any question you would like to ask me, my email is {edited for privacy}.... Thanks

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I will be glad to tell you about Dr. Corona and the Dr. I now go to in Piedres Negres.

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Yes, Dr. Corona has retired and Marta has taken work somewhere else. However, Dr DeLuna does the same treatment.

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To all who are looking for Dr. Corona and the orange pills Dorvasol; He has retired. I wrote the long post some time back when he was still practicing. I now go to another Dr. in Piedras Negras, Mexico who uses the exact same treatment.: Three IV treatments, shots in troubled spots, and the red/orange pill, Dorvasol. I have been seeing him for almost four years. You cannot have the pills mailed to you. You must have a passport to get across the Mexican border, but Dr. DeLuna provides transportation from the U.S. side both ways each day. His office is within view from the border crossing, just across the plaza as you enter Mexico. I have never had any problems at the border.

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Do you have the Dorvasal orange tablets...

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Can someone help me? Years ago I took my grandmother to Mexico for this miracle arthritis treatment and it worked wonders. I need to take my mom now, but I cannot find any of the information on the clinic or the doctors. Do they still do it and can anyone tell me who to contact?
Scott Fowler

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Did you find anyone that gives the Dorvasal tablets~~I do not want the treatment, just the tablets~~~Please let me know~~~yes the clinic is closed ~~~I called a few months back and there was no answer...

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Since Dr. Corona closed his clinic in Piedras Negras
I have not been able to obtain the DMSO/Dorvasal which I have been taking for 16 years. I would really apprciate hearing from you with information on a source for obtaining this medication. I am beginning to feel stiffness all over and feel sure this is because I am not taking Dorval.

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I visited Dr. Jesus Corona twice for treatment 17 years ago and ever since have been taking Dorvasal which I received through the mail. Since the clinic closed my orange pills(I took three per day) have finished and I am begining to feel stiffness everywhere. I have been inable to contact Dr. Corona's nurse, Marta Rodrigues and would be very interested to purchase these DMSO/Dorvasal pills again for myself.

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I have been told Dr. Corona has closed his clinic in Piedras Negras as a result of the dangerous conditions for his patients in Mexico. Has anyone found a source for our magic orange pills?

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i would like to find dr. i have used the orange pil;l for year mom took them from his uncle in the late 60s.. i just hurt so bad now and thats all that i can find to help the pain...thanks

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I am a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Tempe, Arizona. Some of Dr. Corona's former Rheumatoid Arthritis patients have learned about my practice since he closed his practice, and we are doing the same or almost the same procedure. I have not been able to find Dr. Corona to ask him, but according to his former patients, we are doing the same thing, and they are getting the same relief.

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Hi jafamimi, I would love to chat with Dr. Corona and see if he can help me. If you have contact info, I would be very grateful.

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The white pill is called orfenedrina. I googled it, you can too. I also take the orange pill and have been going to Dr. Jesus Corona for 15 years. There is absolutely nothing better than the orange pill and the DMSO IV treatments for RA. I have taken many people there over the years for help and all of them are astounded at how quickly and well it works. None of these things are steroids. The U.S. medical community does not want Americans to know about this because Arthritis is a multibillion dollar industry. Dr. Corona actually treats several American Rheumatologists with his DMSO. But they are not allowed to tell their own patients about it, by law. Both my brothers (who were crippled with RA and had been getting awful toxic medications from their American Drs......) once they had gone to Dr. Corona, they never went back to their American Drs again. When I read comments on either the ARAF or the AMA websites having to do with DMSO, I laugh out loud. They have no idea at all what they are talking about. Every other 1st world country and many 2nd and 3rd world countries use DMSO for arthritis. Dr. Corona's DMSO is manufactured in Germany where it is widely used. Australia, England, Canada among others all use DMSO to treat many conditions. There are no side effects. That is a myth conjured up by the American medical community and the drug if their drugs don't have deadly side effects! If anyone is interested in discussing this with me further about how to get the medication or make an appointment with Dr. Corona, I think I can pull it off. Although he is limiting his hours at his clinic these days, he is still interested in treating patients with the DMSO. I just got back from having a treatment in Tiajuana Mexico, (because I was already in San Diego). It was not nearly as potent as Dr. Corona offers....and he did carry the orange pill. I will check back here periodically to see if there is any interest. I do have Dr. Corona's telephone number and somewhere a mailing address in the states.

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We have been taking DMSO from Mexico for 15 years. With the turmoil there now, does anyone know of any way to get the medicine by mail?

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My mother has been going to Dr. Hector DeLuna in Piedras Negras for 30+ years, since 1979, to receive injections and the Dorvasal and has had nothing but relief from her rheumatoid arthritis. It has kept her from being an invalid. She has had no side effects whatsoever. She also takes the white pills. The Dorvasal is an orange pill. The white pill is a benzodiazopine muscle relaxer that is not available in the states. Dr. deLuna is a class act and a kind-hearted physician that has been good to our family for over 30 years. His email is hdeluna @ comuni-k . com.

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What is the white round pill that the doctor in Mexico also prescribes for the arthritis pain. My friend has been going to Mexico for the DMSO pills and the white pills for 30 years and gave me some of them to try as I have spinal arthritis and all over my body, before I go to get the treatment to see but she did not tell me the name of the white round pill that goes with the small round orange pill. The white round pill is about the size of the old Exedrine we used to buy. She said it was kind of a relaxer. Is it a muscle relaxer? If anyone out there knows please let me know.

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