Dormonoct Drug Information (Top voted first)


How long will it take for Dormonoct to become addictive and not be able to sleep without it?

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I have been taking Dormonoct 1 mg on prescription for nearly a year - in the belief that it was benign. I am now suffering memory loss, body wanting more, heavy heart beat, stress, frequent urination and dehydration etc etc. What is the best regime to wean myself off the drug and how long will it take?

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I've been taking domonoct 2mg for about 3yrs now n tried weaning off but cant due to bad headaches. I tried taking other sleeping tabs but feel very drowsy in the mornings. Is there a generic alternative, coz domonoct is a bit expensive? Thanks.

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HI. I have ben taking Dormonoct 4mg a day for the past 8 years and have cut down gradually to 2mg for the past year. Further to that i cannot seem to have myself drop to 1mg due to the Headaches and sweating that i experience as a result of prolonged use. I understand that if you alternate dormonoct with purata for about three-four weeks, it will be easier to leave the purata than dormonoct. Please confirm with a medical practitioner. Good luck!

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My husband took this drug for at least 3 years. It's use was not monitored by his GP and he was able to obtain more than the prescribed amount a month, thanks to the lack of control over prescription issue. He suffered with insomnia for over 2 decades and his immunity built up so that he was taking up to 6 a night and only getting a couple of hours sleep. He had a lot of other medication for other problems and I believe that he should not have been put on it in the first place. He finally died of burst ulcers which had formed behind his stomach. These went undiagnosed and he bled to death. I am sure that this medication did not help his condition.

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I took one dormonoct at night to sleep BUT still can not sleep. I tried 2 dormonoct but it doesn't work. Should I throw it in the trash bin because I found it useless?

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Hi, I am taking Dopaqual for Bipolar. Is it safe to also take Dormonoct at the same time or must I alter them one night to the other? Is there any danger to this? I have stopped taking Ambien because it makes me feel really bad, therefore I switched over to Dormonoct. Please help.

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What is the difference between adco-zopied and dormonoct? I have been on adco-zoomed. There were nights that I was still struggling to sleep. Now the rheumatologist prescribed dormonoct. Do you gain weight on dormonoct?

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Hi. What antidepressant and sleeping pill does not cause weight gain as a known side effect? Does Dormonoct (Loprazolam) fit this description?

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