Does Pristiq Ever Stop Working?
UpdatedI have been on pristiq for at least 3 years 100 mg per day . I have been doing well with this drug. I take it for anxiety , panic disorder , some depression. But lately I have been feeling a little queasy ( stomach) and feeling somewhat anxious .
Not sure what's going on because a close friend of mine died recently in a accident
And my wife just got diagnosed with stage 1 liver cancer but it was caught early,
She is my rock and love her so much I would die if I ever lost her. Thank you
12 Replies
Hello, Gary! How are you? I really wish the best for your wife.
Medications can become less effective, over time, as our bodies get used to them and coupling that with the stress you're currently under, it makes sense that you could be experiencing more stress and anxiety.
At this point, you may need a dosage or adjustment, or to try a different medication.
The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thanks veron,
I have been very pleased with the way pristiq works for me. So if any thing maybe a dosage increase might help. Also I was seeing my doctor basically for medication maintenance only once a year. Now I just found out she has closed her location which was about an hour away and relocated to a new one 3 hrs away. But has found her patients a good replacement so I'm trying to schedule a appt from him.
With pristiq I want to use a specialist that knows this class of meds.
Again my thanks for your feed back
I have been on Pristiq for three years. It stopped working and my blood pressure was up. I stopped taking it about two months ago. I felt better. Now, I am severely depressed again. Started taking it again. I don't know if it will work. The reason I think it stopped working? Because it's being manufactured in India. Prior to January 1 of this year it had not been. That is when it stopped working for me. Unless you live in another country one cannot get medications from any other place then India. If you check the label the manufacturer is India. I don't care where the main offices located of the pharmaceutical company it's manufactured in India.
I have been taking it for 5 years and I felt that it quit working. I started trying other ones that my Dr. suggested (Vybrid) with terrible results. Then he put me back on the Pristiq ER 100 mg and added Wellbutrin XL 300 mg and a blood pressure pill Hydrochlorothiazide
and I have never felt better in my life! A
feeling of well being, no anger or anxiety, no
depression, no worrying. It's been miraculous...
Hi stocks22
Thanks for that input, I'm not sure on the India info or where it's made but the formula has to stay the same otherwise it would just fail. That being said I was on a med called Nardil in the eighties / nineties and that had a change in where it was made I think it was France and it wasn't as effective . So who knows?
Pale Rider:
It was not just with the Pristiq. I have blood pressure medication that was originally from Teva pharmaceuticals. Just fine until all chain pharmacies switch to medications manufactured in India. A friend of mine opened one of her pills and found a gel like substance. Ranbaxy, One of the previous manufacturers in India was shut down and reopened as OHS. I have read many stories of people being handcuffed and taken out due to improprieties in training in India manufacturing pharmaceuticals. Trust me, you do not want these drugs from India. I went to an independent pharmacy and some of my medications they can get from Teva pharmaceuticals. Teva manufactures in Israel, the Czech Republic, and Ireland. I have never had a problem with pharmaceuticals from Teva. There have been many instances with pharmaceuticals manufactured in India as to their Strength and what they are putting in those pills. I promise you don't take them.
I've been on one or the other of these SSRIs since they first came out and have found that they all poop out after some time - I'm just about out of options
All the drugs from India are made cheaply. There is junk in them. Trust me I know. I had some analyzed by a pharmacy. Pills were filled with dust. Pharmacies lose money when they use good pharmaceutical companies so they are using India to cut costs.
Hi Trish,
Yes I understand about the degree of effect wears off some and I'm not convinced
That my pristiq has done that , have you been on pristiq? Currently I'm on a 100 mg dose approx 4/5 years. It has worked great for me and I just don't want it to weaken. I hope you are well
Hi pandyman35
Yes I'm on the same bp pill hydro plus pristiq 100 mg what is er100 pristiq?
This pristiq has been great for me over the years makes me feel normal
I'm glad you are doing well with the Wellbutrin added
All the best
Pristiq raises my blood pressure and it won't come down with my blood pressure medication. It's either die happy or die depressed. Take your pick.
Re: pandyman35 (# 4)
Thanks for sharing that. I am also on Pristiq 100 mg and it’s the only antidepressant that has ever helped me. But in the past year or so I’ve felt it wasn’t as effective (I’ve been on it 3 years). I haven’t told my doctor because I was afraid he’d take me off it altogether and put me on a new drug, but I didn’t know you could take Wellbutrin with Pristiq until I read your post.
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