Does Levothyroxine Cause Acne (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 25mcg for about 6 weeks and feel much better, no weight loss, but no gain. I have developed acne on my chin and around the right side of my this a side effect? Anyone else had this happen?

126 Replies (7 Pages)

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You might want to go back and read the original post. There was a question about acne as a side effect that we are not told about. The OP was not about the thyroid problem itself. Maybe this is an issue that doesn't concern or bother you....then, good for you. Rather than being judgmental, perhaps you might want to consider the content of the original question and add something helpful or positive to share.

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I've been on it for 2 and a half weeks now and have developed small spots on my chin and jawline. No other symptoms. In fact I feel fab so managing the acne with glycolic facials at the moment. Mine is also 25mcg

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I am also on Tri-Nessa, which is similar to Ortho Tri-Cyclen, which may help as well.

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Been on 50mg Levothyroxin (Almus mfr.) for 3 weeks due to under active Thyroid. . Now developed rash under arms and breasts. Phoned Dr. to report this. She said not the drug, but as I have never had problems before in my life, I know it is. The leaflet also says report any rash. Others on here speak of rash on face - not so kind, so good luck. Can anyone provide any guidance relating to my problem, please?

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Me too!! I have always always had clear skin, even as a teenager. But since starting Levothyroxine, my skin has gone crazy - new breakouts every day, cystic acne, also my skin is taking so much longer to heal itself. It's making me so unhappy I'm going to stop taking it.

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I take 125mcg of Levothyroxine and i have developed acne on my back. Not sure if this is why, because i have also stoped taking my birthd controll pill, which also could be the reason.

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You can stop taking the medication. But, ask your doctor for a different medication. Believe me, I am vain. I spend tons of money on my face to prevent progressive aging. But, thyroid can make your life even worse. whether hypo or hyper. You can develop myxedema, goiter, hair loss, eyebrow hair loss, fatigue, light sensitivity, body skin hyper pigmentation, acanthosis nigricans, weight gain, brain fog, you name it. unfortunately, your thyroid is very important.

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I had been on the common thyroid meds for 9 years. I take 175mcg. I broke out in acne on my back, my jawline, my chin, and upper shoulders and arms. I went to a holistic Dr. And she told me it was from the med. She took me off the med and put me on the natural thyroid T 3 T4 med called Armour Thyroid. Levo only provides T3 no T4. You need both. Also, I only take 150 mcg. On this natural thyroid. All my acne went away on the natural Armour Thyroid. Also, my Dr. Gave me the book, Stop the Thyroid Madness. GET A COPY!!! Well worth it! Also, the blood test for thyroid is archic and only a GUESS at what is a "normal". My Dr. Treats the symptoms and doesn't go by the bloodwork numbers. I had dry skin, acne, hair loss, always cold, and one thing that seems fun y but is also a symptom of hypothyroidism, is a cold butt!!! I also had brain fog, and fatigue. it all went away on the right dosage of Armour Thyroid. I HIGHLY recommend the book!! Arm yourself with knowledge and questions for your next trip to the Drs.!!!!

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Levothyroxine provides only T4 not T3.

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I'm so glad to see these posts, I thought I was crazy! I'm Levothyroxine 53 yrs old, was put on 100 mcg and about a month after I started, even though all of the other symptoms were immediately better, my face (particularly the entire forehead) is completely broken out with what looks more like a rash than even acne, some near the mouth, chin, nose. I have never had acne in my entire life! Have an appointment w/the dr. soon and will discuss, thanks for these posts as back-up info!

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I looked online to see if I was the only one with this problem. I have been taking 75 mcg of Levothyroxin for about a month and a half and am having acne-type breakouts on my chest area. I have not had this before, so I know it must be this drug causing the problem. I am going for a doctor's visit in a couple of weeks and will talk to him about it at that time. Hope there is a solution to the problem.

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Yes, you can be sure it is the medicine. My doctor told me that it is the filler that certain companies put into it and not the medication itself. I had a horrific outbreak (I'm 53) across my forehead, near the nose and chin, looked so bad it was like a rash. I stopped taking the Levothyroxcin and it cleared up, though I have scars on my forehead. My doctor switched me to Armor thyroid med, no side effects at all. Good luck!

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I take levorhyroxine 3 times a week only And i still get cystic acne on my forehead and chin. The medication is causing the acne problem but the pharmaceutical company won't accept the faulty. You shouldn't take the medication twice in one day, if you forgot the day before. You can cause you hypothyroidism to become hyperthyroidism.

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The docs ared obviously protecting the drug companies and trying not to scare us but levothyroxine DOES cause acne i developed raging acne a week after taking it...i wouldnt mind but the spots are huge puss filled monsters and believe me i have never suffered acne not even in my teens. i look awful and feel embarressed. everyone keeps asking me what has made my face break out so badly..... any tips anyone?.

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Yes, I have been taking it for 3 years and just last spring my dose was increased and I have had painful acne on my face around my mouth. I have gone in twice to ask my doctor and she said NO. I forget my meds on a week vacation and within 4 days the acne was gone until I came back within 3 days the acne was back....I am going to talk to my doctor again.

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I know this post is late but I always had clear skin my whole life UNTIL I went from 50mcg to 75mcg of my levothyroxine and its progressively worse with each dose increase. finally after breaking down and crying in my doctors office, he switched me to synthroid brand name only and in one week 75% of the acne is gone! im going back and he is going to give me an abx to kill the bacteria trapped under my skin, as i still have a few medium size painful cysts. But i wll never go generic again, ive been suffering for 6 months and spent Hundreds of dollars on acne treatments, washes, etc

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Hi folks, I am a doctor aged 36 on thyroxine treatment myself. I have noticed that within 2 weeks of starting thyroxine courses I develop facial acne. They subside once I stop the treatment. I did not have this problem when I was using the Eltroxin brand of thyroxine. I would advise trying to stagger the dose throughout the day or even lower the dose and the check your TFTs again after 3 weeks, and if that fails try to ask for a different brand name and see if that helps.

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I started levothyroxine on Sept 4th, 2013. (025). I started getting acne, painful cysts that don't break, all around my chin and mouth area, and could not figure out what was happening. I would use salicylic pads, and benzoyl peroxide and when three of them were starting to heal another three would pop up somewhere else. It has left scars. I am 63 and have ALWAYS had marvelous looking skin which I take care of. So this was a shock to me. I also had blurry vision and a stye on my right eye which my ophthalmologist says came from the medicine disrupting my oil glands all over. I was going to switch to Synthroid but saw that many patients got this also from that. So I just stopped the medicine altogether on Oct 30th and all my symptoms, the acne and the blurry vision have stopped. I am getting bloodwork done again to see what we can do to resolve this. I still have scars from the acne!!!

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I have been on Levothyroxine for about 4 months and my acne has gotten progressively worse as time goes on. My acne is also clustered on both cheeks and my forehead. I have never had acne this horrible in my entire life. Previous to taking Levothyroxine my skin was completely clear.

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I have been on Levothyroxine for 12 years. My current dose is 125mcgs and I have bad acne across my nose and cheeks and on my chin. I have always had clear skin until recently. Nothing helps it, including birth control pills, except fresh squeezed lemon juice. I Googled homemade acne remedies and everything I read said lemon juice. I squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon and put it in a small bottle and keep it in the fridge. Every night I wash my face and then use a cotton ball to apply the lemon juice, then apply moisturizer. It cleared my acne up noticeably in three days! Now that I have been off of my meds for about 2 weeks, the acne has cleared up even more. I'm going to start taking it again tomorrow and I expect the acne will come back, but I will keep using the juice.

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