Does Deplin Work For Anxiety (Top voted first)
UpdatedPlease tell me your experience how long does it take
6 Replies
Theresa and Denise,
Yes I started at 15 mg, I take it every other day now, tried it to just save money, but it turns out I feel just fine. It took a little over a week to begin noticing small improvements. More positive thinking, less dread a better sense of well being. It's been a while since I have posted, I did hit another low spot but not due to Deplin failing but because of significant hormone imbalance. I'm not sure how old you ladies are but if it's possible your in the premenopausal range, or the women in your family approach it earlier than others, please look up estrogen dominance. It's when our progesterone is low in ratio to our estrogens. It can begin in out thirties. Or if you have PCOS. I just new something was wrong. Not directing you there, but please educate yourself on estrogen dominance, birth control use, synthetic hormones and xenoestrogens. If our progesterone is low, it really adds to depression, hopelessness and anxiety. Bio identical progesterone cream was a life saver, along with Deplin I feel great. Only naturopaths are spreading the word, there are no patents for big pharma to make money on so md's, some anyway either don't know about it or care to. So they stick us on birth control and add more estrogen to estrogen dominance and synthetic progesterone that lowers our natural progesterone. Both times, I had to advocate and educate myself. So don't give up. Out of the two, progesterone cream really balanced it all out. That's assuming your not getting any relief. However, I feel strongly about looking up the symptoms of estrogen dominance, be honest with yourself if you have them, and if so see a good naturopath. I knew I was PCOS already so I went to the Vitamin Shoppe and purchased it on my own and connected with a knowledgable person via email on dosage and frequency. Please remember " bio identical"USP grade progesterone, not wild yam extract. We do not metabolize it into progestin. Emerita and Progestacare are great choices. I know I'm going on and on, but so many women are suffering and sometimes it's just plain ole progesterone and sometimes it's more. I don't think some doctors are looking close enough. Our hormones and neurotransmitters rule us. Check them both. Saliva only for hormone labs, blood, serum won't tell the truth. There is such a tremendous rise is this due to outside estrogens and phytoestrogens. There is a reason girls are menstruating at 8 years old now. Only 10 years ago it was 13 years old. We were educated to think estrogen is good and the beuty hormone, but unopposed and or dominant is very dangerous. Again, just check it out. If your doing great since Deplin and feel like your old self again, please disregard. But please remember the info as we age. Best wishes, sincerely
Hi Theresa,
Sorry I did not catch your post sooner. But may be you still check here and there. I was at my wit's end of treatment resistant depression when my doctor tested me for this folate problem. Nothing worked, I mean nothing. It turns out I did not metabolize folate, if you don't, it does not go through the necessary methylation process that is "vital" for us to make all of the antidepressant neurotransmitters. I know you mentioned anxiety, I believe they go hand in hand, eventually anyway. It is a very long and detailed explanation of how this effects our body, "if" you were positive for this. It is called MTHFR and there are a few types. Hetero and homogeneous. I am hetero and that really is a folate issue, along with our bodies not detoxing free radicals well at all. I don't know if you were tested and that's why you were given Deplin. If not please do get tested. Deplin has worked wonders for me. I noticed small improvements in about 8 days, and its' about 3 months now and I feel wonderful. I am on 15mg a day along with high doses of fish oil, antioxidants, and a quality multiple vitamin. If you or anyone is going to investigate MTHFR on the web, beware of the sites that sell the supplements, they will have you thinking you're at death's door. They will exploit this very common deficiency for a buck. Deplin takes time, but it has changed my life. I believe there are generic versions as well, it can be very expensive. And don't forget the fish oil! they work beautifully together.
What dose of fish oil do you take with your Deplin? And do you take your supplements and antidepressants in the am or pm? Thanks much!
Deplin is actually considered to be a “medical food” rather than a drug. Apparently it contains L-methylfolate, which is a biologically active form of vitamin B9 (folate).
From what I've read, this nutrient can be a direct source for what some people require to make adequate quantities of neurotransmitters that help balance their mood. The study being done was pertaining to L-methylfolate's additive effects in treating depression; whereas it could potentiate the effects of another antidepressant medication (essentially giving it a boost).
Evidence seems limited but perhaps it's still worth trying if you're looking for other ways to elevate your mood during an anxiety attack.
I hope this helps!
Hi Tina-I have been on Deplin for one week and waiting results. Did you start at 15mg
Hi there! You said you take high doses of fish oil. How much do you take? Thank you!
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