Does Anyone Take Abilify And Viibryd? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI suffer from severe anxiety depression medical related PTSD and have tried just about every ssri and Effexor benzos don't calm my racing thoughts. I have no been put on abilify I was on 20 Mgs to start after switching directly from luvox and was on that over 2 weeks now raised to 40 of viibryd 6 days ago one doc wants to add abilify 4 Mgs the other said no any feedback so far viibryd isn't helping I took 2 Mgs awhile ago when on lexapro but neither helped me please let me know plus all the reviews on viibryd are awful
3 Replies
Hello, Theresa! How are you doing?
I've read and responded to quite a few of your posts and I can tell that you are suffering and in quite the dilemma. I am so very sorry about that.
Have you ever considered doing an inpatient treatment for a week or so? If your insurance covers it, it might be the best way to find out what medication, or combination of medications will work best for you.
Out of (in order to combat cancer anxiety, etc) Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Buspar, Viibryd, Prozac, Cymbalta, & Lexapro....
Cymbalta worked the best for GAD! :)
But made me too sleepy for 8 mos. so I stopped it. :\
Always something!
Hope you're feeling better! :)
We have found that the Viibryd is much better than the Abilify.
On Abilify 15mg for 10 + years
Having a horrible time getting off the Abilify.
Up to 20mg Viibryd and it is very hopeful but it has been 3 weeks to even start to level.
You absolutely must take Viibryd with a meal!!!
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