Does Tramadol Expire (Page 2)


I pulled a muscle in my lower back and am in a lot of pain but am unemployed at the moment and can't afford to see a doctor and fill a new prescription. I found an old bottle of Tramadol HCL 50 MG with an expiration date of 3/22/2007. It has been stored in a cool, dark, dry cabinet all of this time. Does Tramadol HCL become unsafe or lose its potency after its expiration date, especially this long after?

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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In reference to giving the meds to animals: if it was prescribed to an animal then the formulation was considered for an animal. An animal can take hydrocodone, for instance, but consider the amount of acetaminophen that it is cut with for humans and whether they do the same for the animal in question.

Human meds for animals? Probably not if it is cut with things that they don't add to the animal formulations.

I am not a vet, but humans can easily eat some things that will kill an animal. Likewise, don't expect a pill for a 150 pound human to be safe for a 20 pound dog.

Expired pain meds for a dog may or may not (probably won't) work as well as they did 2 years ago, as they degrade over time. The closer you are to the expiration, the more likely they are to work as expected, but I am not going to quote any "hard and fast" rules. There are a lot of "if this, then that" situations going on here.

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I have found tramadol 50 I lost in moving is it still good

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dated 07-16-2012 is it too old to take ? I had lost in moving in 2012

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I have tramadol that was prescribed by the vet for my dog. Can I give him tramadol and aspirin at the same time? This prescription is also out of date, but I only gave him one.

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Wow, it would take about two seconds to google the fact that dogs/cats take trams for pain.

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No! However! Only the actual Doc can give the higher meds and doses. His assistant cannot. Example if I'm a Physician's Assistant I can give you the Toradol and Tramadol and even Percocet. But the doc may have to give you the higher dose of Dalaudid as I can only give you 12 per year in certain States and according to certain regulations and board's-I hope that helps you -as I really don't like that a lot of doc's today don't realize that Bone Pain is not treated with regular meds. The higher opiates are needed just for patients to be able to find relief.

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They prescribe tramadol to dogs...

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Three of my dogs have been prescribed
Tramadol at different times as a painkiller and it does work.
It should be prescribed and dosed properly, but it is for dogs as well as humans

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Actually, Tramadol is frequently prescribed for pets. If the prescription is over a year old though, it's likely lost its effectiveness (and your dog is likely due for a recheck of bloodwork to make sure it's still safe for them to take)

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Tramadol is given to dogs . I had never even heard of Tramadol until Vet perscribed it for my dog

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Agree with Verwon. Where they may have a life span of 3 years, there. Really arenty any good after a year as told to me by Mr pharmacist.

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Wrong dummy, anyone with a dog knows tramadol works for dogs. Tylenol is a no no though

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Tramadol is safe for dogs. My dog is 11lbs and gets 25mg twice daily. I don't think expired mess will be very affective for him. As always you should check with a vet to make sure your dog doesn't have any conditions or other meds that would affect this use

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That's just a wrong answer. Tramadol is a drug for dogs!

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That's not true because I was prescribed tramadol October 14th 2014

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just ha, thanks for fulfilling my day from this (:

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Tramadol is veterinarian drug name for ultram. EXACT SAME PAIN RELIEVER.Do your research before posting nonsense.

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Nonsense...ultimately can indeed be given to you dog as noted in dog medication manual.

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I am aware of one dog that died after being put onto tramadol for osteoarthritis. Tramadol is not an effective analgesic for osteoarthritis in people and 80% of patients prescribed tramadol with/without paracetamol take themselves off treatment because of the unacceptable side-effects (See Cochrane Library Systematic Review) . Tramadol is much more short acting in dogs than it is in humans, there is hardly any evidence to show that it works in dogs- and its safety profile in this species is not known. We should not be using drugs until there is enough evidence that they work and are safe. Here is more info about Tramadol for dogs and Toxicity risk:

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My dog was given Tramadol to treat vomiting with kennel cough.
It worked. Dogs metabolize Tramadol differently than Humans!
So the Vet told me when I mentioned to her that I took tramadol for back issues!

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