Does Norco Raise Blood Sugar
UpdatedMy husband is a diabetic just started low dose insulin he is taking norco has been for many years the doctor who put him on sulin does not know about norco he is a different doctor........sugar still up wondered if norco could be raising his sugar levels ?
1 Reply
Hi Dee,
From what I could gather, an insert from the Norco (Acetaminophen + Hydrocodone) product information states the following:
"If you are diabetic, acetaminophen can affect the results from some blood sugar tests. Check with your doctor before you change your diet or the dose of your diabetic medicine."
Referenced from: Norco Details
If this remains a problem, fortunately there are a wide variety of pain management options that can effectively replace Norco. I would bring this up to his doctor if you haven't already done so.
I hope this helps!
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