Does Morphine Oxycontin And Oxycodone Show Up The Same In A Urine Test (Page 2)
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Does morphine, oxycontin and oxycodone show up the same in a urine test? If not, what shows up as what?

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OPANA-OXYCODONE IN A URINE SCREENING. My pain Managment clinic let me go due to not being able to pay and had no insurance. I had to go back to my family dr who will only give me half the monthly dose then my pm did. So I run out early! I've been on oxycodone 10/325 6-8 times a day. Dr only giving me 2-3. I had 10 opana 80 to make it to my next appointment but I was unexpectedly invited back to my pm location under a new self pay program! I'm scheduled in 6 days and don't have anything but the opana to continue to take. Am I going to go back and then just get kicked out again for having this in my system? Someone help.

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I take percocet 7 a day and do drug screening 2 x per week. I have run out of my script and have 2mg hydromorphone on my test at the lab it shows oxycocet and morphine in the same section, with either a po or a neg. What i would like to know is will my test show which drug i took or just a pos for both

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Yes busted because their 2 different drugs. I'm a nurse u should never take anyone else's and only take what is prescribed 2 you.if the medication that the doc gives you isn't managing your pain,tell them so it can be adjusted...simple sharing or using the wrong medication will get u throw out of the pain clinic

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Typically methadone has its own panel .. So it should she up methadone

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What narcotics show through drug screening as morphine?

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Took 30 mg of Ms contin had 12 panel urin test next day. I am prescribed 15 mg oxymorphone and 15 mg oxycodone. Will Ms contin be detected as Ms contin?

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I NEED YOUR HELP! I have been going to the same same pain management for almost 5 years. I have never failed a drug screen and i have only had my medications increased 1 time over the years. Today, I faild my drug screening for subutex. I haven't ever taken it nor do i know anyone who does. I am so humiliated! My doctor cut my medications in half (because of the law) She said she believes me and i honestly pray she does! I am a single mom and i suffer from Fibromylgia. I am just wondering what could have caused me to fail my drug screen.

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The methadone will show up as methadone! I broke back 15 years ago, I'm on oxycodone, morphine TR, muscle relaxant, and nerve med... I was taking care of my mom who was dying of cancer, crushed her methadone in her tea so she didn't have to Saskia a pill (she had esophagus cancer and was b4 her feeding tube was put in) I made her her tea (crushed her meds and put in as doc instructed), made my tea, grabbed "my tea" (was actually hers!) Drank it and when I went to pain clinic almost 3 weeks later, was still in system and was kicked off program even though it was honest mistake after being up 4 days/nights straight with my dying mother! So good luck maybe you can find a way to flush system but those methane are now detected. I was with dame doc for 7 years never once a dirty UA'S, got no warning or write up it was straight kicked off... after my mom got her feeding tube and I found a doc who believed me and understood, I've been with her and never thrown a dirty USA, but it's in my DEA file I once tested +for methadone, not the reason... makes me look bad and of course there's nothing about 15+yrs of perfect levels and clean UA'so! Keeping fingers crossed you have better outcome!

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Does oxycodon and morphine show the same on a drug test

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Pot van take up to 28 days. More likely after 10 you can test ok but pot is absorbed by fat cells which cannot regenerate that quickly

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the drug tests test for the metabolite that the liver changes the drug into. When the metabolite for another drug is picked up, it is like 99.95 % accurate, so, trying to make your way around it is useless because doctors will flag you the first time and certainly eject you the second time, especially if the drugs found are illicit. They can not legally prescribe any more opioids after the detection of specific drugs, so, be careful what you get caught with. This day and age, it is hard enough to even be prescribed opiates, so, care for them as much as you can, you usually do NOT get a second chance, and, if you do, the record stays forever, especially in states like CT. Choose wisely before taking drugs like tramadol. It's as worthless as they could ever be, and, they stay in the system for weeks. Oxy, morphine and hydrocodone do NOT only show up as opiates. Morphine does, however, Oxycodone shows up as OXY in 9 out of 10 tests, so, hydrocodone is classified in the test as opiates, unless they came out with a newer metabolite test, it is commonly tested as a false positive for patients taking stomach meds and blood pressure pills along with oxycodone of small doses. Larger doses of oxycodone, like OXY or 10 mg plus oxycodone hydrochloride normally never show as hydrocodone unl;ess you are on a lot of blood pressure pills.

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Morphine will show up as an opiate or as morphine depending on the type of test. OxyContin and Oxycodone will show up as the same but different from morphine.

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Pot can take a minimum of 30 days to get out of your system. It is soaked into the fatty tissue in your body. Whoever told you 3 days was obviously high. Lol

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I would like to know if I take 30 milligrams of morphine tablet and if I have to take a urine test will it show up as a opiate just like oxycodone

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When they test you, they do not test for the drug, they test you for metabolites of the drugs. When we take opiates, the liver metabolizes the drugs into something different than what you take. If one takes Oxy or other opiates, the drug can metabolize into oxymorphone or morphine, and some people have different results because they may have either liver problems from repeated use, or, the body is becoming resistant to the drug from taking large quantities for a long period of time and their body begins to metabolize it differently. This is why opiates are so dangerous to use recreationally because every one of our bodies has a different level it can handle which is unknown to each of us since that level change on a daily basis from many different things. For example, let's call your body's ability to tolerate only so much of the drug your "window". I have been working on an analogy so everybody can understand how the drug works and can easily kill people who very easily think their body could tolerate more and more just because they can not feel the effect anymore due to their high tolerance for the drug because they have taken it at very high levels for man years.

Here is what happens.. Every person has their own "window" or level of an amount of opiates one can ingest or take by IV daily. This level unfortunately changes daily and because one may not feel the effects of taking it, they just take more. Since that window can change drastically, you can takle the normal 2 or 3 extra per day until one day, your body may absorb more that day because you have eaten something different, maybe taken something that potentiates the absorption of the drug. Since some people no longer experience the effect of the drug, they may begin taking it on an empty stomach with white grapefruit juice, lemon-line soda, lemon juice, or, other drugs such as dramamine (loperamide), benzos, alcohol, or other dangerous mixtures to maximize the effect.

The window changes daily because of many variables, mainly stomach content, the ingestion of specific substances, and, what is most dangerous are long acting drugs one may take that linger in the body for many hours or days.

since the window is only so big, people often are misinformed that that little pill you just took might be pure or as close to pure as one could imagine. The body can only absorb so much, so, when we force it to absorb more, it acts as if we booted the drug by IV and we could be tolerant of the mix or use of that amount today, but, it may be lethal if we do the same thing tomorrow, or, if we stop using for some period of time, then use again to get the maximum effect out of the drug days later when the body has recovered a bit and no longer have the drug in the bloodstream any longer, which lowers the body's tolerance a lot more than one could imagine.

I have lost a lot of friends to the disease of addiction, and, they all usually started by getting into an accident, getting prescribed opiates, then, before long, the doctor cut them off after they went through the weaning process, however, when the doctor reduced the scripts, either the patient stockpiled the drugs at the beginning because they were too strong, and, took them at the end o they didn't actually cut down as the doctor thought, or, they bought the drug on the streets and eventually ran out of cash and couldn't afford being taken advantage of so they moved on to dope.

My very dear friend lost his sitter to oxycodone 30 mg (roxis). She was on them so long that she was on a massive dose. She cut back and got off of them so she could sell them and take advantage of the money. At the next doctor's visit, she had to take 4 tablets to make up for selling the oxycontins and when she took the 3, then, when she went to the doctor, she lied and told them she took one and her oxy 80's 2 times already that day while she just took 3 of the 30's to try and cover her urine test's level. They asker her the last time she took it and she said hours ago, so, they told her she could take another one, when she did, she left and never made it home.. She stopped breathing during her ride to the pharmacy and never was seen by her family again until her funeral and wake happened.

So, basically, the metabolites of these drugs are tested for, and, since they can differentiate pretty much every drug these days, especially those that go to pain management, it is always wise to just take your meds as prescribed and never deviate from them without asking the doctor.

I ask you all, please be very serious about my post. It is how the body reacts to these drugs, and, when you feel the drug in your system heavily, especially after being on the drugs for a long time, it means your body is going through changes that can be life threatening, especially if your levels are reading low while you are taking massive doses. This means the body is absorbing them and you are not urinating them out. This can be dangerous and they can easily kill you if not careful.

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It doesn't depend on the test type anymore. Morphine shows up as opiates, oxy now shows up as oxy. So, if you go to pain management, it will show up differently, especially if they have the ultra intensity tests with levels and sub opiate differential

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Yes you are fine as long as its a urine test

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I'm taking 30 mg of Oxycontin and 15mg of Morphine sulfate how much comes out in your Urine test.

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FYI. I have a background in medicine from working with doctors for several years and I was the one who took care of scripts. I am also disabled with a chronic illness and I take norco.
JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW NORCO COMES IN EITHER 5/325 OR 10/325 The 325 mg is Tylenol. So, I just want to make sure you all know there is no such thing as 1000 mg of norco.
Anyway, this is in no way meant to be mean, I just want to make sure the mg is correct.

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