Does Lyrica Mess Up Your Liver?
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I started taking Lyrica for 3 weeks now for my Chronic Facial Pain. I had taken all the chronic pain meds and nothing work. I was diagnos with this illness since I had a root canal done, I even got 2 teeth extracted though the pain would go away. Anyway, I am now having some reaction, my feet and legs feels fat. However, my pain is about 4 in a scale of 10 being very painful. I take Lyrica 3x a day with 50 mg each along with oxycodon (if pain does not go away) and motrin 800 mg for head aches. I been on norcotic medicines for 2 years and now with Lyrica and etc. I am just wondering if the chronic pain actually go away? I am tired of taking all these medicine and scared that I will not have a liver left..............

82 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Verwon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Actually, lyrica is metabolized Through your kidneys, not your liver.

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I have been taking a lot more Lyrica than you have for about 9 months (my dosage is 3 Times a day and 150 mg each time). I am no specialist but I think the dosage is in proportion to weight). The doctor who prescribed started at 10 MG in my case and it didn't even touch the issue. He gradually increased it but was way to careful. My doctor got involved as I was not getting any relief and jumped the dosage as he knows I need a lot to get my system kick started. Only after I was getting a higher dosage did it finally show that it was getting my bodies attention did it finally kick in. As far as liver, I have had no issues (knock on wood) .

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Re: Sheila (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

How are you now? Is lyrica having side effects on you

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I have been taking Lyrica for several months, and towards the end of the first month, the doctor doubled the dosage from 10 mg 1 x to 10 mg 2 x. The second month it was increased to 25 MG 2 X then a week after that I have been on 75 mg twice a day for two weeks and then finally on 75mg 3 x. The only side effect has been when I first get out of bed in the AM my legs are stiff, and I have difficulty walking. This goes away after 10 or so minutes, but it is scary. I informed my doctor about this, and all I could get out of him was "Interesting." I am slightly more sleepy during the day, but that could be from my sleep apnea.

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Re: Sheila (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I was prescribed Lyrica for anxiety and was on it for 2 years. I felt permanently dizzy and fuzzy. I gained almost 40lbs and developed such a distended abdomen that I could no longer bend down and put on shoes and socks without assistance. The constipation was awful and I ended up in emergency with a paralysed bowel. My liver readings went haywire. I became so dependent on the drug that I was clock-watching for when I could take my next dose, just like an addiction. I weaned myself off it over several months, with great difficulty. I found it to be a horrible drug but if it were the only thing that could relieve severe pain I may have a different experience. My son was also prescribed this drug for insomnia and anxiety and he had the same intolerable abreactions.

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Re: Sheila (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Please know that I have been told that if you stop taki g Lyrica without slowly reducing it, it could cause brain swelling. Please get medical advice on this. My prayers are with you! Janice

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I took Lyrica for Neuropathy a year ago and within a week my liver enzymes went up. Kept getting worse. Had every blood test to see what it was from and finally liver biopsy because it was so bad. Lyrica was the culprit!

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Im know your upset now but your. Pain will go away it takes about 6weeks i hurt my arm 2 years ago and works well just hold on i does. Works

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My question re Lyrica has been answered- simply avoid if possible BUT what of Gacocil for leg and foot pain? Does it have adverse effect upon the liver as well.

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I have been reading all these reports and I'm nervous about Lyrica and trying to find all the pros and cons before I have my doctor prescribe this to me I'd rather not why not take it

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You should be careful when giving advice as your information is just wrong. Lyrica is a controlled substance. It can only be prescribed by a doctor and I have to sign for it when it is delivered to my door because it is a narcotic.

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iv been taking Lyrica for a 10 days now for lower back arthritis and a couple of other things wrong with my back and have it working just great, im taking 225 mg of lyrica at noon 150mg at 3pm and 150mg at 6pm. I am now happy with the pain level and I can now kick back and relax for the evening without feeling tense, stressed and wake up rearing to go in the morning. I hope this keeps up

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How did you get off of the Lyrica? did doctor reduce your dosage or did you just stop abruptly?

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Yes Lyrica is considered a schedule 4 or 5 narcotic. It's the reason you have to present your drivers license for the purchase. I asked my pharmacist why it was in that category? He said, it has properties that make some users high.

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Verwon in the state of Michigan, Lyrica is classified as a narcotic, I just got my first script for it. I don't know if this is something new, also they now stamp the back of any script for a narcotic and you have to write down the reason you are taking the medication and the date you are filling the script.

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Read the book Medical Medium you can cure it I have had the same!!!!

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My liver enzymes have increased alot.
Ast was 24 now it's 95
Alt was 21 now it's 67
I didn't take lyrica when it was w 24/21
One year ago. doctor knows about it they did ultrasound on liver they only got to see part of liver cause of gas it showed a fatty liver on the part they got to see

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I have to disagree with your comments about addiction! It's not because people use them inappropriately to feel high! Where do you come from?! When medical professionals put you on morphine, endone, norspan patches, targin because they stuffed up, perforating your bowel, watch you over a week as septicemia takes you down to that abusing the drugs? Having been on opiate prescribed meds for 7 years now, I take them as advised and yet I know my body is addicted. I'm the one trying to get off opioids and the Drs have been more than happy to prescribe them over the years. To say this person didn't experience withdrawal because they never abused their meds is preposterous. It's the good nature of Lyrica that helps.

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I'm 5 different kinds of cancer maybe 6. 15 years later I'm going strong fighting with FM now. God has a plan

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THE They ever. NO. !! Our liver takeS in a lot of toxins so with any medications we all need to be taking milk thistle. HAPPY HEALING

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