Does Infant Formula Interact With The Absorption Of Alupent Drug


I want to know the answer Does Infant Formula Interact With The Absorption Of Alupent Drug

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does infant formula interact withe absoption of alupent?please reply

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i want to know that infant formula interact withthe absorption of the alupent drug

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does infant formula milk interact with the absorption of the alupent drug

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Are you referring to your child being on a regimen of Alupent, and also having them take infant formula? I could not find documented reports of the infant formula having a detrimental effect on this drug's efficacy.

There are, however, warnings stating that pregnant or breast-feeding women should only take Alupent (metaproterenol) under the direction of their doctor.

Can you please include more details from your original question? What circumstances arose or what did you hear to make you wonder if the infant formula would interact with Alupent? Please post back - the more details the better.

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You receive a call from a mother who wishes to mix Alupent in her infant’s milk. She is a bit worried that this might not be good for her child. Does infant formula interact with the absorption of the drug? What is the indication of this drug?

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i know this is you..hehe

im ur friend

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Re: junavie anne coton (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

i want to have your answer pls

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Re: mardica salano (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

i want to have your answers pls

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