Does Hydroxyzine Expire


My doctor gave me Hydroxyzine pills on April 12th, 2012 and I want to know if they're still safe to take again?

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HI, Nicky! How are you?

Tablets begin to degrade once they are exposed to the elements, such as heat, light and moisture. This means that their time starts ticking away as soon as the seal on the original factory container is broken. From that point on, they have a one year expiration date and after that year, they being to lose effectiveness.

Hydroxyzine isn't one that has been known to be dangerous once it's expired, but it's not going to continue working and having its intended beneficial effects. Thus, the best thing to do would be to properly dispose of them and see your doctor for a new prescription.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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My hydroxyzine says use before 7/27/16 and it is now 2/14/18. Can it still be taken until I get a new prescription from my doctor?

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I had hydroxyzine 25 milligrams filled October 6th, 2017. Can I still take it?

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I have a few Hydroxyzine left from 12/29/16 and I am wondering if it would be safe to take one due to my anxiety?

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I have a bottle of "Hydroxyzine HCL 10MG TAB" that's been outdated as of 08/29/22 - and am waiting for a refill now. Is it safe to take the ones I have in the meantime?

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My doctor prescribed me Hydroxyzine HCL 25mg in 2020 for alcohol withdrawals and anxiety, but my pill bottle itself doesn't have an expiration. I am currently going on 48 hours sober but ER twice in the same day for withdrawals. I just need to know when they expire and if they're safe to use for my anxiety for the same reasons now?

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