Does Contrave Make You Sleepy (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I started Contrave 4 days ago, today being my 5th dose. Every day, I take the pill about 8am and by 9:30-10am I am so sleepy I can't stand it. Days 1 and 2 I managed to fight it off until about 12-12:30, day 3 until about 1-1:30, and day 4 I fought it off until 3pm. If I take a 1-2 hour nap, I wake up fine, with energy and then cannot get to sleep until about 2am, sometimes 3am. Today is day 5, I'm having that "drunk" feeling and sleepy, but no where near how it has been. It seems this effect is slowly wearing off, but I haven't seen anywhere where this is a common side effect. I know all medications effect everyone differently, so I'm wondering if this is something I should be concerned about, or just another side effect that I will get used to as the weeks go on?

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Re: Susan (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I have zero drowsiness while taking Contrave. I started immediately taking it when it was prescribed. I had dry mouth which is now gone. I’m having slight nausea but not to the point of vomiting. I’m hoping it subsided soon as the other did. I’m down 20 lbs and thrilled. Good luck!

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I just read this is to help you loose weight? Has so many side effects! Says you cannot take any pain meds with this either,,,

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Re: Jaycee (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Today is day 2 for me also and I am at work and feel like I want to doze off. Does this feeling go away or get better? I'm all for losing weight but not if it's going to affect my performance at work.

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Re: David (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Your own body makes hcl. It’s added to drugs to make it easier to absorb.

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I’ve been been taking Contrave for nearly 3 months. I have no side effects now but it doesn’t seem to be working as well for me. I have lost 20 lbs and I’m happy but I want to lose more. I seem to be stuck at -20. I don’t have the willpower that I had initially.

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I'm on Contrave for the sixed day and I haven't had any of the side effects that everyone is talking about. When I took my first dose...I was amazed that I was'nt hungry at all. It really works for me and I'm very happy with it. I don't crave carbs like I would normally do and that's amazing! I'm cooking on the grill and making scrumptious salads and only eat a small amount at a time. I don't have any scales but I know I'm on the way to losing the 50# that I've gained. I will admit that I'm sleepier around 8 or 9:00. That even works good for me because I'm an early bird and I go to bed early anyways.

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I have been taken Contrave for over a month was up to one in the am and one in the pm. I was so tiired and lethargic i had to go back to one a day.

I don't want to stop but the fatigue and fogginess is really bad. Any suggestions?

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Re: Angie (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I read up on it, check out the medication but like any prescription drug, if u follow the instructuions and don’t abuse the pill it should be ok.

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Re: Angie (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Naltrexone is used to make opioid addicts violently ill if they use. It’s not subprime, which is a legal form of an opiod

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Re: Susan (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I teach cmv driving and I’m suffering from pretty extreme tiredness, I don’t notice it at all at work though. It seems to be when I’m sat chilling at home it kicks in. Trying to keep myself busy so it happens as little as possible.

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I am on day 4 and taking one pill in the morning! My only side effect is I’m not sleeping well at night. Does this get better! Any suggestions!

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Re: Angie (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Wellbutrin (bupropion), is an antidepressant but has been found to help with addiction. It helps by triggering the addictive part of the brain. While yes, it may be used to treat opioid addiction, it’s used to treated other addictions as well. This includes smoking and eating. It’s all about the reward center of the brain. We do certain things because it makes us feel good. This medication helps combat urges.

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Re: JH (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I started taking Contrave about three weeks ago. It was ok. No side effects until I started with the 2 by 2 times a day and my God I got so sleepy I could not take it. So very tired. Hard trying to stay awake, hard trying to work and I started feeling so depressed. Not myself, no energy, no matter how much sleep I was still sleepy and so very tired, I am feeling that way right now. I had to lower my dose back to 2 a day and I take it only at night but that is not helping still sleepy and tired. How long is this going to last, I have to work, but all I want to do is sleep. I am at a cross road, can not keep taking this medication if this does not stop this feeling. I need to lose weight but at what expense.

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Re: Angie (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

What you said doesn’t make any sense! Obviously you didn’t do your research. Taking Naltrexone is in no way setting someone up to be an opioid addict! Yes, Naltrexone binds to opioid receptors, it binds and blocks opioid receptors and is used to reduce opioid cravings the risk of relapse. Naltrexone itself is not an opioid and there is no abuse potential with taking it as it is nonaddictive.

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Re: SBSInc (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

When do you take the medication?

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Re: Cindy T (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

It never goes away. I couldn’t stay awake

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Re: SBSInc (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

This drug made me ravenous like I eat like a truck driver. I ate immediately two pieces of cake that were in the fridge from someone’s birthday. I was starving all day and couldn’t keep my head awake. Weirdest thing. Three days of sleeplessness and I’m so hungry! It impacted me opposite how it’s supposed to.

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Re: Susan (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Me too- I was so sick I left work an d bedridden the next 24 hours.

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Re: Susan (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I have not had any nausea, but I feel sleepy all day long.

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I have been on Contrave for over a month now. I had zero side effects in the beginning, however now that I'm taking the 2 AM/ 2 PM dosage I have become very sleepy during the day, but then waking up at different times throughout the night. Several of you mentioned that side effects have gone away after taking it for 6 weeks... I will hang in there for 2 more weeks, if the sleepiness continues, I will go back to the
2 AM/ 1 PM dosing to see if that helps. Maybe the full dose is too much for me?

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