Does Clindamycin Hcl Have An Expiration Date (Page 2)
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I have clindamycin hcl from 2008. Is it safe to take?

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So out of date clindamycin is ok to take??? I was given 150mg capsules for tooth infection and didnt take them an now they are way out of date but I cant afford to go to dentist to just get a new prescription and my infection is back. will they harm me? I understand they may not be as potent but I just dont want them to be toxic an kill me.

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They last for years and years. From a five year veteran as a young doctor.

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I have a bottle of clindamycin 150 mg that was given to me 09/14 but says to discard 09/15. Is it still safe to use?

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I have a prescription for clindamycin I got in 2011 can I still take them

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Totally fine to take. I took some after being prescribed the clindamycin a few months ago and worked great!

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I have clindamycin that was prescribed to me December 3rd, it's now the 30th. I'm am very scared to take any antibiotic after its been even a week. Anxiety is horrible! But I have a tooth infection and I was wondering if they are still good to take? The bottle says discard after December 3rd 2016, not expired. Just need to hear an okay from someone else to calm my anxiety and take it if it is okay, thanks!

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I did take it with no issues. It was about 2 years past expiration. I dont think it was as strong because normally it upsets my stomach and this did not.

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Hey dave, did you take the clindamycin? I have some that is about as old as yours. I went to the dentist, told him that worked best and he still gave me amoxicellin, oh and 800mg motrin, 6 of them. Smh. I have such a bad headache and jaw pain so I really want to take this old 300mg clindamycin.

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Could it be dangerous or toxic to take old clindamycin? I am just finishing a clindamycin prescription, which seemed to take effect later in the 10 day course, and would love to make sure. I have some 4 year old capsules around, so should be fine to continue the course for 4-5 more days (have15-20 capsules). It would be continuous then and not an unfinished prescription. If the caps are just ineffective, no harm in trying. Just don't want to take something that's decided to change into poison over the years or something. Thoughts?

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To cover these questions for other site users that may need to know the same information.

If they the capsules have been in a bottle that was dispensed by your pharmacy, which exposed them to the elements, they have an expiration date of one year from the date you received them.

After that time, they will start to degrade and will no longer be as effective. At that point, it's best to dispose of them, due to the risk of developing antibiotic resistance if you take them.

Millie, were you asking about a liquid formulation?

If so, those are only good for a week, they degrade very fast.

If you're also asking about capsules, then no, they are also no longer effective. Keeping them in the refrigerator does not prolong their lifespan, primarily because it exposes them to moisture.

Are there any other questions?

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I have clindamycin 150mg kept in the refrigerator from 3/4/2009. Is it still good?

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Top Answer
According to MicroLabs USA, a manufacturer of generic medicine, their Clindamycin tablets have an expected shelf life of 48 months (or 4 years). [3]

However, when it comes to Clindamycin Phosphate, one source I found (Yashoda Hospitals - based in the UK) states that the expiration date of topical Clindamycin gel is only 60 days. [2]

Additionally, other forms of topical Clindamycin (such as Clindamycin and Benzoyl Peroxide Gel) have a similar shelf life of 3 months, according to DailyMed. [3]

That said, the form it comes in does play an important role in the drug's expected shelf life, efficacy and safety profile after so much time has passed.

Hope this helps!
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