Does Buspirone Expire


I have some Buspirone that expired in 2008. Is it still ok to take this if I'm having some anxiety?

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Hello, Calvin!

This medication is not listed by the FDA as becoming dangerous, once expired, but it does start to lose effectiveness, so in my opinion it would actually be best to dispose of it and see your doctor for a new prescription.

However, according to the following article (listed below) from NIH, “the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use”, and is more of an arbitrary date based on the whit and whim of the pharmaceutical companies’ product “guarantee” that the labeled potency will last “at least” until that date.

The article also goes on to note that while a medication's potency gradually decreases starting from the moment of its manufacture, this process is not in any way spontaneous after the expiry date.

"Ongoing research shows that stored under optimal conditions, many drugs retain 90% of their potency for at least five years after the labeled expiration date, and sometimes longer. Even 10 years after the expiration date many pharmaceuticals retain a significant amount of their original potency. Solid dosage forms, such as tablets and capsules, are most stable past their expiration date. Drugs that exist in solution or as a reconstituted suspension may not have the required potency if used when outdated."

[1] Drug expiry debate: the myth and the reality

Additionally, this isn't a medication that you can just take as needed, when you have anxiety. In order for it to be effective, it must be taken regularly for several weeks.

Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth.

Is there anything else I can help with?
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Thank you so much for responding. I will take that advice and talk with my doctor about trying a new prescription.

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My buspirone expired on 06/01/15. Is it still ok to take?

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Actually mine was prescribed as needed so I don't think some of this info is correct.

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I agree, from experience in taking mine as needed after severe anxiety symptoms subsided. Less than once or twice a year something may bring on symptoms of anxiety. If the feelings don't pass within a few hours, I may turn to my expired (by only 3 months at this time) buspirone. Within a few minutes I feel relaxed. I also took it in the past as needed as symptoms decreased, with positive results. ("As needed" meaning rarely; not more than once a day).

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Mine is prescribed as needed. It does not take more than 15-30 minutes to be effective.

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I disagree with the post that says that you must take it for several weeks before it becomes effective. I take it on an "as needed" basis and I find that it helps ease my anxiety within a short time. Of course, that could also mean that some of us are more sensitive to this type of med than others. Whatever the case, I feel it's an ideal med because it helps with anxiety and it's not addictive.

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So has anyone actually taken the expired pills? Is there any cause for concern?

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Re: Peela (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Mine was prescribed AS NEEDED after a while as well. But I do think some of the expired (1 year) bottles gave me an upset stomach.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

My doctor gave it to me to take as needed, now I'm confused lol.

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Re: Mariii (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I've done it. Haven't died, haven't noticed any negatives, but I say it depends on how expired it is. Mold you may not see could grow on it or bacteria if moisture gets into it probably. If you can get free meds just go get some new ones.

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I have one that expired in 2020. You think it's still safe to take it now in 2023?

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