Doctors Willing To Prescribe Xanax In New Jersey (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I suffer from severe panic attacks on a daily basis. im a perfect example of a person that needs medicine and is unable to get it because of so many people abusing prescription drugs. I have such severe anxiety and panic attacks and cant find a doctor to prescribe me xanax because im only 25 and its so addicting. but what they dont understand that i should be on xanax for the rest of my life because my anxiety is so bad. So if any1 knows a doctor in the monmouth county area of new jersey that will prescribe me xanax please let me know...thank u

355 Replies (18 Pages)

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Re: EDDY (# 246) Expand Referenced Message

My dr did retire...and Psychiatrist originally prescribed them for me after everything else failed. I have been on disability for ptsd...government psychiatrist approved my disability diagnosis.

You know nothing about can't group everyone who takes xanax all in the same group. My daughter is a nurse and my cousin a dr.
Ssri meds are poison.... they screw your brain... watch someone missing 1 dose. Addictive is any med you gave to take for life. I take heart meds for life... born with heart problems. Had cancer 3x...survived...hit by car in head at 4... don't talk about what or who you don't know about!

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Re: EDDY (# 252) Expand Referenced Message

No I have not been cut off...never said that. I am prescribed xanax..I was tslking about a dr I saw that took me and my husband as patients and then abandoned me after telling me never go off I can seizure..then months in she abandoned me...psychiatrist told me she was unethical.
You don't know what you're taking are not me.

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Re: Awakeup2U (# 269) Expand Referenced Message

Hey your disgusting comment about Verwon and b America sounds like some conspiracy against Doctors. Just as disgusting as what Trump said yesterday, Israel used to have "absolute power over Congress" and saying that American Jews — the majority of whom vote Democratic — "either don't like Israel or don't care about Israel."

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

You got it wrong...Drs TELL YOU ..YOU NEED IT FOR LIFE...OR YOU WILL HAVE SEIZURE AND COULD DIE. Not something made up by patient . At my age Places that wean you off the drug..refuse to do so at my age. They say it works for me so why put someone of my age through that. Better quality of life remaining on the meds. Drs can tell if you abuse meds. I never have..never will. People like me...this med gave me BACK my life which was almost agoraphobic. Walk in my shoes before you talk.

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Re: Joseph (# 280) Expand Referenced Message

According to the State Board, there appears to be no Dr. Leonard S. Pappel in New Jersey or anywhere? What the heck man?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Guys busperone does not help you cope with anxiety it just makes you tired

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Re: dvm15 (# 320) Expand Referenced Message

The Man to Ask To is not with us any longer. We last heard from him 10 years ago

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Re: Nanda (# 311) Expand Referenced Message

Do you have this doctors name?

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Re: the Man to talk to (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

What’s his name?

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Re: Clint (# 325) Expand Referenced Message

In need of doc too in ocean county

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I fully disagree with this comment. Doctors 99% of the time go by what their college background has taught them by the books as it’s called and it’s not the correct treatment for people with severe anxiety. No antidepressant on the entire market will help for anxiety in even 10% of the way, therefore they are not efficient anxiety medicine. I have been on 10 different antidepressants and none of them did a single thing except made me feel like s*** and unable to work still and not talk to anybody. Soon as I get Xanax I can go out to work, not have a tic disorder, talk to people properly without the Asperger’s look. It’s the most therapeutic thing in the world to me, so for you to say this shows you are just one of the uneducated people who don’t have severe anxiety yourself. Stop being selfish and understand some people do have serious anxiety disorders such as the person you responded to here and needs that type of medication. We don’t ask for it because we are addicted or wanna be. We ask for it so we can talk to people like you can like a normal person without our face flaring up with the worst anxiety you could ever feel in ur life unable to even be in a public setting for more than 5 minutes. That makes me so mad when people act like this because you just don’t understand and never will stop being selfish. All I gotta say is if somebody has anxiety and is over 18-21, whatever you classify more as an adult, they deserve to be allowed to ask for that medication whether you believe it or not!

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How much does the doctor cost? I have no insurance.

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i live in AC whats up

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Dr. Finelli Doylestown PA or at least that's where he used to be. You could probably do just as well on Valium. Xanax is a specific type of beno, that differs from the others. I hope this helps and hope you will find a non-drug answer to your problem - long-term use of benzo, I'm talking more than a decade of chronic use can have serious cognitive effects, but, this guy wouldn't let that happen.

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my doctor will only give me 1 mg of xanax a month but im still having panice attacks what could i tell me doctor to make him up my does and give me 120 a month cause honestly that how many i go thru to control my panic attacks i am only 20 but i really need help to get what helps me can someone please help asap

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one helps but i still have panic attacks daily

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If you are having Stomach problems I do not suggest seeking Xanax? While Alprazolam is easy to take and not hard on the stomach, perhaps even sedating it a bit, no Doctor should prescribe a medication that could mask a potentially deadly internal problem?

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btw my post was for "the man to talk to" I think that's his name. so please the man to talk to from AC pleaSe read my post

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Finelli's father is also an excellent doctor, who practices in North Jersey and also does sees patients in Belmar for a few hours on Saturdays.

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If you haven't found anyone, yet, look at my post regarding Finelli's father who is also a doctor.

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