Doctors Willing To Prescribe Xanax In New Jersey (Page 4)
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I suffer from severe panic attacks on a daily basis. im a perfect example of a person that needs medicine and is unable to get it because of so many people abusing prescription drugs. I have such severe anxiety and panic attacks and cant find a doctor to prescribe me xanax because im only 25 and its so addicting. but what they dont understand that i should be on xanax for the rest of my life because my anxiety is so bad. So if any1 knows a doctor in the monmouth county area of new jersey that will prescribe me xanax please let me know...thank u

355 Replies (18 Pages)

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Re: Joseph (# 289) Expand Referenced Message

Ive tried Klonopin , Ativan and Valium they make you groggy all day plus they don't work for panic and anxiety at all for me.

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Re: Skyblazer (# 288) Expand Referenced Message

If it works for panic anxiety PTSD agoraphobia I would take it for the rest of my life because my alternative is death!! U don't know what your talking about.

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Re: EDDY (# 292) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, they were discontinued in '99, but Glutethimide and codeine were the best.

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Re: Joseph (# 291) Expand Referenced Message

I remember the last Placdyl (Ethchlorvynol) I had, about 40 years ago, we poked it with a pin for fast acting instant insane relief.

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Re: EDDY (# 290) Expand Referenced Message

And you got cranky with me and said that he didn't exist. Glutethimide and codeine too. He had an office in Newark. He lived in Rockaway back then. His son Ira is a plastic surgeon. Jewish family

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Re: Joseph (# 287) Expand Referenced Message

Dr Papel surely must be dead by now, he is 95 and lost his ticket in 2005. You are very knowledgeable writing Seconal & Placdyl

Physician Last Name

Physician First Name

122 W. Dewey Avenue Wharton, New Jersey 07885

License Number

License Type

Year Of Birth

Effective Date

Action Description
License surrender

Misconduct Description
The physician did not contest the charge of having been disciplined by the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners for fraud, negligence, misrepresentation; professional misconduct and lack of good moral character.



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Re: Skyblazer (# 288) Expand Referenced Message

Klonopin is somewhat better, although it's still a benzodiazepine. Much rather have the 2nd generation meds.

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Do yourself a favor and don't start taking Xanax, it super addictive and could take many months to get off. Plus the withdrawal from it is practically unbearable.

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Re: EDDY (# 282) Expand Referenced Message

Its Leonard Papel, DO

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Re: EDDY (# 282) Expand Referenced Message

He's a radiologist and I think his son was still in medical school back then. Seconal and Placidyl.

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Re: EDDY (# 282) Expand Referenced Message

Ed, I just remembered that he had his license revoked for overprescribing and Medicaid fraud conduct unbecoming of a physician. This is years ago so don't get grouchy. Try Dr. CC Wang and Dr. Collins in Newark. Best of luck

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Re: EDDY 2022 (# 277) Expand Referenced Message

I believe that Dr.Joe Laurelli is semi-retired but he is still the medical director of the MMT clinic that I've been going to for years. I only go once a month so I really don't know what's been going on there as far as the medical staff. However he did get in a little trouble with the Phentermine and Redux, Pondimin thing about 20 years ago, it was on 20/20 or one of them type of shows. When the camera crew confronted him he covered his face with a briefcase. Also, check Dr. Leonard S. Papell.

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Re: Jay boy (# 273) Expand Referenced Message

Every patient is an individual, what he prescribes for me is not necessarily what he may want to prescribe for you. Anyway he's a GP, your girlfriend sounds like she needs the expertise of a psychiatrist. Good luck

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Re: Joseph (# 280) Expand Referenced Message

According to the State Board, there appears to be no Dr. Leonard S. Pappel in New Jersey or anywhere? What the heck man?

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Re: Optimistic (# 274) Expand Referenced Message

Yup, the state is hounding them about overprescribing and they just want to cover their ass and not lose their license. They don't like to write for controlled substances. Some will only prescribe schedule ll medication if you are in the hospital. Some doctors rather give you Trazodone, Vistaril, or Seroquel for anxiety because they are not controlled drugs, which is totally absurd.

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Re: Joseph (# 275) Expand Referenced Message

I believe Dr.Laurelli is semi-retired, he still is medical director at the Methadone clinic though. I'm a 27 take home carrier so I only go there once a month to pick up, take a swap, and see the counselor for a few minutes. How about Dr. Leonard S. Pappel, I think he still has an office in Newark.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Are there any doctors that prescribe Xanax Irvington Newark area

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Re: Optimistic (# 274) Expand Referenced Message

Psychiatrists in my area do not take private ins, only medicare . Otherwise it's $300 a visit. Can't afford that. And you don't just want ANY psychiatrist you want the best or a high rated one.

Terrible situation for seniors who are not on Medicare because they still work. Xanax is not abused by a 73 yr old. If Drs would only read patients records they would see it. And to put a 73 yr old through getting off the xanax would kill them. And Drs take oath to do no harm.

It should be on a case by case basis. I have PTSD, anxiety, and arrhythmia. My arrhythmia came back after decreasing dosage for a month. My cardiologist was correct. My heart meds work as long as stress level is lower or equal to heart meds. So stress went up... arrhythmia came back. Put meds back to prescribed dose... arrhythmia gone.

CDC looking at the opioid rules because they are not fair. Cancer patients committing suicide because they are in horrible pain and can't get meds... also people who have panic attacks and ssri don't work are committing suicide too. They went too far.

SSRI are very bad ... seen people wean off them. Horrible. They wanted to die. The answer to help was giving them xanax!!! Hypocritical!!

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Re: Joseph (# 275) Expand Referenced Message

No, but yout Doctor was highly rated, why did he close?

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Re: dave (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

hey who is the doc?

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