Doctors Willing To Prescribe Xanax In New Jersey (Page 3)


I suffer from severe panic attacks on a daily basis. im a perfect example of a person that needs medicine and is unable to get it because of so many people abusing prescription drugs. I have such severe anxiety and panic attacks and cant find a doctor to prescribe me xanax because im only 25 and its so addicting. but what they dont understand that i should be on xanax for the rest of my life because my anxiety is so bad. So if any1 knows a doctor in the monmouth county area of new jersey that will prescribe me xanax please let me know...thank u

358 Replies (18 Pages)

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Hey bud, I live in Northfield. I've been on 120 2mg alprolozam for 4 years now but my doctor is closing his office! What doc do you goto in AC that will keep filling my 120 a month?? Please

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It's a shame you don't live in Connecticut. My husband has been on xanax for 12 years now....and his doctor has no trouble giving him refills. I hope you find a doctor that will help you.

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hey i got a doctor that i used to get 120 bars from but he cut me off bcuz of a long story but he will give u what u want...u got 60 300mg soma too..... call me {edited for privacy} to talk bout it

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hey I saw u posted about having a dr. that prescribes Xanax? Where are they located? And can I get the information pls?

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I tried Buspirone for a little over two months and felt no difference, no positive, no negative, just nothing. I suffer from mild to severe anxiety. I was addicted to opiates (still am I suppose) as I am on 2mg of generic Buprenorphine after months of tampering down on Suboxone. I lost my insurance and got switched to generic as the price was cheaper come pharmacy time.

Back to anxiety, depending on your physical body make up, size weight, surroundings, exact issues and problems, sometimes somethings just will not work. I was willing to try Buspirone as my doctor recommended but it did NOTHING. I told him and he understood, I had a tad high blood pressure/heart rate which has been regularly happening when I encounter certain scenarios or situations and was asked if I am often anxious... yes I am. He put me on a small dosage of Clonazepam 1 pill each night before bed. I sleep like a rock and wake up early and ready to tackle whatever the day throws my way... which isn't much considering I was laid off due to my company cutting back on employees on their health coverage.

My days are not necessarily long, but they are 100% more productive as I can actually focus on what's in front of me rather than laying in bed staring at the TV worried about finding a job. I have been searching everyday and talking to many places but during Christmas time things aren't easy. I am not worried about having enough Buprenorphine until my net visit which was a huge stress issue, I just seem a lot more calm and relaxed and not dopey or useless at all. I wake up early for me, 9-10am considering I have no job, I was sleeping until 12-1pm because I figured what's the point of the day, and would stay up late playing video games, etc...

I was also on Lexapro for 3-4 months and maybe possibly felt a little less depressed, but just realized I was not depressed and discontinued use a little over a month ago and seem to be just fine. Depression was not an issue and I learned two drugs that did nothing for me. I guess it's somewhat unfortunate having to still take another drug (2 currently) to simply get off one and the other to help aide that process... but I am glad I went to an intelligent caring doctor who has helped me this year and I am honestly excited to get off the opiates and if I due need to continue medication for my anxiety that is fine with me. People need to understand that if you take the recommended doses they work! Do not redose it's the worst thing in the world, sometimes things take awhile till you start to feel better. Good luck!

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Here's the trigger... "You are "Asking" fir it".. That's a red flag. Klonopin is something that should be takin instead. No doctor in their right mind is going to give a twenty under something xanax! Period.

I'm 38 and i get it. However. I didn't just walk in asking for it. I was first put on medication and I've been seeing the same doctor for years. If you are telling yourself you "Need It". That = Addiction right there. Hence you are not getting it. Benzos and klonopin and or buspar. Nuff said

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I would agree that you seem fixated on obtaining Xanax. It's probably the most addictive benzo available. At the age of 25, it's concerning that you have already decided you need Xanax for the rest of youri life. What you likely need is a thorough physical and psych eval and allow the prescriber select meds if appropriate. Benzos, especially Xanax, aren't considered first-line meds for Panic Disorder any longer. Antidepressant meds, especially SSRI meds are approved for Panic Disorder and aren't addictive or cause tolerance. CBT is also a highly effective non-drug alternative for treatment.

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Have u tried Dr Morelli? He's a pdoc but i do know if someone he is prescribing valium - im in the same boat my GP has taken new position & only local 54 members can see him so new GP has prescibed my 20 mgs of diazepam but wants me to see a pdoc just saw a social worker gurss thats hiw they work in SJ & shes telling me no one is going to wanna keep me on diazepam - WTH!!!!

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Did you find anyone willing to prescribe that to you? I live in Burlington county and I'm weary about where to go, I just moved here and my anxiety is through the roof, my regular Dr has prescribed me lexapro that has seemed to do nothin! It's driving me nuts having to try all these antidepressants none have worked!! I myself would be happy with klonopin because I know it works! Let me know please!

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Was it Dr Piccone?

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Dr piccone prescribes benzos he's in AC But pretty sure he only takes local 54 people now - also a Dr nahas i heard prescibes xanax - im looking for valium in the AC area trying to ween off them

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I'm looking for something closer to Trenton or Philly, AC is a little too far for just a dr. :/ i'm going to be going to a psychiatrist soon hope they can give answers and relief!

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Verwon is absolutely right. You are 25 years old and are convinced that Xanax is the only medication out there that will control your anxiety. Do you go to a Psychiatrist? If you go to a Psychiatrist, he/she will give you medication for anxiety, but not necessarily Xanax. If I were you, I wouldn't even mention the medication to the doctor, because then he/she may very well think you do want it to abuse it. Let the doctor do his job. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Panic Attacks and bouts of Agoraphobia. I was first given a long acting medication for the anxiety and not a pill like Xanax that is only in your system for 4-8 hours. He may give you a long acting medication and then an as needed prescription for Xanax, Ativan (Lorazepam)--which I take now, as needed, or another short term medication for anxiety attacks. I took Xanax for a while years ago, before I was put on Lorazepam. I was told by my Doctor that Xanax has a property in it that could even cause depression. Please leave the diagnosing and the prescription decisions up to the doctor. You need to trust him/her. Also, if you are just going to a General Doctor and not a Psychiatrist, you are not going to get the treatment you need for your anxiety. They are not properly trained to treat mental illnesses, and anxiety is a mental illness.

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Some day Candy I'd love to tell you how Lorazapam almost killed me by not taking it. I just didn't like it and decided to come hours away from dying. More to this story but great advice to the O/P!

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Yo Dave'. I just read our post bout having a xanax Dr. Mine retired in sept n his partners don't believe in benzos' like they r a religion! If u can help me out w a Dr' that would b too côol:-) -

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My mother is suffering and lives in atlantic city her doctor left his practice (piccone) she needs a new doctor to prescribe her xanax, she has high anxiety and a heart condition if u could help with a doctors name i would be very greatful, thank you. please call me {edited for privacy}

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I am not at all trying to insult you, but I just want to point something out, dave. You are calling a medication (Xanax) "bars." That word to me sends up a red flag that you were "abusing" Xanax, not using it as prescribed, and that is why you can't get it anymore. Another alert is when someone says "I did" such and such a pill or more instead of I took. People trying to make themselves feel high say "I did." People taking medicine as prescribed say I took. You also said the doctor would give you Soma or anything you want. That is another red flag for abuse. Anything you "WANT?" Psychotropic drugs should be taken because someone needs them, not wants them...when they want them, it's usually to get high. I just wanted to point something out. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that it is not a long story why you can't get the Xanax anymore--is it possible you were abusing it? If you have read any of my other posts on here, you can tell I am no angel. I suffer from severe pain because of fibromyalgia and back problems and I found that the only way I can stay awake and function is by insufflating the oxycodone I am prescribed. However, I am prescribed 30 mgs. pills--3 per day as needed, and I "do" one at a time. I rarely "do" 2 and the only time I "do" 3 is when the pain is such that I have a hard time walking. I know it doesn't sound like it, but I am a recovering alcoholic and addict of street drugs. I don't want to get high anymore. I just want to stay awake, function, and have less pain. Most likely if I took the whole 90 mgs. at once, I'd still not be pain free. Thanks for reading. I wish you the best and hope your judgment is so that no harm comes to you! :)

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Im so sick of drs that lie to you and dnt want to help you cant find a dr in cunberland maryland to help with my pain and anxiety can sombody please help im ready to commet suicide feel like a prisoner in my own worthless body

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Hey Stacy have you found a new Dr since ( piccone ) left? Can you tell me a name if you have - greatly appreciated

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Drs wiling to prescribe benzo ( prefer valium ) only bc thats what I've been on for 5 yrs old Doc left and new one is yanking or tapering people way tooooo fast he's gonna hurt people

Any advise on Dr in the South Jersey are please this is very crucial do NOT want to go cold turkey or Dr shop. No psych Dr's tried that

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