Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 104)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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F100 thanks so much . I'm so afraid 2 do any kinda travel. It's just not right @ all . That this happens 2 anyone !! I no I have 2 go. It's all the preperaction & the pets 2 board. Etc. The stress is so bad. I can still feel the tramadol & tylanol 3. Is just a joke. But mowing these docs. Best mine would probably do. & the shots were the worst thing I ever coulda had done 2 my body. Sent me now back 2 diabetic meds. After I work so hard 2 get better & was off those diabetic meds 4 several yrs. The shot stuff sent me so much worse & no pain man. Will help or listen 2 me. Thanks 2 all & bless u

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Hi..I really have to ask this. b/c I been very sick dealing with mold issue that causing me very sick on top of my back and now rib pain from coughing so much break some ribs. how do u find ur own post?? I posted I know back I think b4 thanksgiving. cant find it... asking finding a good dr that in southern ohio or mid ohio area. that willing to presribe pain meds.. I explain all in the mess b4 i done spinal inj. and ect,,, no help. I am basically allergic to codeine and vicodin... so I'm really limited on meds. my primary doesn't do pain meds. the pain med dr that did inj's. dont do pain meds plus he left the area now after I was trying 2 get my records.. I heard he left..I fig why he didnt do much 4 people in our town..he never recommend nothing but inj's. or mortin...over the counter stuff... it's hard when u live in a small town... sorry to bother anyone....

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Jeffery, a new pain managment dr will want a copy of your medical records from your previous dr, not just a copy of the MRI. You can sign a release form and they can send the request to your old dr. When you find a new dr be sure you have your old drs address, phone & fax number. Although there is no guarantee that another dr will treat you with the same meds in the same dosages as your previous dr did.

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Thank you, yeah I have my paper work from my old doctor. I told him how i was looking for a doctor closer to where I moved to, so he gave me a "temporary discharge" letter and my records so that if I cant find a doctor in Northern N.J, I can keep going back to him. But id rather find one up here because I'm tired of the 3 hour hike each month to go back down and see him for 20 minutes and then have the 3 hour drive back up north! Sucksssss

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I'm looking for a dr. in West TN who will prescribe hydrocodone. I'm going to Comprehensive Pain Specialists in Jackson, TN and even with insurance their charges are ridiculous! Just to go get a refill each month, after insurance, it's over $100!

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Thank you F100 for your reply. I would love to be able to travel to see that dr but I can't afford it. I can barely afford to see the Dr I see now. I hate this methadone. I feel like nothing is going to help enough and that I'm better off going back to that. Although it didn't help enough with my pain, at least I felt normal and could take a shower every day and do some cleaning even if I end up in pain. I am really really hoping that the Dr listens to me and realizes that I need a higher dose just to get back to a normal feeling and life. Bad thing is the oxycodone that I'm taking only lasts about an hour for me and then I'm back to the sweating and hot flashes and cramping everywhere. I am wondering if there is anything else besides oxycodone that might last longer. Because only being able to take 4 a day means I get 4 hours out of 24 hours of relief. The othee 20 hours I'm suffering. Does anyone know of any other type of pain medication that could help? Thanks.

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this is the first time posting here. I 've always wished that I could tell this to someone for a longtime. I've had MS for 12+ yrs. My neuro tells me that he doesn't presribe narcotics. My left leg is burning. I He knows that. I live w/ my elderly mother. she is 80 something. I can't ask her to go to the ER anymore. I had a different neuro from 1991 to 2002. He wouldn't let me suffer like this. He is a few hours away. this pain is too much. He's closer to Conn. now and I've moved back to
the 978 area code. The MS makes me so tired.

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yes, I need a good pain doc who writes pain meds in Memphis TN

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F100, your assessments are quite insightful. The fact that the USA permits a LAW enforcement agency to interfere with the professional judgements of health professionals is an absolute disgrace and certainly would never be tolerated in any other civilised society. What gives them any right to tell a doctor how to treat a patient in pain, and what's more, I believe that many patients who are chronic are suffering most because the dosage which has perhaps been titrated many years ago and is being updated to keep apace with the progression of pain levels are actually being REDUCEDbin dose because of the fear instilled into doctors by legal implications. Personally I think it disgusting and disgraceful that such a thing is permitted to occur - you only have to look at the amount of replies on this thread to realise how serious the situation is. It is also disgraceful that Dipipanone and diamorphine, two of the most essential analgesics in a doctor's armoury, are totally banned, due to the Law Enforcement interference once again, from being prescribed to those who obviously need them, and who would certainly have no problem being prescribed were they here in UK. The problem WE have is that our MHRA and NHS have not Licenced three other essential meds for NHS prescription - high dosage IR Hydromorphone 2/4/8mg, our highest IR version being Palladone caps 2.6mg; and no licences whatsoever for Hydrocodone bitartrate,mwhich would be the only medicine between Dihydrocodeine and morphine in potency; and the superb oxymorphone HCl, which I have to find through friends who get prescribed in the US - obviously I am unable to procure enough of these in order to use them for any more than the occasional 'rescue' when the pain level is bad enough, being so precious due to their unavailability. When are the USA Health authorities going to fight back against such interference? Why are they so terrified of upsetting an agency who would be far better employed in getting rid of the methamphetamine and coke menaces? And when are our countries going to allow the prescription of ALL the necessary and effective analgesics for patients who require them?

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I haven't had any sleep.The pain comes on whenever it does. I don't know if I told the neuro about that or not.
Besides the pain, I stay awake thinking. I think about the fact that this
professional has the nerve to blow me off this way. What happened
to First do no harm? It's almost 1AM and I probably won't be able to sleep now. I am no lawyer but I look at it like this, I wasn't in this amount of pain 6mos. ago. He could have helped me.He didn't.
He won't even try to put me back to the way I was. I know that if he fixed this it wouldn't be getting worse with time.
It is like this, the begining of 2014, I just very tired. If he wasn't my attending physician I would probably seen one of the other 99% of neurologists. I have lesions all over my brain. He is a sadistic. I shouldn't have to find a pain management whatever.

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MJC - a couple of great opioid analgesics which are both potent and have duration of action of 4 hours (Sevredol (morphine sulphate) lasts for 6 hrs but declines within four to the level that I feel pain again) are Dextromoramide tartrate (Palfium) and DIPIPANONE with cyclizine (Diconal, Wellconal); I do not know where you are located but the latter is not permitted to be prescribed in the USA because as I said below, unbelievably for such a superb analgesic it is classed there as having 'no clinical use'! If you are OUTWITH the US then Diamorphine HCl (H HCl) is available in oral form, 10mg tablets, as well as powder for reconstitution for IV/IM/SC use, but as with morphine, bioavailability is very low - between 35 and 45% dependent on the patient, thus requiring in my case a dosage of FIVE tablets PRN Max three doses daily for 'rescue' purpose as I use Oxycontin which only lasts just over half of the advertised twelve hours. My morphine dose is 80mg, one each of the three doses available of 10, 20 and 50mg tabs. The drawback with morphine, which does not seem to occur with DIAMORPHINE, dextromoramide or dipipanone, is that it is relatively sedating despite its relative weakness compared with most opioids. I do not like the loss of motor and cognitive functions that comes along with its use, even though it DOES very effectively eliminate pain when given in the correct dosage for my body type, weight, BMI etc. Palfium is my personal favourite, even over Diconal, for its speedy onset and the UNsedating feeling of well being which cancels the horrible feelings I have when either in full pain or even when at the stage where the pain is dulled down to a level which is just bearable and no more.

I have said on many occasions that high dosage tabletted hydromorphone would be a superb addition to the UK NHS and oxymorphone has a reputation here as being as good as Diconal - ai just wish we could procure it, and have actively been looking for somebody in the US who would be able to get it prescribed in 15mg dosage tds and I would pay for the Rx and tablets (even though here in Scotland, we do not pay for anything at all thanks to our Natinal Insurance scheme which has been operating since 1948 ensuring that any person can be treated with the same drugs for the same conditions regardless of income, ability to pay, rather according to NEED which is of course the ideal; in the USA it is a sorry state because the pharma companies are pretty much unregulated (except by themselves which is always a recipe for disaster) and blatantly fix prices seemingly without any comeback.

But back to the pain. Can your doc not order parallel imports of drugs not generally sold there if the need is considered to be there? That method seems to work fine everywhere else, why not there? Our problem is also down to the US which refuses point blank to export medications for clinical use, which given their preoccupation with making more and more money from peoples' misery, makes little sense! I am seriously thinking of getting a half a kilo of Oxycodone base and getting one of my friends at the Uni to make oxymorphone HCl from that, quite a simple chemical operation but not exactly permitted legally. Not that I care about laws when it comes to solving my pain issues. I have a criminal conviction for nothing more than attempting to keep pain free. The whole thing is f***ed up thanks to opiophobic laws and the greed of the big pharmaceutical multinationals. So why not do things through friends? There used to be a website which people used to advertise and swap medicines but that was closed down by the U.S. Govt (though operating from the UK, a Liberty if you ask me) in around 2003. WE NEED SOMETHING SIMILAR AGAIN MORE THAN EVER. Then threads like this one need never have to appear.

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I have been on pain meds for over 10 years now and ive taken everything if your body is ok with soma and advill and tramadol you got no problems that's a. Cheap fix when the docs dont give me perc 10/325 i have to go elsewhere and now paying $1mg for them and somas $3ea so i have red a bunch of these postings talking about ins. And cost i am like wow are they serious i spend $150 per day and u guys are talking about ins and cost like that what thats basicly free to millions of ppl like me you guys should take some tramadol and chicken soup and a little ice cream i guess and use would be ok with that and to the person with the perc 15s and wants 30s forget the pills get u a bed and take crack cause u must be a crack addic to want moore than a 15mg perc and saying about pain if your truly in pain then if a 15 perc with a 1000 mg of tylonol to back it with then scrw it take some crack or somthing lol just saying hope u guys find a doc for about $25 And free prescriptions lmao GOOD LUCK

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If your on disabillity then you should take some tylonol and go to sleep save your money for some lotion

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my dr said that tramodol is a narcotic. he gave me a sript for 50mg pills
and told me to not get addicted. i

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Mino that was a lot of information which I understood very little. But thanks for trying. I have never heard of the other medications you mentioned except for the morphine. However, I can't take morphine except for at night because of how tired it makes me. I have been given it in the ER for my kidney stones. I need something that will work for my pain longer than an hour and not put me to sleep because I need to work. I will ask my doctor if he has any ideas of something else that may work instead. I used to be on roxy 30s a few years ago and they worked great but since being on the methadone I'm afraid nothing will work anymore but I'm going to try. And to the person who felt the need to be so rude and mean and tell people to go get some Crack and stop complaining about cost, I say to go F yourself. Who the hell are you to judge what anyone needs to help their pain? Anyone who has been taking narcotics for pain knows that your body gets tolerance to the meds and an increase in strength is required to keep the same level of relief. If you have the money to spend $150 a day then great for you. But not everyone has that kind of money to spend on relieving our pain. We come to this website and post to talk and get support from each other. And information. We do not need someone treating us like we are drug addicts when we get that enough already. So take your negative and mean comments elsewhere.

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Mumbai kandiväi est lokhandvala

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Hello, Pain in Texas! Well I hope your no longer in pain and have found a doctor to treat you with the medications YOU know works. I'm so tired of having drs tell me what works and what doesn't. Everybody has their own way of feeling pain, not all of us are the same. Ive tried over and over telling doctors what works for me but they will just waste my time and money with the stupid response of 'Well, lets try this, it seems to work well with my other patients'...UGH! Whats a person to do when theyre in pain and know what works for them but the docs don't listen??? I'm in Dallas and I absolutely hate the medical community here. Its all about the almighty dollar... Id drive to Tyler for a doc that will give me my medications that ive been on for over 30 yrs, why change it up now?

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Wow lots of new people! NJShore here! F100, Karen, Karen OH, BL, MCJ, Minogueque, Marianne, Janet, Ladyinpain, Sandy, Charley, Theresa, Gin, I know I am missing so many im sorry for that ....miss you all and care so much for you my friends...All of it is so unfair and ridiculous I could scream! I wish I could take it all away! My crohns has been hurting but that's nothing new ?? Besides reading your posts how are you today and what's new? Any good things happening with your docs? F100 has the best! Too bad Dr T can't like split himself up into like 50 people lol ... Ugg so much to do and when my tummy hurts I don't want to do anything physical.... Ya know? So hard to motivate you sit and think I have to do this and that and somehow we get it done...when you have a disease and pain for a long time you respect all meds and use them appropriately... The right doc should understand some of us have families or jobs etc and MUST use all our medications correctly (keep in mind we all agree at the correct dose that works for our bodies and health issues); no one knows you better than yourself! ...xoxoxoxox lots of hugs... NJ Shore.

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Need lower tabs for torn ligament in right arm and back pain

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Don't want to stay on disability all my life. IN Alabama have had my L-5 cut out of S-1, Disk Degenerative and had two nerve blocks, and epidurals doc wants to do surgery again. Do not want to go that route. Was taking morphine but tired of the mandatory epidurals. Does anyone know of a doc that doesn't make them mandatory? They are putting me in worse shape.

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