Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Rhode Island (Page 12)
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I am looking for an MD or Pain clinic that will prescribe pain medication in Rhode Island. I have 4 herniated discs, nerve damage in my leg, severe migraines. My former Md said that he could not longer prescribe due to the regulations, I dont want to have to move, that would be crazy to have to go through that, but I also do not want to continue living night and day in Agony, with not one Md that has any compassion, it seems all they care about is to look out for themselves, I only take 2 pain medications that I believe are both in class 1, but when you talk to a doctor about pain, they tell you to take tylenol. I am tired of theses doctors just caring about themselves, if you have a patient like myself, that has the MRI's and Catscans to show what my pain level is, they should be a little more compassionate. I am not able to have surgery at this time, not until my daughter is driving and able to get out on her own, grocery store, ect. I would really appreciate any advise, I sleep with a heat pad every night on my back, but when I go to get up, the pain is unbearable.

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I also am in RI and have a bone cancer if you have any info that you could share that would be wonderful. The pain sometimes is just unbearable. Seems Drs forgot why they become Drs sometimes.

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Thanks Catss I will call on Monday and let you know how I do when I see him. My present MD, which I have been seeing for 6 months, was giving me 1 fiorinalwcodine, no refills, had to see him monthly for it. It was hard taking only 1 per day, it is a capsule so I can not split it, yesterday he told me to only take one every other day and tylenol in between, unfortunatley, I cannot tell my disks in my back, nerve pain in my leg and migraines that they can only come around every other day, I can no longer have them bother me everyday and night, honestly?

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Hi Denise, did u get the name of the Dr and his info I sent u? Is he the one whose not accepting new patients? If not , I'll give it 2 u, again . His name is Dr Hussain@ 401-762-0210. He's located at Eddie Dowling Highway ( Route. 146) in northsmithfield RI. Let me know how u make out.

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hey denise its tori i live in RI please can anyone help me find a good pain doctor???? im using a friend's computer so please leave me a message on here if you can.

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Hi Debbie that is the same response that I get, even though I bring them report's from my MRI's, catscans, Nerve Tests, ect. It is always no-way, just for Fiorocet and Fiorinalw/Codeine? Their is a form that they can have the patient's sign, putting much of the responsibility on the patient and it also states, that they will be seen monthly for refills, with a limited amount on each for the month?
Hope to hear from someone

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hey bobby, do u kno a dr in ti that will prescribe chronic pain meds...a name would be really helpful...thanks, tori

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hey i just got back on this website. i haven'i been able to find a doctor yet in ri/ma...have you? if so please give me their name, i don't have a prescription for june and they are due on the second i can't not have my scripts and i can't withdraw that alone could kill me. if anyone sees this and can help me out, please do so. thanks and if i find someone i'll let u guys know!

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That is absolutley true and they have a form that they can have us sign also, so that it is taking a lot of the liability off of them. I belong to a couple of pain groups and many many other people are having the same exact issues. I am currently so called Doctor Shopping, I guess my Doctor has forced his patient's into doing so, I never thought I would ever in my lifetime, having to be doing this, it is uncalled for, why are the feds so strict on RI Doctors?

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hi I sen ur post maybe we can help one another out is there anyway u can give me the name of dr in ri ur bro goes to if u can do that I know a few too thank you hope to hear back from you

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I started this thread over a year ago, and still no luck, I found one md, but he only allows me one fiorinalw/Codeine daily and it is a capsule so I cannot even take half during the day, when the pain is at its worse, after working P/T and the pain is also un-bearable overnight.
I use Denise as my user name, my name is Diane
I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone

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Hi Bobby I would like to know if you know of anyone, I used the name Denise on here but I can't change it is actually Diane
Hope to hear from you, email address cannot be used, they remove them, and I don't think their is anyway to un-hide the email, it states always hidden, someone did leave a Doctors Name telephone and address

Thanks Bobby

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Hi Cats68 I hope that was for me, I thought I might have found someone but he is not taking any new patients. My email is {edited for privacy}

Please, any help you could offer would be very much appreciated, I have had a severe migraine for 2 days, not un-common and have nothing for the pain, along with my fibro, herniated disks and so on

Thanks Cats

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Dear Kathy, I sent u the name of a Dr in RI, but it said ," needs to be reviewed" they may not put it through. If u give me your E- mail, I can give it 2 you. If it doesn't go through.

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Dear Kathy, I know a Dr in RI who may b able 2 help u. He is located in Nothern RI. Dr Hussain @ (401) 762-0210. route 146 (Eddie Dowling Highway) North Smithfield. Good Luck!

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Dear Dee Dee, I know a name of a Dr who prescribes methadone and other pain meds here in RI. My brother goes 2 him. Can u telle how 2 edit for privacy and I will give u his name. Or giver your e-mail .

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Hi Tori I can sympathize with all of your painful conditions, yours is much worse than mine. I noticed that you do not state in your comments where you are from, which State I should say, and if you are residing in that state or looking to move. Please message me when you have a chance, we really all need to stick together and stand together as one voice, somthing needs to be done. Their is no reason why a MD cannot write the needed prescriptions that will help their patient, live a somewhat pain free as possible life, as long as they are being followed, no refills, unless you go back and see the MD again and when the patient goes back they should be subjected to a UA, to make sure they are taking the medications, and not sellling them. Reply when you get a chance

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Hi Debbie what you wrote is so true, I even asked the md that used to be my primary care md for 25 years, if he could continue to write fioronalwCodeine and Fiorocet if I was to sign a form ,somewhat like my daughters md had her sign, that I am responsible for the safe taking of the medication and that I will be seen monthly for refills, and the staff called me back and he said absolutley not. As of today May 14th I am still looking for a caring understanding MD, I am not seeking any medications that are in class 2 or class 3 and I want to be given an amount montly that can keep me pain free, or help when I am in pain, I cannot remember the last time I vacumned my apartment, it is not worth it, becuase of the pain, so I have to have my daughter take care of it for me.

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I have been taken off my vicodin . I was on it for 14 years for my back ,knee and fibromyalgia. I live in R.I. Can you help?

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Dear Kathy, how did u edit your e-mail address 4 privacy? I've been trying 2 give someone my e-mail, but, it won't go through. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you!

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