Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Los Angeles, California (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI need a dr that will prescribe heavy pain meds and Xanax in the Pasadena California area.
Re: marcos (# 16)
Can you please help me find a doctor who will treat fibromyalgia, sciatic nerve pain and diabetic neuropathy, causing chronic and constant pain?
My best friend had a terrible accident 8-10 years ago. The only medicine that would take most of the pain away was the Fentanyl Patch. Now her doctor will not subscribe it to her and her quality of life as well as her mental health has been deeply affected. I cry to see how far she has slipped. Please help! She has never been a drug user and she uses the patches as directed. Are there any doctors who will prescribe this type of pain medication in California?
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Re: Jjagger (# 13)
I am in need, can I get the information please? I'm right outside of Santa Ana. I am visiting in California and need an RX for a benzo. I don't have insurance. I have been on these before and I was wondering what to do / where to go to get a script easily and as soon as possible? Preferably xanax.
Re: P450 (# 3)
No more Forrest Tennant. I read online where the DEA finally took him down as well. The government is charging him as a DTO. It seems he was writing scripts on a split deal.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Thank you for always being so through in your answers to everyone’s myriad of questions.. Being a chronic pain patient for close to 30 years now the very last thing any doctor wants to hear out of a possibly brand-new patient is “Are going willing to prescribe me schedule 2 narcotics?” HAHAH
I mean seriously, with this whole war on scheduled two drugs ever since Perdue introduced OxyContin and upper class supposed normal people from all walks of life became addicted then Rush Limbaugh also became addicted to them and he began doctor shopping and purchasing them illegally on the “Black Market” and if you got arrested for it and he got convicted of it and ever since then that is when this whole war on prescription drugs and all the BS that comes along with it making it very difficult for real chronic pain patients to get what they need because why should we suffer it’s totally 110% wrong.
But I strongly suggest do not ask when you go call for a doctor excuse me are you gonna treat me strong narcotics?? Obviously they’re going to say no.. Just Saying
Re: Eddy (# 30)
It’s absolutely absurd isn’t it? He used to say to “Lock Up” every single person addicted to drugs into jail and throw away the key.. After he gets addicted himself and then he begins to doctor shop for OxyContin and then he began buying them off the street… Well his housekeeper actually located and purchased them for him with his cash which is ultimately what got him arrested.. I actually never really thought about the irony of that punk Trump actually gave him that medal of honor.. Obviously after getting arrested and going through the whole court system begging to be differed into a drug rehabilitation program that of course isn’t inside of a jail/prison; which of course his white privilege & notoriety which did in fact get him just supervised felony probation and a fat fine and a long inpatient drug rehabilitation… the hypocrisy of it.. AHHHHHHHHH
Please do not throw out DEA directives unless your a doctor or pharmacist. There are general practice doctors that prescribe xanax and piano meds. No need to scare or shamed those in need
It isnt about these non-existent 120 mg per day lies. Its the Lobbyists for Insurance and other medical type in Government who have no idea what Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (or what you have). The furor makes it so that Doctors are rightfully worried their insurance to Practice Medicine will go up even more, different states and specialties different prices. I've been a "pain patient" since 1968, when Reagan became President it was nearly impossible to get medication until things calmed down. Unfortunately Pres will Bush then Obama hear these words like addict or other prompt words from Lobbyists looking to make their drug #1 the Lyrica was fast tracked and is slightly different from another medication, if you get a little sleepy maybe you feel better, Fibro and Neuropathies many other maladies allow little or no sleep. I feel if I put a name of a prescriber, he will be triple booked so fast that the people in the most pain dont always get them, I find it hard to believe but a very honest person told me she is offered $25 for Morphine and has kids that she can barely afford to feed after losing her husband oversees, things like this should never happen and it is addictive behavior that keeps us from getting the meds we need. though my meds are more important than money I outlived my wife and my daughter is grown up. There is no right, sometimes all I can do is beg you to take your meds as prescribed. Good Luck.
Hahaha. Forget it. They no longer ridk their license or jail time for those who don't want to get help to cope with life. Medications aren't the way out. Try loving life and seek.out help for your mental condition.
Looking for a new doctor in Los Angeles to prescribe any of the following (Xanax, Adderall, Percocet, Norco, Ativan). I've been seeing the same one in the valley in Woodland Hills for about 3 years. She is super smart and can't communicate well with others because she is out of this world smart and her personality is lacking. She will prescribe me anything I ever ask for but after seeing her for about 2 years she wants me to go to a pain management dr. I'd rather just go to one primary care or internal doctor and get what I need. Anyone know of any awesome doctors? I have amazing insurance. I definitely don't look like a drug seeker and my doctors usually like me! I'm looking to find someone new. Please help!
does anyone know of a doctor close to riverside california who will continue my pain medication that i've. been on for 3 doctor passed away an now i cant get my medication
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