Doctors That Will Prescribe Pain Meds For Ongoing Injuries


looking for doctor to prescribe medication for ongoing multiple problems from car accidents and injuries due to this need doctor to help the pain managable

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I was hit by a car while I was walking on the side of the road. My right arm was broken in half so the doctors inserted a metal plate to keep my bones together, my right leg was broken in half so the doctors inserted a rod from my knee towards the bottom of my leg with screws in my right ankle. My nerves were pulled out of my spine towards my right arm which left my right elbow to my fingers paralyzed. I'm constantly in pain and can't sleep at night because of it. I get real sharp needle poking pain in my lower back because of my pinched nerves . I can't bend on my knee because it hurts to much. I have carpoltunnel in my left hand because I'm always using it, while my right arm just dangles down on my side. I need better pain medications and not the generic types that my doctor has been giving me. Please will u help me ?

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In 1988 I was ran over by a garbage truck in Rome 4 vertebrae in my back I have 4 amputated toes my left tibia was broken and I have a rod in my ankle as I grew older as the Dr said I would experience severe pain in my back foot and leg boy he was not kidding my knee collapse on me. All the time as my angle and my back at times I can barely move this accident had also. Created severe PTSD phobia and fear and severe anxiety not to mention my and and my manic sleepless nights and falling into deep depression o can't sleep and I don't or can't be near to many people or cannot be in a small place with people not even on a bus I freak out as of now I have no psychiatrist nor do I have a primary Dr I have a list of the medication I was on and need to be put back on all Meds e
Please help me find a Dr who will help me thank you

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