Doctors In Ohio That Easily Prescribe Xanax Or Klonopin (Page 3)


I suffer from anxiety and have severe anxiety attacks several times a day. I use to take xanax and klonopin and they helped so much. Does anyone know of a doctor around north Royalton Ohio that will easily prescribe the two? Thanks.

78 Replies (4 Pages)

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My doctor doesn’t believe in Xanax and it's the one med that works on me. Why is it so hard to get?

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Re: Teri (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

I completely agree with you. Xanax only works for me too.

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Re: Jeremy (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Good luck w/that. I'm in Ohio also & the way my Dr sees it if I was addicted to pain meds then I could easily become addicted to benzos. I've been to a few Drs due to severe anxiety but no one is willing to help. Good luck my friend.

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Re: E (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Any prescription over consumed is lethal. People have respiratory failure mainly due to ABUSE of their medicine. When taken and prescribed properly the treatment is very effective and people are successful. So politely sir I'm saying your info was based upon an a false statistics that came from trauma units. So people that over consumed a long with poor doctrine created a big mess of bad health care. Sir it has been positively life changing being prescribed Subutex and a low dose benzos. That specific treatment keeps me mentally and physically sound along with my love for God. I pray this message inspires you to debunk false stats bc people are suffering and I tell you sir this battle of wits shouldn't have any place in our doctrine community. How foolish it is to deprive people who sincerely need that treatment just bc a person of no relation to the patient was foolish with their medicine. I need medical based upon my medical needs. Not punishment. Just think about this. And truly put yourself in my shoes. I kindly challenge you to seek the truth and I pray with whole heart and soul that no man be deprived of any medical care. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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Re: Rebel (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

I tried lifestance and Dr. Lejeana Miller was gonna give me Kolopin till she seen I'm taking Suboxone for pain. Waste of time. Even though I have anxiety & panic disorder I have to suffer. I even offered to stop Suboxone, NOPE

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Re: Kurt (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I've been in your shoes. I've had 2 grand mal seizures from Benzo withdrawal but simply cannot function without them.

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Re: Joseph (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t agree with this reply. I have been in Xanax for 15 years and not going off them. Had the same doctor as well. If you’re 25 you may abuse them, and since he didn’t give his age, they are highly prescribeable if you’re much older.

If he’s been on them in the past and
they agreed with him, no reason not to get them again. Lorazepam or Ativan is what they are help you as well. Clonipin does not.

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Re: EDDY (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

You are judgemental and seriously lack compassion and understanding.

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Re: Meena (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Try Centers for Effective Living. You have to talk to one of their therapists first (twice) then you can talk to a nurse practitioner. I had good luck with Melissa

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Try centers for effective living. Do not rate it very high and you have to see or talk to to a therapist of therapist of theirs twice 1st but then you'll get to see a nurse practitioner I see one name Melissa and I had good luck with her

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Re: Stacey (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Who prescribes it for you?

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Re: Meg (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Meg, this is a yelp rated 1 star drug Clinic you are going to. I prefer to see a Doctor, not a Counselor. No one should take multiple types of benzodiazepines, no one.

"PLEASE do not go to this clinic if you have anything serious going on. The psychiatry appts are scheduled 3-4 months out and sometimes they only write enough refills for 2 months. If you miss an appt. They schedule it out another 3 to 4 months out. When asked for an interim perscription they were adament that there was nothing they could or would do. When told that this could potentially put me in a dangerous situation, they said they would call the "squad" to take me to the hospital. DO NOT GO TO THIS CLINIC!"

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Re: Stacey (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Never had problems never took more than on a day saved me then politics come in my horrible anxiety is back

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Re: E (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Not true. I'm on Xanax and Klonopin, and Suboxone

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Re: Lissylou56 (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Please let me know what doctors give you that? I'm on SSI for mental illness cause of awful things like a TBI when I was eight, trauma when I was 19, and a year later I lost my only daughter. I attended a Methadone clinic in Columbus and the counselor told me if a doctor says I need it then I'll be able to take a Benzo again. I took Xanax for ten years and then Clonazepam for ten years and then this crazy psychiatrist just cut me off last year (long story). I'm desperate to find a new psychiatrist to get back on medication. Thanks ??

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Re: E (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

That's not a that's not true I take Xanax and Klonopin both and I'm on Suboxone and I also have a medical marijuana card. That's because I found doctors who treat people by individuality they don't just clump you all together because you're addicted to opiates and decide you can't have your anxiety medication that's not the psychiatrist I've been working with for the last 20 years so yes you can get that it's at the the prescriber or providers discretion.

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Re: Lissylou56 (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

I been on Subutex and Xanax for the past few years, but fortunately my doctor is retiring. I know this is a longshot, but would you share your doctors name.

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Re: Lissylou56 (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Well who is your doc? Cause I can’t find one right now, I need my subs and my Xanax but can’t find a doc to give me the Xanax.

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Re: Jimmy the gent (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Debra Mullins at integrative services

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Re: E (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Yes they wilk i have er docs that do it when i have my siezure then i was admitted before n the same doc prescribed me both at same tine

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