Doctors In Ohio That Easily Prescribe Xanax Or Klonopin (Page 2)


I suffer from anxiety and have severe anxiety attacks several times a day. I use to take xanax and klonopin and they helped so much. Does anyone know of a doctor around north Royalton Ohio that will easily prescribe the two? Thanks.

78 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: Jeremy (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

No doctor will prescribe suboxone and any Bezos together period!!! Most lethal OD combo

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Re: FedUp (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Wish i could find a steady xanax dr or supply. I have ptsd and am diagnosed. My anxiety is crippling. I'm almost a hermit at 36 w 3 kids. It's sad really.

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Re: Stacey (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Would u mind giving me his/her name.
Im a veteran seeking a dr that will actually write prescriptions for anxiety. The VA is useless.

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Re: Meena (# 20) Expand Referenced Message
i cant gwt my meds mu insurance was deopped can anyone help me plz

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Re: Jay (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Most Health Providers accept Checks & Credit Cards in case you don't have insurance

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Re: Sophie (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

The Best Medication for Nerve Damage is Either Gabapentin or Lyrica. Lyrica is Way Stronger & More Effective than Gabapentin. Lyrica also is taken less often & there smaller pills than the Gabapentin. Lyrica Is Extremely Costly.

If You Don't Have Insurance That Covers Lyrica(Not Many Insurance Plans Do) & Your Not Financially Secure, Then Lyrica is Not the Best Option. Gabapentin is Cheaper, Most Insurance plans cover it & it does the job. Lyrica & Gabapentin Have A Very Similar Effect.

Unfortunately, in my experience with Gabapentins, (800mg tablets) They Were Way Too Strong 4 Me. Plus I Have a High Tolerance 2 These.
Best Bet Is To Try The Lyrica 1st. Hope This Helps....

Some Doctors don't like 2 prescribe lyrica cause it's a controlled substance. Schedule 4 or 5. Not quite Sure. Less side effects than Gabapentin. I seized out bad & almost died from the 800mg tabs of Gabapentin. 300mg-400mg 2- 3 Times Daily Is Much Safer & REMEMBER, LESS IS MORE....

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Re: Stacey (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

My Dr went up and closed practice. I need a Dr who will write Xanax for my condition. Having hard time finding a new Dr. Can you please help me?

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Re: Stacey (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on Xanax for seven years and now they want to take away something that works great on me. Anyone know a Dr who may be willing to help me?

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I'm 36 and have been on xanax for 20 years. I was on 8 mg a day till like 24 and slowly have gone down since. To shorten this my current doc put me on 1mg a day. I know this isn't supposed to be a long term medication but that's what I need it to be if I don't want to be either miserable or on drugs again because I'm self medicating. I live in Cincinnati and need a new doc. I'll pay cash, drive wherever, heck, I would get on an airplane once a month and fly across the country if needed to not feel this way.

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Re: Jimmy the gent (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I’ve been looking as well. My doctor just suddenly retired in Columbus. I’m on disability for anxiety but can’t get treated

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Re: Kurt (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

You must realize that is called Doctor Shopping and is considered a felony due to the nature of obtaining controlled substances by fraud?

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Life stance... i do telehealth from Dayton, Ohio with psychiatrist from Louisville/Fort Thomas, Cinci. Dr AReynolds.

without any issue at all on 1st 'visit' received continuation of: clonazepam 2mg x4/day, Adderall 20mg x3/day, plus my saphris and added abilify. added also zolpidem for short term.

look up life stance, for psychiatry, they are all over Ohio.

And as mentioned... it's the way you handle yourself as well. just state you're needing a new psych that can continue 'said' meds. be calm concerned and again calm but kinda ... near tears, while anxiously depressed. calm, patient, and greatful for any and all help.

say to the person helping find doc for you, your ins, and continuing med needs.

NOW. I did state i am in Dayton Ohio...Please, i IMMEDIATELY, NEED a new pain clinic. i am on Dilaudid, Baclofen, and Lyrica.

CAN ANY/ALL respond with specific locations taking Anthem Dual Advantage? Really any leads and i can't ask about ins.

Pain Clinic (or?) for my ongoing healthcare for the chronic, end stage diagnosed: back, spinal, nerve, bone and joint issues.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Samsho216 (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Contact Dr Ike in Canton Oh it’s close to the mall

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Re: Jimmy the gent (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Dr. Donald Woodard off broad st in Columbus Ohio. Very close to mount Carmel east. Look up Donald Woodard online and he pops right up! Good luck!

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Re: Brigitte (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I too suffer from Severe Anxiety, and am 73 years old an a Disabled Vietnam Veteran, I was taking Xanax from my primary Doctor at the VA, but some years back he took me off them, but now the Anxiety has come back stronger than ever. I am to old to endure this suffering, and just need to relax again I need help from someone out there. I would like to take a low dosage of Alprazolam if possible which made me relax so good back then. Can I find a Doctor who could subscribe something online for me

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Re: LIVINGHEALTHY15 (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Go to a Psychiatrist look them up. That should be easy to get on. I’m on it and been on it since 1st grade

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Re: Jeremy (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I need one too. You have any luck? For my subs I send pic of lab test to get my script, it’s fast and easy. Now looking for xanax doc.

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Re: Joseph (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

U didn't answer one damn thing she asked

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Applegate recovery in Bossier City, Louisiana Dr Brandy Peacock. She didn't even look at my records because I said I had clonazepam prescribed to me before but I lied and she prescribed me subutex 8 mg 90 a month and clonazepam 1 mg 60 a month. The visit and medicine filled & all free covered by Medicaid. I don't think that Dr Brandy Peacock is accepting anymore patients under Medicaid but you can self pay thought. She will allow new patients for self pay. It's well worth it because I don't know any, I mean any other Dr here in Shreveport Bossier that still prescribes 90 Subutex. And then if you want Clonazepam just tell her & she'll prescribe it to you.

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Re: Jay (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I'm pretty sure DR. Brandy Peacock checks her online reputation from time to time. When she reads this information from you, I wouldn't think you will be asked to return?

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