Doctors In Michigan That Prescribe Methadone (Page 4)
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I'm interested in finding a private doctor's office (not a clinic) that will prescribe methadone. I can't afford these clinics! Does anyone know of a doctor???

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Can you help me with the name of your Doc who writes Methadone ? I'm in Ky .but moving back to Mich. cause my Mother in law needs us to take care of her . I am taking methadone and would like to transfer .THX.

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Hi I go to the cherry health clinic I'm grand rapid mi and I really need a doctor I'm sick of having to ruin my life and child's going EVERY SINGLE DAY WHEN I CAN GO to a DOCTOR ONCE A MONTH please help me find a doctor that could help I live in Greenville mi and it's a 45 minute drive just to get dosed and a lot of cash out of pocket just for a ride plz help if you can

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How were you able to go from a clinic TO a doctor that was willing to prescribe? Seems like that's almost unheard of?

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I surely feel for you. My original PCP was writing fentanyl patches (100mcg/here) and Percocet (10mg.) for me, then bam she was gone. Her replacement didn't have time to read my very large file but insisted I needed to get off ALL THESE MEDS. She wrote them for 2 months and then cut me off cold turkey. Withdrawls were bel, pain was worse.
I now have a PM Dr that I love. She gives me methadone and it is working better than anything I've ever tried. I have a life again and can take good care of my 2 small adopted daughters (4 & 6)
I hope you find a Dr soon and can get back to your life.
Where about in Michigan are you? We are near Lansing.

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Reply to post about methadone: actually a pcp can write them, unless there's been severe changes. They need a course in how to use an treat with it or something pertaining to that which is a simple thing for them to do; same as sub drs, it's not like they have to continue school for months, yrs of training or anything, I'd have to recheck but it's more like a quick training course that's offered. I'll look into this because I had internal family dr's give it to me before for pain. I will also pull up the names of these dr's for you that can prescribe it. I lost my dr last wk, closed without notice. I went to get meds, results an that's when I found out. The girl said I was just going to call you, the dr has been closed now for 2 weeks, wth.. So I have an appointment an no one calls 2 weeks ago to let me know so I could start looking for yet again another dr an not be left without my medications...

I suffer daily I'm lucky to be able to get up for a few hrs a day, so my heart goes out to all that truly needs pain meds!! Sorry if this part upsets anyone but over the past 15yrs of the gamut of pain dr's it was so frustrating as you sit in waiting room and listen to well over half of the patients just waiting to get there meds so they could go make x amount or trade for crack ect... As yrs have gone by its got so much harder to be able to find a dr that's good, listens ect,..I believe some of this is because of those patients that didn't need, plus yrs of selling has increased addiction, overdoses and now with a decrease in drs willing to prescribe we have a opiate epidemic!! 30yrs ago they were not wanted like today. There was other stuff that ppl wanted but not a lot cared much about pills. We were just talking about this the other day!! I feel ppl that get them an dont need to,,really has made life more challenging and has ruined it for the ppl that truly are in chronic daily pain and trying to get just some of their life back.

A lot of chronic pain patients have no choice but to turn to the streets to get the medications they need; and where do most get them from? -the person bragging in the waiting room so they can go make some quick money ect!!! I don't know how their getting any meds when ppl with legitimate pain are playing hell.. Anyway, I'm not sure how I can post the names of the dr's that can rx methadone. I'll have to check into all this but my head just isn't working well today, pain does you in, mentally and physically.. I only wish there was a way us true chronic pain patients could communicate an help one another with drs ect... I haven't had good luck over my 18yrs having chronic daily pain every min of the day. I've lost 5 drs, none my fault. 1 moved, 2 went to prison and 2 closed without notice. What luck.. Also 4 were not pain management. My 1st dr was but after a couple yrs he told me with the problems you have I'm sending you to a md. He's not a pm dr but they can write your scripts, there's no since you have to come 3hrs to see me to get your meds.

So he sent me to a regular dr that took over writing my meds, which I'm thankful he did because within a yr he was in jail. He was great and caring but some of these dr's get money hungry once they get a taste of how much they can make an we know the rest and no not all of them do! Then the dr that took over for him he just up an closed down with no warning yrs later, but I thought it worked out in the long run because I now had a dr 20min away verses 3hrs and I thought he was great until I started hearing things an he told me himself that the dea was after him. His office was never full, but had 3 offices. I still couldnt understand they said he killed patients! I thought that's a patient's responsibility. I found out later he had been writing them scripts for methadone 90-120 at a time and would give them 2 refills per month. Jails had called him about these pts, their family's had, hospitals did, pharmacies had them red flagged.

I had seen him for yrs and he ended up doing me so wrong at the end, I didn't feel sorry for him. He ended up causing me to have a heart attack and now this just happens yet again as another dr closed and I don't know where to turn. Going cold turkey off this stuff isn't good. The withdrawals I really don't get super bad but I think it's due to the pain over rides them. Idk, but the pain's awful. I will look into how to possible get the names out,without causing problems so everyone has the option to find help they need. The list was dr's not clinics for methadone. I know a lot are taking sub, but if your in pain they don't help. Sorry for such a long post..Took me awhile. I had to come back,,this pains awful and I'm just so stressed going off meds. The pain has sky rocket. Guess I vented a bit much too, lol, but I'll do some checking on this as soon as I can and see what or how I can let ppl know. I have to find a dr and don't know where to turn, or best places to start looking here in michigan because most want a referral and I lost my pcp that wrote my meds so I'm not able to get a referral. So I'm not sure what to do myself..Best wishes to all..I haven't posted here so I'm knew learning rt from wrong what can be posted.

Editor's Note: Please note that while we do not allow personal contact information to appear on our site,
there is nothing wrong with sharing verifiable doctor or clinic details.

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As far as using methadone for pain, its the best and i didn't build a tolerance, however the clinics tell us off the bat, they're using it for addiction and to not ever mention you use it for pain, which is what it is, a pain med and a very good one. The federal laws are so strict is why drs don't prescribe it.

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Im looking for a Doctor Who can prescribe my methadone I was attending a clinic for 2 1/2 year but now that I'm back working and taking classes on top of being a single mom going to a clinic every day and schedule of meetings and scheduled groups it's really hard with my schedule it worked out great in the beginning but things have changed I really need a private physician who can help me

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Looking for a pain clinic that prescribes pain medication like methadone in Michigan. I prefer it to be in Dearborn or any area down the river of Southgate, Wyandotte, Lincoln Park or Allen Park.

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I am in same boat as you, due to my doctors retirement. I have found a couple, in Wisconsin, one is an addictionologist, who will want to try you on suboxtone. In case u r still looking, feel free to reply. {edited for privacy}. What state are u in? & if u already found one please let me know. If I find one soon, I'll check back in with you. Thanks so much.

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I don't want to hear lies that they can't... I want help. All these posts and no names.

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Me too Bryan... BIOMED can suck my toe then go to where eternal fire is

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I need one in or near macomb Michigan too. I refuse to go to an abusive clinic again. Security broke my rib at BIOMED

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Hi Bryan . not biomed or sacred We both know how abusive they are

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I haven't found anyone that will t ago when new chronic pain patients...Wish I could...What's up with Dr. Parker

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Clinics are abusive to their patients and no one cares or helps us but quick to stop doctors from prescribing it. My clinic is awful, Biomed in Roseville

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I live in Flint, MI. I have spinal stenosis and spondylothesis and had two back surgeries and i am in chronic pain. I was on fentanyl and my dr would not take me off them so i am looking for a new doctor. Thanks. {edited for privacy}

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The problem with publicly posting names of prescribers willing to prescribe adequate pain relieving narcotics is for those seeking sources to those professionals.More then a few have lost there doctors after sharing their names and later being mobbed by these folks and the DEA pulling there licenses.I wish there was a safe way to communicate these providers for those truly in need.Im not sure how that's possible.Any ideas??

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Hello, could you point me in the direction of the above post you mentioned might refer people to a DR that will at least possibly write scripts for LEGITIMATE health issues? I was on Tyl 3 and Tramadol and refused to be on anything stronger but my DR recently moved out of State and my new DR is only giving me 20 of each a month down from 120. It is just ridiculous and I dont have time for this as I have a family and a career that cant just stop because im in a lot of pain. Thank you.

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Are you talkong about dr darrel parker in milan mi? Over by ann arbor ypsilanti area??? If so i hv some info on him as i used to see him

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Dr darrel parker in milan mi he works right dwn town milan.

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