Doctors In Louisiana That Prescribe Methadone For Chronic Pain (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been taking 120 mg of methadone for approximately 5 years. My husbands job transferred us from Florida to Louisiana where I found a pretty good pain doc. He is now running scared and wants to take me off of methadone. Methadone has given me a good quality of life; I am able to work and be a productive member of society. My doctor is unwilling or unable to assist me in finding a new doctor who will continue my meds. Oh yeah, I have been the route of blocks and injections and gotten little if any relief. I'm tired of being branded a drug seeker-I have years of medical records that back up my claims and verify the dosages that I've been on-what drug seekers have this kind of back up? I am looking for a Louisiana doctor, but am willing to travel (within reason of course). Please help!!
oh man I was in the same postition. I was shot in the back and had 4 surgeries and was told I'd suffer chronic pain the rest of my life. This was in New Jersey. I had NP getting 120 a day of meth from the pain clinic. As soon as I moved to pittsburgh, PA, The ONLY way I can get over 20mg a day is to go to a clinic witch I've had to do for the past 3 years. Granted I only have to go 1 time a week now. I did have to go every day, I'm urine tested every month and treated like a herion addict. It's either this or go to the pain clinic and be treated with 80mg oxycontin and fentanyl patches, witch just made me stoned out of my mind 24/7. On the Methadone I can work. and live a normal life. It's a shame there's such a stigma attached to it.
are u still looking for a dr if u r then i will give u my email my dr is currently taking new patients
Hi Everyone - I also live in Louisiana & I think I have some good news! I have information about a few good doctors in Louisiana that will help y''all. I just need to know what city or town you live in, how far you're willing to travel & a few other things. I'm on methadone & have been for almost 7 years. I am so sorry ALL of you are going through this. I'll be praying for you. Unfortunately, they will hide my email address if I type it out (for my protection), I'm gonna give it to y'all, but it's going to look weird. You can reach me at- {edited for privacy} ~ I hope y'all have a good day!
Yes I am looking for a new doctor, life situations have changed now with a new beautiful baby girl, that I dont think its fair to make the kids go along. But just last Sunday i was jumped and robbed right on camera on clinic property with my children seeing every bit. I did not even fight back, im serious about my recovery and wasnt going to risk gettin tossed. But i guess i should have, b.c they arent even doing anything at all about it, sweep it under that the rug. Now im the one who is looking to transfer elsewhere, the rcm monroe is full of nepotism,double standards, and just plain and simple a joke. 75 cash a wk for diluted medication. I should be at an optimal blocking dose if it truly was 100mg but i can get high as if im not even on it. Im running out of options. Im uber sick and gotta try to guest dose today cuz its getting bad, i gotta drive from my moms so i need clinics off that interstate. Thank you all, just for the dicussion. I havent slept in 5the days, i got a few pills stashed, dilly and a MoMofeen60. Took em and body chewed thru em in less than an hour. Sweatin like a pig,,,,,,ick.
I have a same experience. I was moved to Louisiana but now I had to move back to California because my Doctors who are in California are very caring. Louisiana Doctor doesn't care about your pain. In fact, Methadone does not damage the immune system. In fact, several studies suggest that HIV-positive ,hepatitis, or back pain patients who are taking methadone are healthier and live longer than those drug users who are not on methadone. So we are not Drug User as this Louisiana doctor think.
Well I see them both and I love them !!! And who cares if it's his boyfriend ! Are you homophobic ? I get the best care possible there for myself
Sara, There are 8 methadone clinics in Louisiana. If you have records ask your doctor to refer you to a pain clinic. If he won't,contact one and tell them you just came from Florida or not ,and they should treat your pain. Pain clinics will give methadone if needed or other medicine for pain.
im rxd 150mgs of methadone a day for sever pain from a motocross accident a few years back, I'm 21 years old now, i have a great doctor and she helps me anyway she can, i go in once a month and get 450-10mg pills, not many doctors want 2 script methadone for pain. thats exactly what my doc has told me countless times, your best bet is a methadone clinic, sucks but is what it is.
My wife and i are moving back to louisiana she needs a doctor who will prescrib methadone she has been on the clinc for 15 years for pain it would be nice not to have to go to the clinc because it has become relly crazy at them.
in your back yard Dr Troy Beaucordray 504-885-3737 he writes takes all insurance cash state or private, does not test for cannabis. pretty too ladies, you will get something first visit. he gives you 3 month hard copies. he works east jeff for hospital calls! Great bedside manner he cares and writes blessings
You may have problems trying to get Methadone for chronic pain or anything other pain meds after going to a Methadone Clinic for addicts. Usually drs will shy away from treating addicts for chronic pain. Unless your medical records state that you're receiving the Methadone for chronic pain and not addiction.
Dr. Troy Beaucoray in Metairie, he does not care if you smoke cannabis. The phone number to reach him at is 504-885-3737
Sure are a lot of requests for help but not much of anything in answers on this site.
It's very frustrating how drug abusers have given these pain medications a bad name. These medications were intended for people with chronic illnesses, who are under a doctor's care and have legitimate prescriptions for them. They are also very effective, safe pain relievers when taken the way they were intended to be taken! It's a real shame what the FDA is doing to those of us who suffer every day and can no longer get the proper medication to help us!
I know u have had many people tell you to go to a methadone clinic and that is almost the only way to get it in louisiana. But make sure u do NOT tell the clinic that u need it for pain because I made that mistake and they turned me away!! Said they can only treat addicts!! So good luck!!
I live in pennsylvania. I found a doctor who put me on methadone in lancaster. I moved 1 &1/2miles away and still made the trip every month.He recently had to retire due to Parkinsons. now im in Levittown and I cant find a doctor willing to write me methadone. There is a war goin on in this state for years.The pa government is trying it's best to make prescriptions illegal. They want people who have serious chronic pain to stand in line like a junkie and get dosed every day. I have advanced neuropathy and ostio arthritus as well as progressive nerve damage from three failed back operations.
Methadone is the only thing that works for me.I went the oxycontin way and got addicted in less then a year/I dont get any high from methadone. It just handles my pain.I feel that we who are on methadone for pain should stop sitting by and letting government take our rights away.We need to start standing up with partitions and telling them what makes it so effective.
Dr.Troy Beaucordray
(504) 885-3737
2905 Kingman Street
Metairie, LA 70006
United States
There sure are a ton of people asking for pain doctors who prescribed methadone but no answers. I would say even if you could find a doctor in Louisiana, it's pretty dangerous getting one that you can trust and rely on. It appears they are routinely closing, cutting patients off or getting spooked and just stop prescribing. The state seems backwards on this subject. I gave up and just stayed in the Northwest where legitimate patients with legitimate painful conditions can still get treated with methadone if that's what it takes.
i definitely understand in the feeling..I've been on it for 6years..I dont know what part of Louisiania your moving to.. i live here, itll be easiest to go to a methodone clinic. 504-524-7205 (brd)
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