Doctors In Louisiana That Prescribe Methadone For Chronic Pain (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been taking 120 mg of methadone for approximately 5 years. My husbands job transferred us from Florida to Louisiana where I found a pretty good pain doc. He is now running scared and wants to take me off of methadone. Methadone has given me a good quality of life; I am able to work and be a productive member of society. My doctor is unwilling or unable to assist me in finding a new doctor who will continue my meds. Oh yeah, I have been the route of blocks and injections and gotten little if any relief. I'm tired of being branded a drug seeker-I have years of medical records that back up my claims and verify the dosages that I've been on-what drug seekers have this kind of back up? I am looking for a Louisiana doctor, but am willing to travel (within reason of course). Please help!!
She sue doctor for stop RX her methadone in California. She won !! She won because her doctor couldn't fix her pain and ingore her the need of methadone. She won a lot .. She didn't tell me how much she won. I was happy that she has methadone over a year til 94 years old. I has Chonric pain and took methadone for 8 years. In Louisiana , any doctor refuse and call it addict. What the heck Pharmacy has methadone for? Oh oh I get it he want me to keep complain my pain went to hospital to waste government money again and again. I want to save government money for the live of pain person by RX them their need. Yes I can sue! Hospital charge government $3000 per day and one little pain pill in big bottle. Yes We can sue. Don't let government go broke. We need government strong support and not robbing them. Doctor do and that sad. Yes we can sue.
laura, Put Louisiana Medical Society AND Closing a medical practice im your search bar. The site will come up in the list, go there and read what it says about what drs are to do when they are closing their medical practice. If your dr did the things he was suppose to do, there is nothing you can do about your medical records.
SlickyNicky, just remember if you see a dr in another state that isn't Licensed to Practice Medicine in Louisiana that after August 1, 2014, if you want to get the entire rx filled, you will have to get it filled in another state besides Louisiana.
You now have to go to pain management I Louisiana I lived thier .there is alot of dc that will help you just has to be pain management.
Go to the clinic in Breaux bridge or Baton Rouge.
No not at all!!! I'm just going by what I've been told by others. Nothing against any of them.
I'm an addict in recovery and they won't really see anyone who has had any sort of trouble with pain meds. I'm looking for a methadone dr bc that's the only meds I feel safe taking.
Crackower is not who you want to see.
I love him I'm sorry ! As long as your a legitimate patient there is no problem ! So sorry you couldn't get your fix from him because he isn't a pill pusher!
Wasn't looking for a fix and I've never seen him. Methadone is the only thing that works for me and that I feel safe taking. You are a very judgmental and act better than when we are all just trying to get better and live quality lives.
Anesthesiology and pain consultants on Kaliste Saloom. It's a group of drs. (337) 988-5646. I haven't gone yet. Getting my records ready. My friend sees them and speaks very highly of them.
Judgemental ? Your the one saying crackhower is not the one you want to see ?!? Sounds like your the one judging ?! Why would I be writing on here if he didn't !!!! I**** !
My Dr. is cutting all patients off of methadone.I have screws & bolts in my back from my 4th surgery.I cannot stand up straight plus I have triple multiple Scoliosis.I live in New Iberia .I really am panicking,can someone tell me names of Dr.s who give methadone.Nothing else works for pain.I would be so grateful.Bless You.
Pain and anestesiology consultants in Lafayette on kaliste saloom.
My pain management doc in Baton Rouge will no longer prescribe methadone, although he had me on it many years. He says doctors are phasing it out for chronic pain but it sounds like a witch hunt to me! Can anyone recommend a pain clinic who has not developed this hang up?
I have a doctor who I've been going to for 10 years. He has me on 80mg methadone a day. He is very strict and doesn't take patients under 30yo. You also have to have documentation for your injuries (i.e.) MRI....
I truly feel for all of you that are looking for doctors. When all of our clinics quit prescribing.....makes no sense......and sending everyone, even my 70 year old, 100% disabled mother! to the pain clinic and there was nothing they could do for her, The clinics STILL would not take her because she is a chronic pain patient even though she has never taken anything stronger than hydrocodone and, in 20+ years had her dose changed once. I have to take her to a clinic that is over an hour drive, one way, just for her to get her meds. On the plus side, she really loves her new doctor. I am a nurse who ran a private clinic for years and we would NEVER turn a patient away due to chronic pain! Even today! The DEA, FDA, and politicians have got to STOP getting in the way of doctors and their patients. I am also a chronic pain patient and see the same doc my mother does but my pain is not treated as well as hers. That is partly due to the fact that I will never chance taking oxycodone again after I got Actavis brand a month ago and went through hell with it. Now I'm back on hydrocodone that doesn't work well for me. Never more than 6 per day. No, my doc doesn't try to make me suffer.... in fact, he doesn't have to treat me at all, but he does. One thing I will NEVER understand, though, is why new docs will not keep patients on the med(s) that have been working for them. It's ludicrous! So, you disrupt a patients life just so YOU can be a doctor instead of listening to the patient and going by their medical records? Makes no sense at all! If I was a doctor, I would listen to my patients. You can't feel their pain and you can't decide what will work best for them unless they tell you. What is this world coming to? I don't blame the addicts either.....they DO have a disease and 95% of them would tell you they wish they weren't addicts. The doctors just need to learn how to handle the situations instead of going from one extreme to the other......from millions of pills given per month down to nothing! What kind of sense does that make? Yes, I blame the doctors for this so-called epidemic!
If you've been going to a Methadone Clinic, even if it is for the treatment of your pain. You won't find a dr who will take you because Methadone Clinics are for the treatment of opiate addiction.
I have been on narco 10\325 for 7 years for my RA and my doctor can no longer write my script because of the change in laws. I have medicaid so no pain manegment will doctor will see me. I need to find a pain manegment doctor that's taking new patients and exsepts cash payment. I live in Leesville,LA Vernon parish
Louisiana pain specialist in marerro
con71446, there are no changes in federal, state or medicaid laws that say a regular dr can't prescribe pain meds. Medicaid providers choose not to because of the hassel they can get from Medicaid if the are high prescribers. But, that has to do with the politicians in Washington and not any changes in laws. The cost of seeing a pain managment dr is very expensive when you have to pay it out of pocket.
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