Doctors In Louisiana That Prescribe Methadone For Chronic Pain (Page 16)
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I have been taking 120 mg of methadone for approximately 5 years. My husbands job transferred us from Florida to Louisiana where I found a pretty good pain doc. He is now running scared and wants to take me off of methadone. Methadone has given me a good quality of life; I am able to work and be a productive member of society. My doctor is unwilling or unable to assist me in finding a new doctor who will continue my meds. Oh yeah, I have been the route of blocks and injections and gotten little if any relief. I'm tired of being branded a drug seeker-I have years of medical records that back up my claims and verify the dosages that I've been on-what drug seekers have this kind of back up? I am looking for a Louisiana doctor, but am willing to travel (within reason of course). Please help!!

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HELP!!! Need to find a new pain management dr. Anywhere in Louisiana I am on Methadone100mg hydrocodone 40mg & Xanax 2mg daily, my dr in Lafayette is retiring in oct. my Email is {edited for privacy}. If anyone knows plz

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sasha smith,

Louisiana Medicaid (BayouHealth) will not pay for Pain Management. Only if you have Medicare and Medicaid, not just Medicaid.

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Suboxone takes at least a month and half to detox off of... I know :( I'm not trying rude. I'm going through the sub detox right now and damn does it hurt :(

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My dad has been on methadomes for over 6 years, and his doctor is now retired,he needs a doctor asap, please help!!

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I seen your post... I live in kenner and really need to find one because I quit going to the clinic and only have about to days left.. {edited for privacy}

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Did you ever find one? I am looking myself.. Please help if you know one I live in kenner

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I need a doctor as close to New Orleans Louisiana or Baton Rouge as possible who writes methadone

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Yes, I am having the same problem. All the clinics in Louisiana want to do the liquids and I don't want that. I have been on 30 mgs of methadone a day for cronic pain and arthritis, hydrocodone 10/500 and my xanax. Could you please help me with a dr.? Please.

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maybe you should try a veterinarian....

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Swampdawg...check out post 37 that was meant for you....

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sorry I miss read your post I thought it was 20 years....

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you have been on methadone for 20 years and you don't see the problem there,you have better check out the page called denial.....I have been on the program for fifteen years and I certainly know what my problem is,with the record you have its know wonder drs are leery....

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can you help?? my pain doctor is retiring in October and I need to find someone else as soon as possible because he is weaning me off and has been for 3 months I am now at 25 percent of my normal dose.... can hardly move

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M-Man. Can you please help me. I and my wife have been rx'd m-done for 20 years. I couldn't afford our dr in Lafayette anymore and we have insurance. Is your dr taking new patients ? I have my med records and history, also pharmacy printouts. We have been trying to find help for a month. I get turned away at the front desk. Been to er and was turned away. I'm not an addict or never have been. Have 20 years of drug test results. Very desperate.

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I use to go to a doctor in Galiano La. At the Lady of the Sea clinic, Dr. Walter Byrdsal and he was giving me 150mg a day. But I decided to quit and did a subutex detox in his office for a few days but it did not help my detox, I suffered for almost 3 weeks, thought I was going to loose my mind, but I finally got through it and will never get on methadone again. I've detoxed off of oxycontin and it was bad, but only for a few days. Methadone gets in your bone marrow and it is a slow gradual intense detox that i never want to experience again.

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I have same problem as Sara & Knot does about finding real help for a real problem I've had with spinal damage since I was 25 when I first broke my back. Doctors think taking the pill is worse than dealing with pain. Of-course their not dealing with any pain. My doctor cares more about he's cows (that he has for tax deduction) than he cares for his patents. What can a person do to find a doctor who's willing to live up to that hippocratic oath they take to become a doctor. Please help if you can.

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Who is your dr in lafayette accepting new patients?

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please tell me what Dr. you see in Breaux Bridge, I live in lafayette and am so sick of the methadone clinic, I also do well with a lower dose and the clinic doesn't like that. I am looking for a dr. who will write it out right without all the politics

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HI. I am in Slidell, La. I am willing to drive up to 2 hours, if absolutely necessary.

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I couldn't see your email BionicC. I need to know where doctor that willing give me methadone for chronic pain. Im in Florien,La. If I give you email and they maybe block my email,too. {edited for privacy}

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