Doctors In Houston That Will Prescribe Xanax (Page 2)
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I just moved to Houston and have suffered from severe anxiety for the past ten plus years and really need to find a psychiatrist or doctor that is willing to prescribe Xanax. I'm up ALL night fighting constant anxiety attacks and it's an impossible daily struggle to get through my work day without having to stop whatever I might be doing to fend off an attack. I can't afford to lose my job and I just don't know what else to do. I refuse to buy the stuff off the sheet because I can't afford to get in trouble..... Please, any help with a doctor in Houston that will prescribe Xanax would very gratefully appreciated.

60 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Jay (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Because of the new laws (much has changed since Billy posted), you would probably need to see separate providers

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Re: billy (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I need a Dr to prescribe me Xanax and hydrocodones

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Re: Blind and waiting (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Where's mich mconnel I need xanex bad for my panic attacks

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Re: Kirstie (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

Did you find a doctor?

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Hi. My Name Is Kirstie I Am 29 Years Old. I Have Anxiety Disorder And I Am Looking For A Doctor That Can Prescribe My Xanax And Up The Dose To 5mg. If You Need To See Me In Person For You To Prescribe My Xanax To Me Then We Can Do That Too. Please And Thank You. Good Bye

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Re: Casey (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

You will never find a doctor to prescribe Xanax AND adderall. Good luck.

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Re: Carl (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Carl I’m looking for a doctor to prescribe klonopin in Houston so I can do a speech that I have but they won’t prescribe! What doc did you use?

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Re: Johngianni (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

He will prescribe? Do you ask for it by name or what do you tell him?

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I am looking for a doctor who Will prescribe me Xanax in Houston. I have been taking Klonopin and I need something that works quick.

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Wow you guys are serious...I thought I was over doing by taking 1/2 of 1mg pill three or four times a week to claim my mind and get sleep. Meagan taking 6mg a day. How do u stay awake?

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Julie (# 12) rosewoodn family physicians dr william davis

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I have United Health Care thru Medicaid & need to find a new psychiatrist for ligament. reasons & am also needing to be prescribed back on adderoll & xanax....i need a Houston, TX

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Thank you very much, im suffering from major anxiety attacks, and i cant seem to find anywhere in beaumont to go for help. I was on clonazepam, but xanax or any kind of benzo would be a life saver right now. Appreciate it more than you can imagine!!

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I can't seem to find a xanax doctor in Texas... I've been on 3mg a day for 12yrs...from PA. My scripts ran out, and i'm experiencing major panic attacks. Need help. In search of self-pay or any doctor really?? I'm in Beaumont.

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@Megan - money should be no concern to you - Right now you are in danger of having a stroke, organ failure, or worse yet DEATH stopping 6 mg a day cold turkey

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I've been on xanax for awhile, but now doctors won't prescribe them to me. Does anyone know of any doctor who will?

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My psychiatrist of four years got in arrested for malpractice, and his replacement doesn't fill Xanax. I have seriously debilitating anxiety to where I was prescribed three 2 mg daily. Please help me find a cheapish doctor since I'm young and don't have insurance. Thanks

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What's the name of the doctor, for God's sake, I am desperate. Seeing a doctor now near Spring Texas, an 83 year old horrible shrink who will give me the Xanax, but I just can't deal with him any more. He is mean, nasty and doesn't believe there are any side effects or withdrawal from having taken me off Klonopin cold turkey, but said I can't go off the Xanax too because it will kill me.

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any gp can write a script for anything they want. They dont want to do the extra paperwork xanax requires. Pharma is trying to get it off the market cuz it's only $10 a month & no side effects - no profit margin either. I have PTSD & eyes that hemorrhage when I stress out. Mirtazapine didn't keep my eyes from bleeding but I came close to blowing my brains out - now that's good treatment. Thank Mitch McConnell's dumb ass for all this

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Thank Mitch McConnell (who can get whatever he wants whenever he wants). They don't give a s*** about us or vets or anyone but themselves.

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